Discourse of religious pluralism in Indonesia
Published 2011“…Many, accordingly, have attempted to propose the concept and theory of “religious pluralism” in order to provide a peaceful and humane solution to the problem. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Inclusivism and Religious Plurality : A Quranic Perspective
Published 2018“…Inclusivism and living within a religiously plural context are not alien to Islam. Rather, many parts of the Quran speak about them and extoll their virtues.…”
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Commentary -
Religious Pluralism and Peace: Lessons from the Medina Charter
Published 2016Get full text
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Commentary -
Pluralism and peace in South Asia
Published 2020“…This article examines the relationship between religious pluralism and peace in the context of South Asia. …”
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Journal Article -
Thinking Muhammad Legenhausen's non-reductive pluralism through: some reflections about its implications
Published 2014“…One of the most vibrant contemporary philosophical debates concerns the definition, and defence, of religious pluralism. The philosophers who address such a topic usually hold widely divergent views regarding its exact definition and the arguments through which it can be upheld. …”
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Article -
Analisis konsep Abrahamic Faiths dan kaitannya dengan pluralisme Agama
Published 2012“…In addition to analyzing relationship between religious pluralism that makes the concept of Abrahamic Faiths seen as one of the themes of religious generalizations on the basis of prophetic chronology equation as the way for religious tolerance.…”
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Article -
Konsep Tauhid Menurut Ismail Raji Alfaruqi : Analisis Terhadap Isu-Isu Dalam Pluralisme Agama
Published 2015“…Isu pluralisme agama telah menjadi salah satu isu besar dalam dunia akidah dan pemikiran Islam hari ini. Religious pluralism has become one of the major issues in the world of theology and Islamic thought today. …”
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Thesis -
Konsep Tauhid Menurut Ismail Raji Alfaruqi : Analisis Terhadap Isu-Isu Dalam Pluralisme Agama
Published 2015“…Isu pluralisme agama telah menjadi salah satu isu besar dalam dunia akidah dan pemikiran Islam hari ini. Religious pluralism has become one of the major issues in the world of theology and Islamic thought today.…”
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Thesis -
The future prospect for religious dialogue in Malaysia
Published 2020“…The support to introduce the subject of religious pluralism concept from the Islamic perspective on the discipline of civilizational dialogue to be studied by all devotees of world religions. …”
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Article -
Managing the Catholic identity in Singapore
Published 2010“…The management of a religious identity includes religious commitment, identification and handling the challenges to their beliefs such as religious pluralism, science and history. This paper also examines the extent to which secularization is occurring to these respondents at this point in time.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Analyzing the effects of pluralism and privilege on muslim growth
Published 2022“…Specifically, environments of religious pluralism, where there are legislations promoting religious diversity, results in accelerated religious growth rates. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Icons, Frames, and Language Games: Bruno Latour, On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods
Published 2018“…While Latour distances himself from social constructivism (as a "poor man's creationism"), he fails to recognize the challenges of religious pluralism, asserting that religious speech is not communicable or translatable, a hermetic language game of feeling and gesture. …”
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Article -
Inter-religious dialogue: detrimental to aqidah or medium of da'awah
Published 2022“…Inter-religious dialogue is often misunderstood as a platform to promote religious pluralism which is detrimental to aqidah. However, a case study conducted on three Islamic organizations namely Islamic Propagation Society International (IPSI), Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) and Islamic Information Services (IIS) conveyed that these organizations had implemented inter-religious dialogue as part of their da’wah efforts. …”
Article -
Livin' on a prayer : carving spaces of faith in Singapore
Published 2017“…Singapore is home to 10 official religions, and the country’s religious pluralism is visible in unique ways. During the annual Formula One Grand Prix, for instance, it is a tradition for a group of 10 religious leaders of different faiths to gather at the race track and pray for the safety of the event. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2013“…The lack of inter-religious pluralism values sometimes becomes barrier in religious life of Indonesian society. …”
Thesis -
Pluralistic Islamic cities and the significance of Marrakesh declaration
Published 2019“…This document affirmed the unity of the society in terms of religious pluralism and freedom of religion, but, despite its obvious importance, it has not garnered much study. …”
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