News in China’s new information environment: dissemination patterns, opinion leaders and news commentary on Weibo
Published 2013“…An analysis of influential users highlighted the importance of Weibo as both an information provider and a distribution platform, and of robot accounts in news forwarding. It was found that individual opinion leaders tend to be most influential when they forward information that matches their area of expertise. …”
Conference item -
Learning higher-order logic programs
Published 2019“…We conduct experiments on four domains (robot strategies, chess playing, list transformations, and string decryption) that compare learning first-order and higher-order programs. …”
Journal article -
Goal-conditioned end-to-end visuomotor control for versatile skill primitives
Published 2021“…Our model predicts complex action sequences based directly on a dynamic image representation of the robot motion and the distance to a given target observation. …”
Conference item -
Steering self-organisation through confinement
Published 2023“…Examples are found across many scales in very different systems and scientific disciplines, from physics, materials science and robotics to biology, geophysics and astronomy. Recent research has highlighted how self-organisation can be both mediated and controlled by confinement. …”
Journal article -
Design of interacting multi-stable nucleic acids for molecular information processing.
Published 2011“…Despite an exponential increase in computing power over the past decades, present information technology falls far short of expectations in areas such as cognitive systems and micro robotics. Organisms demonstrate that it is possible to implement information processing in a radically different way from what we have available in present technology, and that there are clear advantages from the perspective of power consumption, integration density, and real-time processing of ambiguous data. …”
Article -
Modified feedback configuration for sensor fault tolerant control
Published 2008Conference or Workshop Item -
A neural network based control strategy for reconfigurable manufacturing systems
Published 2005Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Adaptive edge detection and image filtering using light sensor
Published 2005Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Self-checkout e-bistro based on RFID simultaneous price detection
Published 2005Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Study Of Modified Training Algorithm For Optimized Convergence Speed Of Neural Network
Published 2016“…It has applied in different aspects such as pattern recognition, alphabet or digit classification, handwriting recognition, speech recognition, fingerprint identification, data mining, robots and etc. Back-propagation is the most common artificial neural training algorithm, however it is suffering with the slow convergence rate issue. …”
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Thesis -
Moving object detection in a sequence of images taken from non-stationary camera
Published 2004“…It has drawn an increasing attention in the recent years due to its applications such as in communication, traffic monitoring, security surveillance, robot navigation and servoing. Despite the fact that much research efforts have been devoted to this area, detecting moving object using non-stationary moving camera remains a great challenge. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a dodecacopter using Pixhawk 2.4.8 autopilot flight controller
Published 2022Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Moving object detection in a sequence of images taken from non-stationary camera
Published 2004“…It has drawn an increasing attention in the recent years due to its applications such as in communication, traffic monitoring, security surveillance, robot navigation and servoing. Despite the fact that much research efforts have been devoted to this area, detecting moving object using non-stationary moving camera remains a great challenge. …”
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Thesis -
Control engineering : current state and trends
Published 1990“…Marzuki Mustafa -- Variable structure model following control of industrial robots/ Zahari Taha -- Design procedure for digital automatic optimal control for aircraft glideslope tracking/ Bambang P. …”
Frientelligent: Autonomous multi-agent collaboration, competition, and interaction curriculum for young children
Published 2023“…We do this by having students use a web-based interface where they’ll be able to control the different policies a robot can take and see how this makes a difference on their behavior. …”
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Thesis -
A hierarchical dynamic Bayesian learning network for EMG-based early prediction of voluntary movement intention
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
Flexible mechanical sensors mimicking human mechanoreceptors
Published 2024“…As a result, they hold great potential for a range of applications, including robotics, wearable technology, and human-machine interfaces.…”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
MURFI 2016 – From cars to Mars: Applying autonomous vehicle navigation methods to a space rover mission
Published 2017“…Future work will also concentrate on performance enhancements by adapting existing ORI techniques to the specifics of the planetary surface environment, and developing enhanced machine learning autonomy approaches along the path towards the implementation of a true “robot geologist”.</p>…”
Conference item -
Integration of Enhanced Background Filtering and Wavelet Fusion for High Visibility and Detection Rate of Deep Sea Underwater Image of Underwater Vehicle
Published 2017“…This paper presents an enhanced technique for contrast and visibility improvement for deep sea underwater image which is normally used for underwater robot. The proposed technique uses an integration approach of enhanced background filtering and wavelet fusion methods (EBFWF). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item