Ælfric's hagiographic sources and the Latin legendary preserved in B.L. MS Cotton Nero E i + CCCC MS 9 and other manuscripts
Published 1980“…The final chapter draws conclusions and suggests ways in which the sources in the collection may be of use in other areas of Ælfrician scholarship.</p> <p>Though the nature of the material precludes absolutely firm conclusions, the evidence suggests that Ælfric had access to a collection belonging to the same family as Cotton-Corpus. …”
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The place of scripture in the thought and writings of Anselm of Canterbury
Published 2020“…However, no comprehensive study of his approach to scripture exists in secondary scholarship.</p> <p>This dissertation offers a detailed investigation of the place of scripture in Anselm’s thought and writings. …”
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Out in Morocco: homosexuality and transnationalism in the writings of Rachid O. and Abdellah Taïa
Published 2020“…One of the foci of this study is to compare and contrast queer contemporary Moroccan writing with western queer theory and to examine to what extent Rachid O.’s and Taïa’s writings challenge or inform queer western scholarship. I offer two principal arguments. First, I suggest that Rachid O. and Abdellah Taïa loosen rigid ideologies around masculinity, sexuality, and gender in Arab/Muslim culture and offer a new understanding of sexuality and sexual orientation in their culture. …”
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Constructing praise: the poetics of monumentality in Statius' Silvae
Published 2022“…A central concern of this thesis is the interaction between the Siluae’s complex poetic programme and the material world with which it engages, and the connection between the cultural capital of the poet and the social capital of which the patron is custodian. Scholarship tends to oscillate between formalist and historicist interpretations of the Siluae, focusing either on the ways in which Statius’ poetry can serve to ‘mystify’ and lend symbolic capital to the material conditions of his patrons or, on the other hand, to focus on the cultural and historical import of the poems, to the detriment of the Siluae’s poetic value. …”
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Vulnerable bodies: the poetics of protection in the Old English Metrical Charms
Published 2020“…</p> <p>Drawing on past scholarship on Old English style and merging close reading with rigorous metrical analysis, this thesis argues that the unusual metrical and stylistic features of the charms are not defects but a function of their genre, the substance of a meaningfully different Old English poetic style. …”
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Early modern literary afterlives
Published 2012“…By investigating assumptions about individual authors, and also authorship in general, I hope to shed some light on a promising new area of early modern scholarship and direct greater scrutiny towards the assumptions brought into literary biography.…”
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From the Ritz to the rubble? The asistente of Seville, urban government and disaster, 1621-1700
Published 2017“…</p> <p>By connecting a study of royal government in one of the most significant of early modern Spanish cities to an environmental history of flooding, I address important gaps in the scholarship and suggest new avenues of research into the history of environmental disaster. …”
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'Grace no longer grace': Participant relationality in early imperial discussions of χάρις and its implications for Pauline theology
Published 2021“…<p>Recent scholarship on Pauline χάρις has been dominated by the assumption that Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish authors of the early principate treat the concept of χάρις as a do ut des transaction—a foil against which Paul’s discussions of divine χάρις are sharply contrasted. …”
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The life and theology of Bishop John Ponet (1516-1556)
Published 2018“…This dissertation contributes the most detailed account of Ponet’s life to date and presents the most comprehensive survey of his theological thought within the history of reformation scholarship.</p>…”
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The yellow peril discourse in anglophone and sinophone literatures and cultures, 1895 to the present: mutations, reactions, and reinventions
Published 2021“…It seeks to challenge the discursive ossification of “Yellow Peril” in the existing English-language scholarship dominated by Asian American Studies. The shifting presences and absences of the “Yellow Peril” in a diverse range of cultural materials, including novels, memoirs, poems, song lyrics, and music videos, are examined with comparative perspectives. …”
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Devotional rupture: Bengali Vaiṣṇavism and colonial modernity
Published 2021“…Nevertheless, for much of the last century, Bhaktivinod – like almost every other Bengali Vaiṣṇava figure of the period – has been almost wholly bypassed in scholarship on modern Hinduism. And on the handful of occasions when he has been a subject of scholarly attention, he has largely been held up as a way of further extending the notion of historical disjuncture within the colonial Hindu landscape. …”
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Empires, ideas, and political strategies in nineteenth-century France
Published 2023“…Most of the seminal twenty-first-century scholarship on these interfaces has dealt with British imperialism, and to a lesser extent with the United States.1 The interpretive frameworks established in these settings have become essential reference points in allied work on (other) European imperial projects. …”
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Syndicalism, work and science in Simone Weil’s philosophy of modernity
Published 2018“…It is perhaps because these views became so entrenched that Weil scholarship, whether theological or political, has tended to resist seeing her thought as engaged in a deliberate dialogue with philosophical discourses of her own time and about her own time.…”
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The sound of metal: amateur brass bands in southern Benin
Published 2018“…Brass bands remain pervasive in present-day Benin and perform in a multitude of political, social, and religious contexts. Previous scholarship subsumes postcolonial musical performance into social scripts of resistance, framing brass bands in particular within cultural modes of mimesis, indigenization, or appropriation. …”
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Taste shaping natures: a multiplied ethnography of translated fermentation in the New/er Nordic Cuisine
Published 2022“…To account for these novelties, I bring together critical scholarship on nature, more-than-human geographies and multispecies studies, theories of taste, and STS, to develop the concept of a ‘taste shaping nature’: a nature shaping and shaped by taste. …”
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Black democrats in white America: racial campaign strategies in majority-white contexts, 1989-2013
Published 2017“…</p> <p>This thesis is an attempt to advance the scholarship through a theoretical reconceptualisation of racial campaign strategies underpinned by original, empirical research. …”
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Learning to integrate, waiting to belong: language, time and uncertainty among newcomers in Germany
Published 2021“…In fact, language proficiency requirements across Europe are often treated as innocuous components of broader immigration policies. However, recent scholarship in linguistic anthropology and related fields has demonstrated that such policies can, in practice, turn into significant sociocultural and economic barriers for newcomers. …”
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Civic networks and countering violent extremism in US and UK cities
Published 2020“…</p> <p>Despite the same top-down pressures and widespread public opposition to these policies, local governments and city-level communities diverge in their approaches to counter-extremism programs, ranging from active collaboration around these agendas to evasion. The existing scholarship lacks a theory to explain this puzzling sub-national variation. …”
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The end of the line: literature and party politics at the accession of Queen Anne
Published 2015“…It offers a critical reassessment of the politics of the royal image across a spectrum of texts, events, and artefacts—from panegyrics, newspapers, sermons, royal progresses, and processions to medals, coins, and playing cards. Recent scholarship has emphasized the importance of party politics to the literature and culture of the early eighteenth century. …”
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The Lachish letters: a reappraisal of the Ostraca discovered in 1935 and 1938 at Tell ed-Duweir
Published 2016“…<p>The 21 inscribed ceramic sherds (or ostraca) known as the "Lachish Letters", which were discovered during the British Mandate Period excavations of Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish), underwent eighty years of scholarship that improved our understanding of at least some of these inscriptions. …”