Propertied society and public life: the social history of Birmingham, 1780-1832
Published 2013“…This has meant that many subjects that class used to explain (social difference, social relationships and collective actions) are often ignored or undertheorized in current historical scholarship. This thesis examines one of these issues: how should historians understand and analyse the process of social-group formation? …”
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How is the bike made mobile? Learning from bicycle activism and mobilities in Latin America
Published 2022“…In presenting my arguments, I advocate for a more worldly research practice that meaningfully engages with the scholarship, knowledge, and ambitions of researchers and activists in Latin America.…”
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Conceptions of transgression and its consequences in the Mesopotamian exorcistic corpus
Published 2021“…Overall, my findings provide a significant new approach to the understanding of transgression and divine punishment in late Mesopotamian scholarship. This will have further applications for the study of āšipūtu material, as well as for the comparative study of religious thought in Mesopotamia and beyond.…”
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Prolegomena to a critical edition of the Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa, with a discussion of computer-aided methods used to edit the text
Published 2009“…Chapters 2 and 3 comprise a review of the scholarship to date on the Chronicle, and a discussion of the approach taken to a critical edition of the text. …”
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The reception of troubadour poetry in sixteenth-century Italy, from the Questione della Lingua to Giovanni Maria Barbieri’s Arte del Rimare
Published 2023“…</p> <p>This thesis brings together in a single monographic form the many discoveries made by scholarship after the last major contribution on the matter (published in 1911), and at the same time offers a variety of new findings, including a reconsideration of the use of Occitan by Angelo Colocci, a re-evaluation of Varchi’s knowledge and interest for matters of Occitan poetry, and new findings regarding Castelvetro, Varchi, and Barbieri’s Occitan sources.…”
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Examining the transport to school patterns of New Zealand adolescents by home-to-school distance and settlement types
Published 2023“…<p><i>Background:</i> Scholarship on active transport to school has largely focused on children, (large) urban areas, the umbrella term of “active transport” which considered walking and cycling together and without taking into account walking and/or cycling distance. …”
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The objectivity of freedom: a systematic commentary on the introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
Published 2012“…</p><p>This interpretation contradicts the mainstream of contemporary Hegel scholarship since its proponents either deny the reality of the universal concept <em>as agent</em> or absolutely differentiate between the concept’s activity (subjective action) and its objective reality (norms, institutions). …”
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Assessment reform in Chile: a contested discursive space
Published 2014“…At the same time, contributions from sociology of education, critical policy scholarship and complexity theory have illuminated some dimensions of assessment reform processes, namely, assessment as a technology of power and as connected to broader ideologies and assessment reform processes as complex, messy, and contradictory in nature. …”
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The twentieth-century English university and its exclusions: literature and the politics of expanding higher education
Published 2020“…This thesis, situated at the intersection of literary scholarship, intellectual and social history, and critical university studies, explores the richly heterogeneous, and largely overlooked, body of responses by a number of major literary writers to the mass expansion of higher education during the ‘long twentieth century.’ …”
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Aspects of early Greek and Babylonian hymnic poetry
Published 2013“…This contradicts some current thinking in Classical scholarship, according to which Near Eastern influence was pervasive in early Greek poetry in general. …”
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Between being and nothingness : sin in Jean-Paul Sartre
Published 2015“…In doing so it contributes to both Sartre scholarship and the theological sub-discipline of modern doctrine.…”
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Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): design and first-year review
Published 2018“…JOSS publishes articles that encapsulate scholarship contained in the software itself, and its rigorous peer review targets the software components: functionality, documentation, tests, continuous integration, and the license. …”
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The rights of official language minority communities in Canada
Published 2015“…Key components of that framework, like the concept of a necessary link between language and culture, have yet to be fully explored, either in the case-law or in legal scholarship. This presents an acute problem in the case of s. 41, where the content of these concepts will likely prove dispositive. …”
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Cassius Dio, human nature and the late Roman Republic
Published 2011“…This thesis builds on recent scholarship on Dio’s φύσις model to argue that Dio’s view of the fall of the Republic can be explained in terms of his interest in the relationship between human nature and political constitution. …”
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Justice for the poor or poorer justice? An investigation of the “dangers of community” in restorative justice through a class-focused lens
Published 2017“…In order to assess these claims, I develop a conceptual framework based on the scholarship of Pierre Bourdieu. Instead of determining class only by employment status, Bourdieu demonstrates that who one knows (social capital), and what knowledge and skills one has learnt (cultural capital) have important bearings on advantage.…”
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Breaking gender code: visibility, power, and gender in creative coding cultures
Published 2020“…By reviewing existing scholarship, I show how academia has perpetuated the narrative of a gendered difference. …”
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The schooling of irregular migrant children in Canada
Published 2017“…This research contributes both to theoretical scholarship aimed at understanding and conceptualizing obligations to irregular migrant children, and also to the field of Canadian Studies, by contextualizing the policy response to irregular migrant children in Canada over time, demonstrating how specific policy responses reflect shifting normative understandings about belonging, government obligation, national culture(s) of citizenship, and the scope of provision of social welfare services to irregular migrant children.…”
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What may I hope for? Modernity and the Augustinian virtue of hope
Published 2018“…Three factors support this turn to Augustine: (1) Augustine (through Lombard and Aquinas) is the source of the Western understanding of hope as a virtue; (2) Augustine’s understanding of hope is a significant lacuna in both hope research and Augustine studies; (3) Moltmann develops his account in opposition to a reading of Augustine’s trinitarian theology that recent scholarship has shown to be erroneous.</p> <p>This thesis will present a reading of Augustinian hope in relation to Augustine’s theological ontology and understanding of the self. …”
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Living with Art: Repositioning the late works of Thomas Bernhard
Published 2020“…These authors, who are yet to be compared with Bernhard in scholarship, allow me to re-evaluate his late prose and dramatic works beyond their local controversies in 1980s Austria; they help me to illuminate the humanity and self-awareness of a writer more commonly associated with unremitting negativity; and they enable me to investigate what Bernhard’s late works still have to say about art, decades on from his cultural moment. …”
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An institutional perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems: variation, evolution, agency in and across organisational fields
Published 2020“…Overall, the thesis contributes to the scholarship on EEs and organisational fields, enhancing more contextualised understanding of EEs, and suggesting how to better study fields in a comparative and interconnected perspective. …”