Fuzzy multi-criteria and multi-experts evaluation of government investments in higher education: the case of Turkey
Published 2013-12-01“…Higher education refers to a level of education that is provided at academies, universities, colleges, seminaries, institutes of technology, and certain other collegiate-level institutions. …”
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Contextualising theological education in Africa by doing theology in a missional hermeneutic
Published 2012-12-01“…This article originated at curriculum development workshops for seminaries at different venues in sub-Saharan Africa. …”
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New data about Cenomanian and Turonian chert from the Charente basin (France)
Published 2014-03-01Get full text
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Las prácticas de enseñanza desde una perspectiva introspectiva: un modelo reflexivo a través del uso de los medios
Published 2009-11-01“…Its main was to know the contents of this seminaries and the way in which some resources were used, concretely the video.…”
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Reflexionando sobre las relaciones entre política social y estructura social
Published 1999-10-01“…Este trabajo presenta los principales debates sostenidos en el SAP.S (Seminari d'Anàlisi de Polítiques Socials) de la UAB, con el objeto de elaborar un marco teórico que permita analizar las relaciones entre política social y estructura social. …”
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Candidates for the Priesthood in Poland A.D. 2020: A Research Report
Published 2021-06-01“…The article essentially aims at answering who were the Polish young men wishing to become priests in 2020 as compared with the candidates who entered Polish seminaries in 2000. The answer was based on quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in 2000 and 2019 among seminarians at the very beginning of their priestly formation. …”
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Il progetto “Théories et concepts du Cercle Linguistique de Prague au seuil du XXIe siècle” e il suo irraggiamento europeo
Published 2011-07-01“…Nel 2009, nel quadro del medesimo progetto, ha preso forma l’idea di organizzare fuori dai confini boemi seminari di medio termine a raggio europeo, di cui quello svoltosi presso l’Università Cattolica del S. …”
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Islamic finance education: Current state and challenges for Pakistan
Published 2023-12-01“…Karachi, the capital of Sindh province and hub of Islamic seminaries, solely contributed more than 85% SB members to the Islamic banks. (3) Among the top fifteen business schools of Pakistan, only four are offering a degree in Islamic finance. …”
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El Pràcticum al grau de Pedagogia de la Universitat de Barcelona: el mapa de la professió, la pràctica simulada i la immersió en una organització
Published 2014-01-01“…En aquestes assignatures es treballa de forma innovadora el perfil del pedagog i el mapa de la professió, a primer curs del grau; la pràctica simulada a través de casos, a tercer, i la immersió en una organització, com a pràctica externa, acompanyada dels seminaris de pràctica reflexiva.…”
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Monogràfic "Copyright i dret d'autor: convergència internacional en un món digital?
Published 2005-07-01“…L'especulació ha anat deixant pas a respostes jurídiques concretes, legislatives i jurisprudencials, que, tot i que són de caràcter nacional, se situen en un marc global. El seminari té l'objectiu d'examinar-les, prenent com a referència l'experiència dels Estats Units d'Amèrica i dels països de la Comunitat Europea, en particular Espanya, que encara no ha incorporat la Directiva 2001/29/CE, de 22 maig 2001, sobre dret d'autor en la societat de la informació.…”
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Beni e diritti del fisco regio nell’Italia medievale: una ricerca interdisciplinare
Published 2022-12-01“… L’articolo presenta contenuti e obiettivi del PRIN Fiscal Estate in Medieval Italy: Continuity and Change (Ninth-Twelfth Centuries) e illustra sinteticamente gli argomenti trattati nei tre seminari organizzati nel primo semestre del 2022. Il primo seminario ha affrontato il tema delle trasformazioni del patrimonio pubblico nel passaggio dall’impero romano ai regni romano-barbarici nell’Europa occidentale (Roma, febbraio 2022); il secondo ha invece indagato le connessioni tra gestione dei beni fiscali e crescita economica medievale (Bologna, maggio 2022); il terzo, infine, ha esplorato il problema dei diritti d’acqua e della navigazione interna nell’Italia medievale tra VIII e XIII secolo, e ha coinvolto sia storici, sia archeologi (Torino, maggio-giugno 2022). …”
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Published 2017-05-01“…Infine in questa sezione si presenteranno delle sintesi, date come “cronache”, di lezioni e seminari, i cui contenuti entrano in diretto confronto con le tematiche poste al centro delle riflessioni della rivista.…”
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Bailu’s Catholicism in China: Religious Inculturation, Tourist Attraction, or Secularization
Published 2021-08-01“…My argument is based on extensive fieldwork done at two seminaries and one church there. I have shown that: (1) Catholicism encountered different secular forces and survived through effective interaction with them, (2) a market-oriented economy led to the commercialization of once-authentic religious sites for tourism and economic development, and (3) the secularization of Catholicism results in a unique paradox: Catholicism’s public influence on tourism and economic development has been increasing, while its activities and church attendance have not followed synchronously. …”
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Teologi Inkarnasi dan Gereja Yang Inkarnatoris menurut Hans Urs von Balthasar
Published 2021-03-01Get full text
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Epikureanisme dan Stoikisme: Etika Helenistik untuk Seni Hidup Modern
Published 2023-02-01Get full text
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Belas Kasih Allah dalam Penerimaan Komuni Suci Bagi Orang dengan Retardasi Mental
Published 2020-10-01Get full text
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Love dolls and sex robots in unproven and unexplored fields of application
Published 2020-10-01“…These include prisons, the military, monasteries and seminaries, science, art and design as well as the gamer scene. …”
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Llengua, educació i immigració: el simposi de Girona
Published 2009-05-01“…Se'n destaca l'oportunitat, ja que la immigració ha estat un dels fenòmens més rellevants d'aquests darrers anys; el lligam amb el Seminari de Sitges i la continuïtat sostinguda de les seves edicions, i la vinculació amb el professorat de les diverses etapes del sistema educatiu. …”
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An investigation into Communicative English Language Needs and Perceptions of English for Specific Purposes Course: The Case of Holy Trinity Theological College
Published 2019-08-01“…The findings indicate that students used English language to read and understand professional courses, to communicate freely with English speakers, to prepare religious journals, to present papers in seminaries, to translate books, and to preach the Bible abroad. …”
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