Dimensi sosial keagamaan dalam Keluarga Permana: analisis semiotik = Sociotic Dimension in "Keluarga Permana": a semiotic analysis
Publicado 1995“...This research aims to reveal the meaning of social religious dimension in semiotic point of view in work of Ramadhan K.H.-Keluarga Perrnana(Kr To comprehend and to reveal the social religious dimen- sion of the KP needs to use intertextual approach. ...”
Artigo -
Building the semiotic meaning of critical thinking from the Prophet Ibrahim's discourses in the scene of da'wah to his father in the Qur'anic story
Publicado 2023“...This research aims to build the semiotic meaning of critical thinking from Prophet Ibrahim's discourses in the scene of dawah to his father, which were part of the scenes of the Qur'anic story. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
The Semiotics Aspect In The Dayak Motif Design: A Visual Communication Study Of Sign System, The Signification, And Application Among The Dayak Ethnic Groups In Borneo
Publicado 2022“...This study investigates the semiotics aspect of the Dayak motifs in the visual communication system of the Dayak ethnics groups in Borneo. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -
The potentials of emoji in visual communication / Noorlida Daud and Ahmad Zamzuri Mohamad Ali
Publicado 2018Subjects: “...Semiotics. Signs and symbols...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Bongai sebagai manifestasi bahasa dan budaya berdasarkan pendekatan semiotik
Publicado 2014Subjects: “...Semiotics and folk literature...”
Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -
An-Nabiyyu (Sang Nam) Karya Jubran Khalil Jubran Dalam Kaman Struktural-Semiotik = An-Nabiyyu (The Prophet) Jubran Khalil Jubran's Poem in Structural-Semiotic Analysis
Publicado 2005“...ABSTRACT The study is aimed to express semiotically the meaning of Jubran's poem, an-Nabiyyu. ...”
Artigo -
An assessment on cinematic composition, narrative structure and semiotics in animated films: a case study of Filem Negara Malaysia’s anthropomorphic animal folktales (Sang Kancil: the animated series) / Azahar Harun
Publicado 2013“...In the second part, the study looks at the construction of Sang Kancil: The Animated Series (SKTAS) by analyzing three important aspects, Cinematic Composition, Narrative Structure and Semiotics. Here, it poses the question of what formula did the artist employ to construct the animated series (SKTAS). ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Book Section -
A theory of multimodal translation for cross-cultural viewers of South Korean film
Publicado 2022Subjects:Thesis -
"How do I make Oppa Sarang Me?": resemiotisation and reconstruction of meaning in the global anglophone K-pop fandom
Publicado 2022Subjects: “...Semiotics...”
Thesis -
Wacana Semiotik di Laman Blog: Kajian Kes ke Atas Sabahkini.net
Publicado 2011Subjects: “...P99-99.4 Semiotics. Signs and symbols...”
Ligazón do recurso
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Perlawanan Wanita Terhadap Dominasi Patriarki Dalam Teks Tarling Cirebon: Sebuah Analisis Semiotika Riffatere = The Fight of Woman Toward the Domination of Patriarchy In The Tarling Cirebon Text: A Riffatere Semiotic Rev
Publicado 2005“...Abstract The research entitled "The Fight of Woman Toward the Domination of Patriarchy in the Tarling Cirebon Text A Riffatere Semiotic Review" is aimed to give meaning to the woman in the text. ...”
Artigo -
Citra Diri Perempuan Indoneia DalamAnalisis Semiotik Sajak-Sajak Nikah Ilalang Karya Dorothea Rosa Herliany The Women Image in Dorothea Rosa Herliany's Nikah Baking: A Semiotic Analysis
Publicado 1999“...Keywords: woman image â�� semiotics - heruristic - hermeneutic. ....”
Artigo -
解读“中华民国”符号 :分析中国国民党迁台后(1949–2016)再现的中华民国 = The Semiotic Study of “The Republic of China”: analysing the Kuomintang’s representation of The Republic of China (1949–2016)
Publicado 2016“...This paper aims to use a semiotic analysis approach to study the political subjectivity of the “ROC” sign, in which we investigate how the KMT uses political discourse to reconstruct the political dynamics of the ROC, in responds to the issues of times, and Taiwanese aspirations for self-realisation and self-determination....”
Ligazón do recurso
Final Year Project (FYP) -
The land of the telenovela in the age of social media : a study of the Brazilian prime-time soap opera and its online mediations from a social semiotic perspective for the purposes of informing communication theory and critical literacy practices
Publicado 2015“...Firstly, by providing a detailed exploration of the prime-time Brazilian telenovela in relation to some dimensions of its reception – at the same time also seen as dimensions of (re)design and (re)production of secondary texts and genres from a multimodal social semiotic perspective – it offers a multidisciplinary approach through an attempt at combining Media and Communications with Applied Language Studies. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -