Dental patient knowledge about the effects of smoking and attitudes about the role of dentists in smoking cessation
Izdano 2017“...Dentists can offer their patients who smoke tobacco assistance with smoking cessation. We conducted this study to assess dental patient knowledge about the effects of smoking and perceptions and attitudes regarding the role of dentists in smoking cessation counselling. ...”
Polni tekst
Article -
Online mindfulness therapy as a smoking cessation aid in Malaysia: A randomized control trial
Izdano 2023“...Effective smoking cessation programs are crucial in helping smokers to achieve cessation, indirectly reducing smokingrelated morbidity and mortality. ...”
Polni tekst
Polni tekst
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Positive smoker identity : a development and validation of smoking cessation instrument, and its associated factors
Izdano 2018“...Smoking cessation was important because smoking has been the single most essential preventable cause of premature death and morbidity. ...”
Polni tekst
Thesis -
Digital education for health professions on smoking cessation management : systematic review by the digital health education collaboration
Izdano 2019“...Objective: The primary objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of digital education compared with various controls in improving learners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and satisfaction to deliver smoking cessation therapy. The secondary objectives were to assess patient-related outcomes, change in health professionals’ practice or behavior, self-efficacy or self-rated competence of health professionals in delivering smoking cessation therapy, and cost-effectiveness of the interventions. ...”
Polni tekst
Polni tekst
Journal Article -
Zyban for smoking cessation in a general practice setting: the response to an invitation to make a quit attempt.
Izdano 2004“...The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and success of Zyban as part of a moderately supported smoking cessation programme within UK general practice. ...”
Journal article -
Design and analysis of studies evaluating smoking cessation interventions where effects vary between practices or practitioners.
Izdano 1996“...OBJECTIVES: To plan sample size and precision requirements of a clinical trial, we examined reports of primary care smoking cessation trials for information on outcomes at the level of clusters, and found them unhelpful. ...”
Journal article -
Acceptability of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: a qualitative study
Izdano 2022“...This study aimed to understand participants' views and experiences of receiving a novel smoking cessation intervention as part of the ESCAPE trial (intEgrating Smoking Cessation treatment As part of usual Psychological care for dEpression and anxiety). ...”
Journal article -
Cochrane review of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation (10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub9)
Izdano 2024“...Supplementary tables 1-10 for the update to the Cochrane review of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Once accepted the DOI for the publication will be: 10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub9...”
Dataset -
Nicotine patch preloading for smoking cessation (the preloading trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Izdano 2014“...However, other, more successful smoking cessation pharmacotherapies are used prior to the quit day as well as after. ...”
Journal article -
Variability and effectiveness of comparator group interventions in smoking cessation trials: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Izdano 2020“...<p><strong>Aims:</strong> To examine variability and effectiveness of interventions provided to comparator (control) groups in smoking cessation trials.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Systematic review with meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of behavioral interventions for smoking cessation, with or without stop‐smoking medication. ...”
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Community based heart health promotion project in England. Self reporting overestimates smoking cessation rates.
Izdano 1998Journal article -
Pharmacological and electronic cigarette interventions for smoking cessation in adults: component network meta-analyses_Supplementary files
Izdano 2023“...These files are supplements to a Cochrane Review published in the Cochrane Library: 'Pharmacological and electronic cigarette interventions for smoking cessation in adults: component network meta-analyses'...”
Dataset -
Cost-effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: a literature review and a decision analytic analysis.
Izdano 2002“...Irrespective of the methods or assumptions involved, the results of published studies consistently indicated that NRT for smoking cessation is cost-effective. No published studies have evaluated the relative cost-effectiveness of bupropion SR for smoking cessation. ...”
Journal article -
Cost-effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: A literature review and a decision analytic analysis
Izdano 2002“...Irrespective of the methods or assumptions involved, the results of published studies consistently indicated that NRT for smoking cessation is cost-effective. No published studies have evaluated the relative cost-effectiveness of bupropion SR for smoking cessation. ...”
Journal article -
Addressing concerns about smoking cessation and mental health: Theoretical review and practical guide for healthcare professionals
Izdano 2020“...Most healthcare professionals are aware that stopping smoking is one of the greatest changes that people can make to improve their health. However, smoking cessation can be a difficult topic to raise. Evidence suggests that smoking may cause some mental health problems, and that the tobacco withdrawal cycle partly contributes to worse mental health. ...”
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Gradual reduction vs abrupt cessation as a smoking cessation strategy in smokers who want to quit.
Izdano 2013“...CLINICAL QUESTION: Is gradual smoking cessation associated with poorer success rates than abrupt cessation in smokers who want to quit? ...”
Journal article -
Stages of smoking cessation among Malaysian adults: findings from National Health Morbidity Survey 2006
Izdano 2013“...Increasing the rate of smoking cessation will reduce the burden of diseases related to smoking, including cancer. ...”
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Gender-specific pictorial health warnings: moderation effects of the threat level and gender
Izdano 2022Teme: Polni tekst
Journal Article