81 supra-THz beams generated by a Fourier grating and a quantum cascade laser
Được phát hành 2021lấy văn bản
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Adam von Bartsch (1757-1821) and the Invention of the Original Printmaker
Được phát hành 2022“…In the analysis of his scholarship, Bartsch emerges an important voice in the discourse on originality and as a key figure in promoting the acceptance of printmaking as a fine art.…”
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Homebuilder’s Songbook
Được phát hành 2023“…Architecture can learn from methods of music production and scholarship for their potential to celebrate the subjectivity of voice, acknowledge co-authorship, and reflect cultural diversity. …”
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Managing innovation in the real estate industry : a theory of disruptive innovations
Được phát hành 2006lấy văn bản
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Planning to learn: Integrating model learning into a trajectory planner for mobile robots
Được phát hành 2010lấy văn bản
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Adaptation to robot failures and shape change in decentralized
Được phát hành 2010lấy văn bản
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Making Linux Protection Mechanisms Egalitarian with UserFS
Được phát hành 2011lấy văn bản
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Motion blur removal with orthogonal parabolic exposures
Được phát hành 2011lấy văn bản
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Feasibility of dynamic entrainment with ankle mechanical perturbation to treat locomotor deficit
Được phát hành 2011lấy văn bản
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Exploiting sparse markov and covariance structure in multiresolution models
Được phát hành 2011lấy văn bản
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Characterization by mercury porosimetry of nonwoven fiber media with deformation
Được phát hành 2012lấy văn bản
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Regenerative Medicine: Learning from Past Examples
Được phát hành 2012lấy văn bản
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Belief Propagation for Min-Cost Network Flow: Convergence & Correctness
Được phát hành 2012lấy văn bản
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A Simple State-Determined Model Reproduces Entrainment and Phase-Locking of Human Walking
Được phát hành 2013lấy văn bản
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Impact of Stoichiometry on the Electronic Structure of PbS Quantum Dots
Được phát hành 2013lấy văn bản
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Resonant bonding leads to low lattice thermal conductivity
Được phát hành 2014lấy văn bản
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