La geografia a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: un projecte d’Enric Lluch (I)
Published 2019-05-01“…També s’hi detallen els plans d’estudi en què es basava la impartició de la geografia a la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, els seminaris formatius i les primeres recerques. El relat s’ha iniciat amb les experiències personals i acadèmiques de dues professores i un professor que varen formar part de l’equip inicial, per després comentar els principals trets del Departament, des de la governança fins a la consolidació de la geografia a la UAB com una disciplina acadèmica i com una forma d’entendre la societat i el territori. …”
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Article -
Uppsatsetik – om etisk problematik i studenters självständiga arbeten
Published 2013-04-01“…Den här artikeln fokuserar på samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska utbildningar och bygger på en enkät till ett urval utbildningar; intervjuer, samtal och seminarier med erfarna handledare samt intervjuer med studenter. …”
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Entering into a Loan Agreement by a Juridical Person without the Bishop’s Permission
Published 2014-12-01“…Hence there is a demand for diligent educating of clergy in the Church of patrimonial law in the seminaries and provision of relevant education courses on the management of parish property. …”
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Uppsatsetik – om etisk problematik i studenters självständiga arbeten
Published 2013-04-01“…Den här artikeln fokuserar på samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska utbildningar och bygger på en enkät till ett urval utbildningar; intervjuer, samtal och seminarier med erfarna handledare samt intervjuer med studenter. …”
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Egerton Ryerson and educational policy borrowing: aspects of the development of Ontario's system of public instruction, 1844 - 1876
Published 2012“…Despite this warning, Ontario’s public education system is said to have been based on an eclectic mix of foreign examples: teacher training institutes replicating Prussian Seminaries, school financing and the role of the chief superintendent and board of education as in the states of Massachusetts and New York, and using the Irish curriculum. …”
Thesis -
Kontekstualisasi sebagai Sebuah Strategi dalam Menjalankan Misi : Sebuah Ulasan Literatur
Published 2000-04-01Get full text
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El Futuro de la Teología: una perspectiva bíblica
Published 2021-01-01“…Theology is enclosed in seminaries for the formation of ecclesiastical groups and in universities that are mostly colonized by academic capitalism. …”
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Kota Allah : Sebuah Interpretasi Teologis dan Filosofis terhadap Sejarah
Published 2000-10-01Get full text
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Divenire psicoanalisti: la supervisione come momento centrale della formazione
Published 2023-09-01“… Non da molto la supervisione psicoanalitica ha iniziato ad essere considerata come il momento più significativo della formazione, per il suo aspetto di lavoro sul campo che la distingue sia dall’analisi personale sia dai seminari teorici. Il supervisore, nella sua qualità di esperto di teoria e di clinica, si propone di suscitare nell’allievo la capacità di sviluppare un ragionamento clinico attraverso l’esperienza che fa di sé nella relazione con il paziente in un contesto di cura. …”
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Uppsatsetik – om etisk problematik i studenters självständiga arbeten
Published 2013-04-01“…</p> <p>Den här artikeln fokuserar på samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska utbildningar och bygger på en enkät till ett urval utbildningar; intervjuer, samtal och seminarier med erfarna handledare samt intervjuer med studenter. …”
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Základní norma právní (Pitamicův přínos a kritika ryzí nauky právní)
Published 2008-10-01“…Jak Métall uvádí, Kelsen začal ještě během první světové války s analýzou problémů suverenity a shromáždil kolem sebe okruh mladých lidí, kteří v soukromém semináři diskutovali o právně teoretických problémech. …”
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Martyrological iconography and the mystic experience: Cracow painting of the second half of the 20th century
Published 2016-06-01“…This situation was certainly affected by several factors: the conservatism of the intellectual elites, the unbroken cultural continuum since the 19th century, the clerical character of the city (with many monastic orders and several seminaries, functioning even today, and the John Paul II Pontifical University, then named the Pontifical Academy of Theology), the activity of the weekly “Tygodnik Powszechny” and the publishing house “Znak”. …”
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Moral dilemmas in English confessors’ manuals
Published 2017“…In reformed England in the late sixteenth century, Jesuit evangelists were found to carry small treatises with advice on cases of conscience originating from the seminaries at Douai and Rheims, which were intended to provide moral guidance to Catholics negotiating a complicated path between dissimulation and recusancy. …”
Journal article -
“You are not asking enough…”: On the church-historical results of I. V. Stalin’s conversation with the three metropolitans on the night of September 5, 1943
Published 2023-02-01“…Permitting the organization of theological courses, Stalin also proposed to open academies and seminaries. In response to a request by metropolitans to open churches in a number of dioceses, Stalin said that there would be no obstacles on the part of the government. …”
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