The Factor of Food in Biopolitics and National Security
Published 2014-01-01“…However, on the other hand, the basic principles of this biopolitics - scientism, formal rationalism, pragmatism and commercialism have not allowed to solve the problems of social inequality in the access to healthy food and of illuminating the hunger. …”
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The Factor of Food in Biopolitics and National Security
Published 2014-12-01“…However, on the other hand, the basic principles of this biopolitics - scientism, formal rationalism, pragmatism and commercialism have not allowed to solve the problems of social inequality in the access to healthy food and of illuminating the hunger. …”
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The Development of an ‘Attitudes to Science and Religion’ Instrument for Secondary School Students: How Are the Attitudes of Students to Science and Religion Associated with Studen...
Published 2022-12-01“…Students who reported science and religion as being compatible were more likely to hold religious beliefs than a belief in scientism. Implications of this research are that there ought to be a place for discussion about the relationship between science and religion within school lessons and that high quality discussion is likely to be fostered by developing students’ critical thinking skills.…”
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Deciphering drivers of ICT use in agricultural education
Published 2021-12-01“…The correlation and regression of different variables, i.e. age, education, family education, scientism, annual expenditure, mass media exposure, information seeking behaviour and risk orientation exhibited negative and significant effect with their perceived personal factors at 0.05 level of probability. …”
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Aportes hermenêuticos no desenvolvimento de metodologias qualitativas = he contribution of hermeneutics in the development of qualitative methodologies
Published 2010-10-01“…In this sense, they must overcome the objectivism which claims a privileged access to reality and, at the same time, refutes the critiques that the results produced by those researches would be of a merely subjective character and/or of doubtful scientism due to the proximity between researcher and subject. …”
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Theodor W. Adorno. Actuality of philosophy (Translation from German)
Published 2018-12-01“…Neo-marxist Adorno proposed to see the joint scientism of phenomenology, the philosophy of empirio criticism and the Vienna circle such a theoretical tendency that could not provide apodictic answers to the basic and substantive questions of human existence as historically fluid. …”
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¿Ecos de Lautaro?: las lenguas indígenas como patrimonio cultural del nacionalismo criollo en el siglo XIX Lautaro's Echo?: Aborigine Languages as Cultural Patrimony of Creole Nati...
Published 2012-01-01“…This work proposes to investigate the literate construction of such heritages in a series of texts that, by combining Romanticism and Scientism, shaped the aim of such exploration in South-America.…”
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Postmodernism and the humanities: The case of historiography
Published 2013-01-01“…Postmodernism especially negated the neutral pretension of historiography and questioned its scientism. Elimination the need for knowledge was the key factor of the breakdown of the system of values in Serbian society in the last two decades and it was also a key factor for the advent of the phenomenon of culture and scientific regression. …”
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Missões civilizatórias da República e interpretação do Brasil The civilizing missions of the Republic and interpretations of Brazil
Published 1998-07-01“…Closely associated with the expansion of government presence, it included among its leadership intellectuals informed by scientism and by the ideals of progress identified with the new regime. …”
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The relationship between science and religion in Kang Youwei’s Confucianism
Published 2019“…</p> <p>My research reveals that, before the rise of radical materialism and scientism, fully one generation before the acceptance by Chinese intellectuals of the ‘Conflict Thesis’, Kang had already sought to conceptualize the relationship between what are now generally categorized as science and religion. …”
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Die uitdaging van die ateïsme en antiteïsme: ’n Teologiese gesprek met Armando Pellencin oor sy boek <i>Ateïsme: die saak teen God</i> (1 & 2)
Published 2013-08-01“…The author concludes that atheism, as a matter of faith, fails as a life and worldview, because of the deficiencies inherent in a reductionist approach such as naturalism, rationalism, positivism and scientism.…”
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Pesquisa Convergente Assistencial: uso na elaboração de modelos de cuidado de enfermagem Investigación Convergente Asistencial: uso en el desarrollo de modelos de atención de enfer...
Published 2012-12-01“…Beyond this, this article discusses the importance of Convergent Care Research in the convergence of the academic and practical worlds of nursing, which aid towards a safe practice, systematize care, and establish connections between pragmatism and scientism, leading nurses to adopt more solid knowledge construction postures.…”
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Published 2016-03-01“…Inside there is a blend of love and sense of intellect, love and reason, vision and power that are manifested in acts of prayer and work of scientists, and crystallized in the life of mysticism and scientism. Abstrak:Dalam dunia akademik, Iqbal dikenal sebagai penyair, filosof, sufisme, sejarawan, dan politikus. …”
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Ekoantropologia antyhumanistyczna. Przypadek Johna Nicholasa Graya
Published 2015-12-01“…This approach consists of the following principal assumptions, main aspects, provided solutions, and suggested directions of constantly practice-oriented thinking: radical anti-metaphysicism, anti-anthropocetrism, anti-humanism, naturalism, atheism, counter-progressivism, anti-scientism, biocentrism (gaism), animalism, and finally environmentalism. …”
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Essay Review: Not Even Wrong about Science and Politics
Published 2013-11-01“…These are political rants which simply accept that any deviation from a mainstream consensus constitutes distortion of science or an attack on science or the purveying of pseudo-science or the practice of “denialism,” a term that is superseding “pseudo-science” as the preferred pejorative used by devoted disciples of scientism. The 2005 book (The Republican War on Science) is included here not only because it has the same sort of basic, logical, and substantive flaws as Science Left Behind but also because the latter is an explicitly intended counter to it. …”
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"Sosio-Epistemologi" sebagai "Program Kritis" atas Teori Pengetahuan
Published 2007-08-01“…As a "critical program" towards. the theory of knowledge (transcendent criticism), "Socioepistemology" tries to overcome. and release the various dogmatic rigidity that controls the· realm· ofknowledge. development under the power of "Scientism " and "Technology" or "Positivism". In this way, it is shown that knowledge is always characterised as relational and it possesses a social base including within it the interests of mankind.. …”
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A Mildly Naturalized Husserlian Framework for Embodied Cognitive Science
Published 2023-08-01“…In the first part of the paper, I try first of all to highlight how Husserl’s phenomenology amounts to a theory of experience which keeps itself equidistant from both extremes of scientism and idealism and then to illustrate the necessity of downplaying Husserl’s transcendental philosophy through a critical assessment on its attitude toward natural sciences and by highlighting at the same time its right to conduct its inquiries autonomously. …”
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The Effect of Social Class on Attitude towards Modernism in the City of Isfahan
Published 2010-04-01“…In the other words, in thisarticle authors tried to indicate that one the creator or accelerating factors of conflict between traditionalsystem in the society and modern values is conflict among the attitudes, insights and value system of varioussocial class individuals and therefore, it is possible to reduce conflict between the attitudes towardstraditionalism and modernism enjoying reduce class intervals.The subject is analyzable in two macro sociological areas: 1) Conflict theory in which modern societycharacteristics is inescapable consequence of industrial society, capitalism system and economic relations inthe society. 2) Sociology of knowledge that is pursuing explanation of social conditions of modernawareness.Using a survey research modernism was operationalized into nine indicators consist of rationality,consumption, criticalism, individualism, liberalism, democratic attitude, secularism and scientism andmeasured by a Likert scale. The total score for every case was computed by adding up the scores of nine subscales.There were 382 cases selected using a quota sampling design across ten regions of the city of Isfahan.Social class of the studied cases was measured based on income, education, job, location of living, and someproperties including home and car. …”
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Review on A big data-based innovative knowledge teaching evaluation system in universities
Published 2022-07-01“…However, due to the debate between scientism and humanism in teaching evaluation, studies related to teaching performance have been isolated from human resource management, resulting in the lack of a systematic vision and framework for such studies. …”
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Sustainable development in the model of an integrated system of public education, creativity and humanistic learning
Published 2021-01-01“…At the same time, the theory of pedagogy is constantly debated and criticized by scientism. It is a term that doesn’t exist in the European countries - humanitarian or humanistic technologies - it is like wooden iron, because both the humanitarian and humanistic paradigms were formulated and spread as an alternative to the technological direction, starting from it. …”
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