Kalenderhervorming en 'n skeppingsordinansie
Published 1948-03-01“…By die afbrekende magte wat die bestaan van godsdienstige instellingeen historiese tradisies ondermyn, is nou nog ’n verdere ontbindende element gevoeg, naamlik die voorgestelde Kalender-Hervorming. ’n Wêreldwye en magtige organisasie, Wêreld-Kalender-Vereniging, is al gedurende die afgelope tientalle jare besig om te werk vir die aanname van die nuwe Wêreldkalender deur van handels-, regerings- en ander liggame en vir dieafskaffing van die godsdienstige en historiese Joodse Sabbat, die ChristelikeSondag en die Mohammedaanse Vrydag.…”
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Exegetische Notizen zum Sabbatwort. Ex 20,8-11 bzw. Dtn 5,12-15
Published 2016-09-01“…Eine Untersuchung des "Sabbat-Gebotes" in beiden Dekalogfassungen, speziell in ihrer Beziehung zum Prolog des Dekalogs, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der sprachlichen Aspekte (Verbformen, Nominalsätze) des Textes. …”
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Erediens en kollekte
Published 1960-03-01“…Die Heidelbergse Kategismus verklaar in Sondag 38: „ . . . en dat ek, veralo p die sabbat, dit is op die rusdag, metdie gemeente van God ywerig moet opkom om die Woord van God te hoor,. . . en aan die armes Christelike liefdegawes te bring; . . . ” Die bewysplek uitdie Skrif vir hierdie laaste stelling, is I Kor. 16 : 2 wat lui: „Op elke eerste dagvan die week moet elkeen van julle opsy sit en opspaar namate sy voorspoed is, sodat die insameling nie eers plaasvindas ek kom nie”.…”
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Hechicería, cultura folclórica y justicia capitular. El proceso de Tuama (Santiago del Estero), 1761
Published 2000-01-01“…En particular, nos detenemos en el estereotipo de la salamanca, que presenta algunas similitudes formales con el sabbat europeo y que surge de las confesiones de las reas. …”
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Technologies of the soul: ancient wisdom in the smart nation
Published 2023“…Technologies of the Soul shows us how Asia’s ancient traditions have adapted rituals, sacrifices, prayers, and sabbaticals – and other techniques of the self – to create space outside of time to maintain peace and serenity.…”
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Working Paper -
La part du diable : Jean Wier et la fabrique de l’illusion diabolique
Published 2005-03-01“…Comment Satan forge-t-il ses illusions, celles qui font croire, par exemple, aux métamorphoses des hommes en bêtes ou aux vols nocturnes des sorcières vers le sabbat ? Pour Jean Wier, médecin rhénan qui publie ses Cinq livres de l’imposture et tromperie des diables en 1563, le diable est un prestidigitateur doublé d’un habile médecin, qui sait jouer des mécanismes des humeurs, des songes et de l’imagination pour composer, dans l’esprit de chacune de ses victimes, les effroyables scènes du théâtre diabolique. …”
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Los itinerarios de la conquista: el relato de ‛Arīb
Published 1999-06-01“…Aunque no se nos ha conservado el relato, las citas de que él hacen autores posteriores, especialmente Ibn al-Šabbāṭ (s. XIII), nos permiten conocer casi en su literalidad el texto de ‛Arīb Esta versión de la conquista se asemeja en sus líneas generales a la de al-Rāzī, estudiada en un reciente trabajo en esta misma revista, aunque las diferencias en los detalles son lo suficientemente notables como para considerarla una versión totalmente independiente.…”
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Workers' expectations of the Singapore labour movement.
Published 2011“…In view of the workers’ expectations, we propose flexible work hour schemes, sabbaticals plans, warehouse membership shopping and an expansion of the NTUCs’ social enterprises to increase union participation rates and to help the NTUC fulfill its social responsibility at the same time.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Analysis of pan-African Centres of excellence in health innovation highlights opportunities and challenges for local innovation and financing in the continent
Published 2012-07-01“…The CoEs are envisioned as an innovative network of public and private institutions with a critical mass of expertise and resources to support projects and a variety of activities for capacity building and scientific exchange, including hosting fellows, trainees, scientists on sabbaticals and exchange with other African and non-African institutions.…”
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„A fi” și „a (nu) face”: acțiune și non-acțiune în Sabat
Published 2022-01-01“…To accomplish this, I searched the Hebrew Bible for all the biblical fragments that include the term šabbat, and I selected for analysis those that express in a way or another a connection with action. …”
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The shaping of climate science: half a century in personal perspective
Published 2015-09-01“…I then describe my activities during sabbaticals and research leaves. The paper concludes with discussion of my "retirement" activities and an epilogue. …”
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„A fi” și „a (nu) face”: acțiune și non-acțiune în Sabat
Published 2022-01-01“…To accomplish this, I searched the Hebrew Bible for all the biblical fragments that include the term šabbat, and I selected for analysis those that express in a way or another a connection with action. …”
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Szanse i perspektywy Polski w latach 1989-1990 widziane przez pryzmat opinii „polskiego Londynu”
Published 2013-02-01“…Research was conducted through the analysis of majority of the sources discussing the situation in Poland as well as ongoing transition which occurred during 1989‑1990, supported by historical evidence and opinions and thoughts of émigré community leaders including: last remaining Presidents in Exile Kazimierz Sabbat and Ryszard Kaczorowski as well as the prime minister of the Government of the Republic of Poland in exile prof. …”
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Published 2017-03-01Get full text
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The Present Situation of the Libyan Accounting Research from the Perspective of Faculty Members in the Accounting Departments in Economics Faculties in the Universities of Tripoli,...
Published 2020-12-01“…The study recommended improving the characteristics of accounting research by setting conditions for writing and publishing accounting research, coordinating lists of scientific journals in which it can be published, and supporting the accounting researcher by reducing their teaching burden, activating sabbaticals and preparing specialized training programs to develop their research skills. …”
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The Present Situation of the Libyan Accounting Research from the Perspective of Faculty Members in the Accounting Departments in Economics Faculties in the Universities of Tripoli,...
Published 2021-03-01“…The study recommended improving the characteristics of accounting research by setting conditions for writing and publishing accounting research, coordinating lists of scientific journals in which it can be published, and supporting the accounting researcher by reducing their teaching burden, activating sabbaticals and preparing specialized training programs to develop their research skills. …”
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Leveraging Virtual Experiences for International Professional Development Opportunities During the Pandemic and Beyond
Published 2021-03-01“…Traditionally, international outreach activities have been pursued through distinct platforms like Fulbright programs, sabbaticals, and other international collaborations. …”
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Friedrich Heiler and the Psychology of Religion
Published 2014-08-01“…The author’s analysis reveals that Heiler was very familiar with the studies produced by several early students of the psychology of religion: Leub, Starbuck, and Sabbate. He often employs them to glean examples for his own research but does not take any of them seriously. …”
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Maurice Sachs ou la chronique d’une exclusion
Published 2016-12-01“…Aujourd’hui, seuls Alias, Le Sabbat, Au temps du Bœuf sur le toit, Chronique joyeuse et scandaleuse et La Chasse à courre sont réédités.…”
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