Published 2011“…The purpose of this study is to reveal the values of TMM stories relating to plurality and religiosity using semiotic theories of Roland Barthes. Based on the results of studies conducted on TMM story, a story on stage inventory code, the code is found the story a number of 649 pieces. …”
Thesis -
Exclusionary visual depiction of disabled persons in Malaysian news photographs
Published 2018“…In response to this position, we engage in a critical semiotic inquiry into press photographs of disability (N = 1002) from The Star, a Malaysian mainstream English newspaper. …”
Article -
Multimodal analysis of disinformation and misinformation
Published 2023“…Multimodal analysis or the analysis of two or more semiotic systems—language, gestures, images, sounds, among others—in their interrelation and interaction is essential to understanding dis-/misinformation efforts because most human communication goes beyond just words. …”
Journal article -
The artistic self: identity and self-representation in Nicholas Maw’s life studies
Published 2015“…This thesis proposes that the author of an artwork functions as a semiotic curator, collating signifiers from within these external categories in order to reflect their understanding of the world. …”
Thesis -
Re- thinging Embodied and Enactive Psychiatry: A Material Engagement Approach
Published 2024“…The effective study of socio-material relations allows better understanding of the semiotic significance and agency of specific materials, environments and technical mediations. …”
Journal article -
Integrating multimodal literacies in ESL teaching: addressing learner diversity
Published 2009“…As such, the multimodal aspects of this case study allow contextualised meanings to be created by the students through the use of multiple semiotic resources and media. More importantly, the multiliteracies approach has managed to help the participants to address learner diversity in a more integrated and contextualised manner.…”
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Article -
Construction of the in-between identity in Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Sylvia Plath's Bell Jar
Published 2012“…As a response, it is argued that by maintaining an “in-between identity” the heroines of these novels awaken their repressed semiotic desires in the symbolic order in order to elude the restrictiveness of the patriarchal logic and accordingly rewrite their phallic identity.…”
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Thesis -
An overview on hermeneutics method application to the Quran by Muslim thinkers
Published 2018“…The views of contemporary scholars onthe true interpretation of Quran was also identified to argue the opinions of the modern thinkers who justify the hermeneutics methods.this study shows those modern thinkers have used the theories of hermeneutics as literary criticism, history and semiotic study of the Quran. The use of the method has downgraded the Quran by equating the Quran as literary works. …”
Article -
On co-operative modalities in the formulation of Mandarin Chinese turn-continuations
Published 2021“…Broadly speaking, such traditional construe of multimodality has often treated different modes of communication either as self-sufficient indexical signs; or working together as cumulatively ‘layered’ but semiotically discrete structures. However, Goodwin (2013) has shown how multimodality in natural interaction is in fact a highly integrated gestalt, where co-operative actions are being built by combining diverse resources in a way that both constrain and mutually elaborate each other. …”
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Book Chapter -
Published 2014“…The basic method of this research was descriptive analytical with semiotic analysis technique based on the theory of Ferdinand de Saussureâ��s sign. …”
Thesis -
Writing as a mediational tool for learning in the collaborative composition of texts
Published 2016“…The framework draws on the concepts of the dialogical self, semiotic mediation and recontextualization. Empirically, the article reports on data from a qualitative case study of a state secondary English class for 13-14 year olds students in the UK that follows a sequence from classroom talk to a written text involving four students. …”
Journal article -
Body narratives : seeing love
Published 2020“…Body Narratives: Seeing Love is a semiotic study of meaning-making iconography in tattoos. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Subtitling of the drama Nirvana in Fire: a multimodal approach
Published 2023“…Moreover, the verbal and non-verbal modes interact dynamically in response to the requirements of semiotic processes. Lastly, the intersemiotic shifts are found to occur for a variety of reasons, including technical, discourse, and cultural constraints. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
MAKNA MASKULINITAS DALAM MEDIA MASSA ( Analisis Semiotika tentang Makna M askulinitas dalam Majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia edisi Agustus 2011 - Januari 2012)
Published 2013“…Researcher used the principle of semiotic analysis that is able to explain the different signs of verbal text and visual text in the article. …”
Thesis -
A study of visual representation in the selected Malays films in the year of 90’s / Siti Jamilah Md Nor
Published 2016“…The interview were analysed via voice and visual recording methods while film observations were analyzed by using the semiotic theory (icon, index and symbol) of Alexander Charles Pierce. …”
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Thesis -
Satirical representation of social and political issues in Nigerian political cartoons
Published 2012“…The study used genre, agenda setting and perceptual theories as its theoretical framework to provide explanation on how the Nigerian media via the political cartoons genre capture and reinforce social realities. Using semiotic and linguistic analyses, a sample of 1000 political cartoons published in the two most widely read Nigerian newspapers and one magazine during the period 2007-2010 was extracted and analyzed. …”
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Thesis -
Women As Commodities In Two Selected Novels Of Thomas Hardy
Published 2009“…It will be explained that through the connection women have with semiotic language, maternity, abjection/death, and mimesis women are able to threaten the symbolic law. …”
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Thesis -
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases
Published 2013“…We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.…”
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Article -
A comparison study on the elements of storytelling between Malaysia and Thailand TV advertisements / Amir Lukman Abd Rahman, Ainal Maziah Salleh and Aini Andria Shirin binti Anuaru...
Published 2020“…The research approach used was a mixed method. First semiotic qualitative analysis was used to analyse online TV advertisements from Malaysia on Mother’s Day celebration and Thailand’s cultural identity of showing gratitude. …”
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Article -
A systematic review to comprehend the cultural representation in L2 Mandarin textbooks
Published 2021“…It also reveals that the main source for collecting data is documented, and the commonly used data analysis methods are comparative, content, discourse, and semiotic analysis. Besides that, examining cultural elements in textbooks seems to be a key research focus among the publications, followed by analyzing cultural orientation, unconventional culture phenomenon, and ideology behind cultural representation in textbooks. …”
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