Application of Moringa Leaf Extract as a Seed Priming Agent Enhances Growth and Physiological Attributes of Rice Seedlings Cultivated under Water Deficit Regime
Published 2022-01-01“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of leaf extracts from local and exotic moringa landraces as seed priming agents in rice cultivated under water deficit (75% field capacity) and control conditions (100% field capacity). …”
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Evaluation of Green Super Rice Lines for Agronomic and Physiological Traits under Salinity Stress
Published 2022-05-01“…About one-third of rice cultivated area is under saline soil, either natural saline soils or irrigation with brackish water. …”
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Screening of blast resistance genes in rice breeding samples
Published 2021-12-01“…Current impossibility of expanding rice cultivated areas in the Rostov region and the need to maintain and increase its yield require developing new disease-resistant varieties. …”
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Targeted Phytohormone Profiling Identifies Potential Regulators of Spikelet Sterility in Rice under Combined Drought and Heat Stress
Published 2021-10-01“…Rice cultivated under rainfed or semi-irrigated ecosystems is frequently exposed to a combination of drought and heat stress. …”
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Effects of iron-modified biochar with S-rich and Si-rich feedstocks on Cd immobilization in the soil-rice system
Published 2021-12-01“…To explore the effects of Fe-modified Si-rich and S-rich biochars on Cd translocation in the soil-rice system, a pot experiment was carried out with an acidic Cd-contaminated sandy loam paddy from central South China and a late season rice cultivate during July to November 2018. Rice straw and rice husk were chosen as Si-rich feedstocks, and rape straw was applied as S-rich feedstock, these feedstocks were further collected and pyrolyzed at 450 °C. …”
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Direct and Residual Impacts of Olive-Mill Waste Application to Rice Soil on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Global Warming Potential under Mediterranean Conditions
Published 2022-05-01“…A field experiment was carried in rice cultivated by the traditional system, either unamended (Control) or amended with C-TPOW (Compost). …”
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Is It Possible to Predict the Timing of Mid−Season Drainage by Assessing Rice Canopy Light Interception?
Published 2023-01-01“…The results showed that the CLI indicator at 80% of the projected panicle could be used to predict the initiation of MSD; however, it was highly variable, depending on the growing season and rice cultivated variety. The values for Indica rice were 0.26 to 0.31 and 0.31 to 0.42 in the late and single seasons, respectively, while the values for Japonica rice were 0.15 to 0.29 and 0.23 to 0.33, respectively. …”
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Allelic variants of OsSUB1A cause differential expression of transcription factor genes in response to submergence in rice
Published 2018-01-01“…Abstract Background Flooding during seasonal monsoons affects millions of hectares of rice-cultivated areas across Asia. Submerged rice plants die within a week due to lack of oxygen, light and excessive elongation growth to escape the water. …”
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Silicon Calcium Fertilizer Application and Foliar Spraying with Silicon Fertilizer Decreases Cadmium Uptake and Translocation in Rice Grown in Polluted Soil
Published 2023-04-01“…Rice cultivated in Cd-polluted acidic paddy soil poses important health risks in China. …”
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Effects of Mineral N and P Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Flooded Lowland Rice on Vertisols of Fogera Plain, Ethiopia
Published 2006-10-01“…Therefore, taking the findings of the present study into consideration, it may be tentatively concluded that the farmers at the Fogera plain may apply a combination of 60 kg N and 13.2 kg P ha−1 to improve the grain yield of flooded lowland rice cultivated on heavy black clay soils (Vertisols) under rain fed conditions.…”
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eQTLs Regulating Transcript Variations Associated with Rapid Internode Elongation in Deepwater Rice
Published 2017-10-01“…To avoid low oxygen, oxygen deficiency or oxygen deprivation, deepwater rice cultivated in flood planes can develop elongated internodes in response to submergence. …”
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Published 2019-09-01“…It is estimated that the rice cultivated area in Egypt is estimated at about 1.4 million feddans producing about 3 million tons of rice straw. …”
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Alterações microbiológicas, de fertilidade e de produtividade do arroz de terras altas em diferentes manejos de solo e água = Microbiological, fertility and productivity alteration...
Published 2008-04-01“…This experiment was developed to study microbiological alterations (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), released CO2 (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO2) and mycorrhization), as well as alterations in soil fertility and productivity of upland rice, cultivated under different soil and water managements. …”
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Fenologia e acúmulo de matéria seca em plantas de Murdannia nudiflora durante seu ciclo de vida Phenology and accumulated dry matter accumulation in Murdannia nudiflora along its l...
Published 2003-12-01“…Seeds were sown in 5.0 x 3.0 x 0.2 m in substrates from lowland soil from irrigated - rice cultivated areas. Treatments consisted of 11 different plant harvesting times (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and110 days after emergence) with 6 plants being harvested per time and divided into the following components: Pseudostem, roots and leaves followed by dry matter determination. …”
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Otimização da utilização de marcadores moleculares microssatélites e sua aplicação em estudos com plantas daninhas Optimization of the use of micro-satellite molecular markers in w...
Published 2011-01-01“…The objective of this study was to describe the M13 tailed primer method for the optimization of the use of micro-satellite molecular markers, using as example, a study of hybrid identification between cultivated rice and red rice. Cultivated rice and red rice plants, as well as a hybrid originated from the artificial crossing of these plants were used as model. …”
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Performance of sodium pentaborate and colemanite as sources of boron for rice grown on acid and calcareous soils
Published 2010“…Hence a comprehensive study was initiated to determine the soil B status in soils of the flooded rice cultivated in tropical area of Malaysia and to investigate the effectiveness of different B fertilizer sources and application rates on supplying adequate quantity of B for rice plant. …”
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Influência de manejos pós-colheita do arroz irrigado sobre o banco de sementes de arroz-vermelho Influence of post-harvest management of rice crop on red rice seed bank
Published 2013-03-01“…The objective of this work was to assess the interference of different management techniques after harvest in rice-cultivated areas in reducing the viability of red rice seeds. …”
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Resposta do arroz irrigado ao suprimento de amônio e nitrato Rice growth as affected by combined ammonium and nitrate supply
Published 2009-10-01“…A presença de NO3- é imprescindível para aumentar a absorção de N, melhorando o crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta e a absorção de cátions.<br>In rice cultivated under flooded conditions, the anaerobic condition favors the formation of NH4+ in the soil, and is therefore considered the main available N source for this crop. …”
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Effects of mechanized deep placement of nitrogen fertilizer rate and type on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency in Chuanxi Plain, China
Published 2021-02-01“…This paper investigates the yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of machine-transplanted rice cultivated using mechanized deep placement of N fertilizer in the rice–wheat rotation region of Chuanxi Plain, China. …”
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Retorno da produção de arroz irrigado com cultivares convencionais após o uso do sistema Clearfield® Non-tolerant rice production after using the ClearfieldTM rice system
Published 2010-01-01“…A 30% grain yield reduction is caused by herbicide carryover to non-tolerant rice cultivated in areas where the Clearfield system had been used for three years. …”
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