Published 2006-12-01“…This article aims to understand the conflicts and coexistence between official medicine and the so - called "charlatans" in Recife at the beginning of the 20th century, analyzing the ruptures and confrontations between diverse knowledges that were encountered: on the one hand, European ideas, fruit of rationalism and of scientism; on the other, notions based on diverse cultural origins that were found in the New World, crossed by elements that mixed magic and religiosity.…”
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History’s languages: between analysis and narration
Published 2012-12-01“…The article posits a history of historiography from this perspective and argues that, whatever kind of language he/she uses, the historian has the responsibility to ensure that their language does not veer off either into anti-humanistic scientism or else into anti-referential rhetoric.…”
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Published 2018-05-01“… Truly the findings studying of scientism show the reality environmental natural water, the way, and the style to investment source of water specialty north of Iraq. …”
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Sociology and semiotics in the context of “political thaw”: a failed conjunction
Published 2017-12-01“…The author assumes the following to have been the cause: sociology’s and semiotics’ varying degree of involvement in the public agenda; a varying modus in the relationship with the dominant theoretic-ideological platform; semiotics’ atheoretical and aphilosophical nature combined with an extremely broad scope of research subjects; the formalism and scientism of semiotic studies; Y.M. Lotman’s disdain for sociology; random factors in the formation of the Tartu-Moscow school’s contingent. …”
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A The Handprint Initiative: Identifying learners’ attitudes towards the environment
Published 2022-12-01“…With appropriate statistical tools (including PCA, KMO, normality tests and others), it was possible to measure ecocentrism, eco-apathy, naturalism, pessimism, and scientism attitudes and to confirm the data of other studies. …”
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«Mecanópolis»: a dystopia of Miguel de Unamuno
Published 2019-04-01“…The author warns about the growing idolatry of mechanization and a sense of progress and scientism that are wrong in his conception of the human condition. …”
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Cogito et histoire du sujet : quelques remarques sur la biopolitique et la psychanalyse
Published 2019-12-01“…The following contribution takes up the question of the constitutive instrumentalism of psychology mainly with view to three aspects: the relationship between science and truth, the reduction by Gassendi and the Aristotelian tradition of the primal and speculative level of the Cartesian cogito to the specular level of the physical knowledge of the soul by itself, and the Freudian and Lacanian choice of a being-for-death against any philosophy of life. In light of the scientism of psychoanalysis and its relation to myth and to the sacred, which Lacan no better manages to overcome than Freud, a link is finally established both to the archeology of psychoanalysis as developed in The Birth of the Clinic and later in The Will to Knowledge, and to the privilege among the human sciences that Foucault ascribed to psychoanalysis and ethnology in The Order of Things.…”
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Modern historical epistemology through the prism of Paul Ricoeur’ transactions
Published 2016-01-01“…At the same time this paper touches principals dichotomies, basic for the Paul Ricoeur’s considerations, such as fiction and historical narration, structure and event, history and truth, memory and imagination, scientism and art of interpretation, human action and social constraint. …”
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Sémiotique judiciaire : crime et signe
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The design in the quali-quantitative research in the production engineering – epistemological issues
Published 2008-07-01“…Firstly the controversy between Popper and Kuhn in relation to the scientism and scientific method is presented and then later presenting the construct of the authors about this. …”
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Science as a Form of Life and Cross-disciplinarity: Mariano Artigas and Charles S. Peirce
Published 2016-12-01“…This call should not be seen as promoting a return to the old scientism, but seeks a deep dialogue between the particular sciences and philosophy in order to deal with the presuppositions of the scientific enterprise. …”
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Liberal and conservative political thought in nineteenth-century Serbia Vladimir Jovanović and Slobodan Jovanović
Published 2010-01-01“…The son, Slobodan, having had a non-traditional, liberal upbringing, gradually-through analyzing and criticizing the epoch’s prevailing ideas, scientism, positivism and materialism-came up with his own synthesis of traditional and liberal, state and liberty, general and individual. …”
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Investigating the meaning of work: From allusive images to paradoxes
Published 2022-07-01“…Two opposing interpretations are to be avoided: the merely functional, minimalist interpretation (Aristotelian in origin); and the emphatic, excessive interpretation of ‘workism’ (connected to the scientific revolution and scientism, as human dominance over nature through work). …”
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A creative humane university – coping with the business model
Published 2006-07-01“…In this article it is attempted to indicate that the economistic application of economy of scale in the context of a university pushes a university, even in its reigning epistemology, ideologically in the direction of technicism, scientism, and economism (imposed by neo-pragmatist managerialism). …”
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Hugged Sisters: Philosophy and Literature in the Professionalisation of the Argentine Philosophical Studies
Published 2022-12-01“…The paper reconstructs the controversy over the definition of philosophy established by the group of young people who in 1917 founded in Buenos Aires the Colegio Novecentista and the Cuadernos (1917-1919) with whom they defended socialist scientism and met around the Journal of Philosophy and its director José Ingenieros. …”
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Information Technology and Culture of Modern Society
Published 2011-04-01“…Therefore we can't have any doubts about that the techno-structure of information society is a base of all principal characteristics of modernity: instrumental rationality, scientism, and secularity. This paper observes the complex transformations of transition from post-industrial to information society.…”
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The Banana, Sign of Duration. Pattern, Variation and Extension of a Fruit
Published 2021-07-01“…In this paper we propose to study the banana by problematizing the exoticism, mythification, fetishization and scientism of the colonial view. To do this, we approach the work Musa paradisiaca, a video installation by the artist José Alejandro Restrepo, and the dialogue that it holds with the text “Volver a comer del árbol de la ciencia” by Juan Cárdenas. …”
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L’École Républicaine est-elle le fruit des idées et de valeurs protestantes ?
Published 2012-09-01“…The School of Ferry as Buisson is not it rather « daughter of an anti-dogmatic scientism »?…”
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Morality and the Nature of Politics
Published 2019-11-01“…In this regard, positivism and scientism are singled out as the crudest attempts to misconstrue the nature of politics. …”
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Differentiating clinical care from disease prevention: a prerequisite for practicing quaternary prevention
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