Published 2020“…-- Entrepreneurship governance, less and less respectful of work -- Towards a reallocation of added value to growth and the relaunch of the social contract? -- How to find a new balance between autonomy and security for employees -- Rebalancing the entrepreneurship governance -- Towards parity for the entrepreneurship governance -- How to better integrate the specificity of enterprises into public orders.…”
Blockchain and the Tokenization of the Individual: Societal Implications
Published 2019-10-01“…This position paper will present evidence that supports the premise that blockchain and individual tokenization could provide a new social contract.…”
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Crisis and opportunity: Transforming climate governance for SMEs
Published 2023“…In doing so we set out key elements of a renewed social contract for business, society and state relations.…”
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Perspectives that Matter
Published 2019-10-01“…Review of: Ryan Muldoon (2016) Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World: Beyond Tolerance. …”
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The Evolution of Lawrence’s Burgeoning Socio-philosophical Thoughts in The Rainbow, Women in Love and Touch and Go
Published 2022-12-01“…Lawrence began to be preoccupied with the terms of the social contract, as his letter to Lady Ottoline Morrell, from April 1915 indicates: “as for my Contrat Social, wait, wait, wait, for I can’t do it yet. …”
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« Des comices romains » : vote du peuple et chose publique dans Du contrat social
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The uncomfortable question of urgency for liberal thought: A dialogue between John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government and contemporary liberal theory
Published 2017“…The second instead centres on political legitimacy through means of social contract, relying on assumptions of universal rationality that work against the first account’s deference to gradualism and parental authority. …”
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Sharing whilst caring: solidarity and public trust in a data-driven healthcare system
Published 2020“…<br><br> Main text<br> In this paper we explore how the opening of the healthcare sector to private digital companies challenges the existing social contract and the NHS’s solidaristic character, and impacts on public trust. …”
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Sharing whilst caring: solidarity and public trust in a data-driven healthcare system
Published 2021“…In this paper we explore how the opening of the healthcare sector to private digital companies challenges the existing social contract and the NHS’s solidaristic character, and impacts on public trust. …”
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Animal dignity and sympathetic imagination: Martha Nussbaum and an analysis of the treatment of non-human animals
Published 2022-01-01“…The intention of Nussbaum’s approach is to represent an improvement on the social contract tradition (in particular, in the Rawlsian version), by offering a more encompassing theory of justice. …”
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Sharing whilst caring: solidarity and public trust in a data-driven healthcare system
Published 2020-11-01“…Main text In this paper we explore how the opening of the healthcare sector to private digital companies challenges the existing social contract and the NHS’s solidaristic character, and impacts on public trust. …”
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Antara Leviathan Dan Hukum Ikan
Published 2002-01-01“…This paper will examine thoroughly the social contract theory existing both in western and eastern academic tradistion. …”
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Tra etnolinguistica e pragmatica: i complimenti tra i migranti sardi a Biella
Published 2023-12-01“…Fare complimenti su questi topic è una mancanza di rispetto, e una violazione del Social Contract of Values, per cui nessuna azione rimediale è possibile sul piano conversazionale. …”
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A santidade do contrato e das leis: considerações sobre a religião civil de Rousseau
Published 2011-06-01“…<br>In the chapter about civil religion in the Social Contract, Rousseau uses expressions such as "sanctity of social contract and laws", "purely civil profession of faith", and even "civil religion" for alluding to the necessary, although conflicting, relation between Religion and Politics. …”
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Antara Leviathan Dan Hukum Ikan
Published 1999“…This paper will examine thoroughly the social contract theory existing both in western and eastern academic tradistion. …”
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Kontribusi Etika Islam pada Pendidikan Politik: Solusi bagi Problema Civil Society Indonesia Era Reformasi
Published 2013-11-01“…Autonomy, self-help, and self-sufficiency are ethical solutions for solving the problem of civil society being coopted by the state when their leader gets power. Moreover, social contract is an ethical solution for solving the problem of civil society coopting the state.…”
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Sobre a imagem rousseauniana da lei acima dos homens On the Rousseaunian image of law above men
Published 2008-01-01“…<br>Between the article on political economy, of 1755, and the Social Contract, of 1762, Rousseau's notion of law changes from "celestial voice" to "declaration of general will". …”
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Innerarity, Daniel (2019). Política para Perplexos. Lisboa: Porto Editora, ISBN 978-972-0-45-03232-4, 214 pp. (Critical review)(Vol.13, N.1)
Published 2022-04-01“…Daniel Innerarity in “Politics for the Perplexed” continues the reflection begun in the aftermath of the Great Recession (Innerarity, 2016) on the current challenges facing contemporary democracies, examining the ethical and cultural foundations for the possibility of a new social contract. This social contract is to be based on trust between citizens, but also between them and the various institutions that support liberal democracy. …”
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Ethical and social implications of public–private partnerships in the context of genomic/big health data collection
Published 2024“…While the public sector relies on partnerships with commercial entities to exploit the full potential of the data it holds, such collaborations may have an impact on the return of benefits to the public sector and on public trust, and subsequently challenge the social contract. The first part of this paper explores the ways in which the four countries examined respond to the challenges posed to the social contract, and what safeguards they put in place to secure public trust. …”
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The ethics of genomic medicine: redefining values and norms in the UK and France
Published 2021“…Finally, it uses the social contract as an analytical lens to explore and redefine the balance between individual rights and collective duties in the context of genomic medicine. …”
Journal article