Mortality and culling of adult dairy cows in Jordan: A 3-year study (2016–2018) based on a single intensively managed dairy farm
Published 2022-11-01“…Cow-specific data included the date and month of sale, death or euthanasia, age, parity, reproductive status, and daily milk yield. …”
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Motion Development Program for Parents of Child with Cerebral Palsy
Published 2017-12-01“…This research uses R & D with 4D research design but in this research only in stage 3D or define, design, and develop because writer do not reach the stage of sale or dissemination of product considering the time limitations. …”
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Sikap Pemakai terhadap Pelayanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan Unit II Universitas Gadjah Mada
Published 2007“…Ada tiga komponen yang saling menunjang terbentuknya sikap yaitu komponen kognitif, afrktif dan konatif. …”
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Peranan Kualitas Argumen, Keterlibatan terhadap Isu dan Need for Cognition dalam Komunikasi Persuasi
Published 1994“…Kemudian subjek ditempatkan pada suatu ruang yang diatur sedemikian rupa agar satu sama lain tidak saling berkomunikasi. Kepada subjek diberikan perlakuan yang telah direncanakan (isu dengan argumen kuat, argumen lemah, keterlibatan tinggi, keterlibatan rendah). …”
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Management of feral goats in insular southern Greece: implications for prehistory
Published 2024“…While poachers also kill some of these animals for domestic consumption, many owners capture larger groups alive in traps or drives and then release most females but retain most males for sale to urban butchers. Apart from the status of many feral goats as private property, the distinction between such animals and nearby domestic herds is often obscured by the escape or release of domesticates, by the capture and taming of feral individuals, and by the provision of water and perhaps fodder to discourage feral groups from dispersing. …”
Journal article -
Pendekatan multisektoral dalam perkhidmatan kerja sosial di Malaysia : satu penelitian awal dan implikasi terhadap pendidikan kerja sosial
Published 2011“…Semua sektor dalam sistem penyampaian sosial perlu saling menyokong dan melengkapi untuk menentukan anggota masyarakat yang memerlukan mendapat pilihan perkhidmatan bermutu. …”
Conference or Workshop Item -
Nilai insaniah dalam novel terpilih Sri Rahayu
Published 2013“…Penelitian tentang hubungan sesama insan (Habl Min al-Nas) turut dikesan dalam novel-novel ini antaranya ialah adab pergaulan, amanah dan bertanggungjawab, tolong menolong dan saling menasihati. Dalam aspek kerohanian pula, antara nilai yang ada ialah bersyukur, redha, pemaaf, bertaubat dan kasih sayang. …”
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Thesis -
Application of Hot Water Dip in Reducing Chilling Injury of Banana Cv. Berangan During Low Temperature Storage
Published 2006“…Berangan), being an extremely perishable commodity, requires low temperature storage before sale or consumption. However, chilling injury (CI) symptoms were exhibited when exposed to very low temperatures. …”
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Thesis -
Aplikasi mobil 'ARTitas' dan 'I_DAN' interaktif membina sinergi inovasi dan pemikiran kreatif pengajaran kursus mata pelajaran umum-TITAS
Published 2019“…Kursus ini telah menjadi salah satu kursus yang paling penting untuk semua pelajar MPU di Malaysia disebabkan kandungan kurikulumnya yang mengutamakan pembinaan peradaban, saling menghormati dan pemerolehan nilai-nilai murni daripada tamadun Islam, Melayu, India dan Cina.Komponen asas yang menjadi keutamaan dalam kursus ini adalah untuk memberi input kefahaman, praktikal dan penilaian adil dalam membina peradaban tinggi dalam kalangan pelajar berbagai budaya dan peradaban. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Educação e gestão escolar na América Latina: histórico, desafios e possibilidades
Published 2016-04-01“…This way, our goal is to discuss the school management before a historical context in Latin America, which is dictated by a neoliberal state that does not value the school education and that understands labor as sale of productive force for a salary at the end of the month and not as production of human existence. …”
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The Concept of Muzāra‘ah and Its Implications on Socio-Economic of Society in Cianjur, West Java
Published 2018-10-01“…Dan (3) Implikasi akad muẓāraʻah kehidupan sosial adalah adanya kepedulian antara pemilik lahan dan petani yang diwujudkan dengan saling membantu ketika dalam kesulitan. Namun demikian, perhatian dari pemerintah tetap diperlukan untuk menjamin hubungan baik antara kedua belah pihak yang bekerjasama.]…”
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Published 2018-01-01“…One of the hardest-hit parties in this process is the business model of journalism, especially medium and small, which is no longer supported only as an audience sale to advertisers. Thus, this work uses an analysis of the portal Cidade ON, of Ribeirão Preto, as a basis for analysis of the business model and reflection on the scenario. …”
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Protection of stored potatoes from infestation with the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)(Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) using plant powders
Published 2019-05-01“…Larvae mine in tubers making them unsuitable for sale and consumption. Damage increases rapidly when several generations develop during the storage period. …”
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Genetic parameters and evaluation of mortality and slaughter rate in Holstein and Jersey cows
Published 2023-11-01“…ABSTRACT: The longevity of dairy cattle has economic, animal welfare, and health implications and is influenced by the frequency of mortality on the farm and sale for slaughter. In this study cows removed from the herd due to death or slaughter during the lactation were coded 1 and cows that were not terminated were coded 0. …”
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Part One: Debunking Prevailing Scholarly Views Pertaining to the Apostasy of Alleged Descendants of Shaykh Yusuf of Makassar
Published 2020-07-01“…Their mother is alleged to have been the Shaykh’s daughter, Zytie Sara Marouff (alias Care Sale), and their father, the Rajah or King of Tambora (alias Abulbasi Sultan), a fellow exiled countryman. …”
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Published 2022-06-01“…Profesorul în formare trebuie să fie conștient că practicile sale includ aptitudini de observare, gândire critică și reorganizare a acțiunilor. …”
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Drogas ilegales en escolares de Lima y Callao: factores familiares asociados a su consumo
Published 2009-12-01“…Entre los factores de involucramiento familiar, fueron factores protectores: el conocimiento acerca de la ubicación del hijo por parte de los padres luego de la salida del colegio o en los fines de semana, el control de los padres sobre los programas de televisión que mira el estudiante, el comer junto a los padres entre 4 a 7 días a la semana y el informar a sus padres por parte del adolescente sobre el lugar donde sale en las tardes o fines de semana. Conclusiones: Existe una mayor frecuencia de consumo de drogas entre quienes tienen antecedentes de fracaso e indisciplina escolar así como disfunción familiar. …”
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Effect of Cycocel and Salisilic acid on Morphologic Traits of Brassica Oleracea, Pink Type
Published 2017-08-01“…In some ornamental plants, the control of plant size, vegetative growth and size reduction is necessary to enhance sale. Salicylic acid is a phenolic compound that is produced naturally in plants and on multiple factors affect. …”
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Zoonosis and Foodborne Diseases in Pakistan
Published 2022-06-01“…Besides human IFBD, morbidity and mortality of the animals, there is economic prejudice due to the sale loss of the livers where hydatid cysts predominate (64.4%) [3]. …”
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