Una nazione, molti tipi di politeness. Il complimento come esempio di pragmatica variazionale in Italia
Published 2023-09-01“…In order to fully understand the different facework dynamics in the compliments in Piemonte Orientale, Cancello ed Arnone (Caserta) and among the Sardinian community (Biella), the compliments have been analyzed having recourse to three different models of politeness: Brown and Levinson (1987), the “Face Constituting Theory” (Arundale 2006), Mursy and Wilson’s “Social Contract of Values” (2001). …”
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Published 2023-03-01“…A contract represents the basis of legal obligation, as well as the foundation of the validity and legitimacy of legal rules, dating back to the theory of the social contract. The functioning of the digital society and digital economy has introduced the process of digitization into the scope of the Contract Law and contracting practice. …”
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Contrato social e (Des)igualdade
Published 2008-01-01“…The article discusses the social contract through a theoretical perspective that reveals the limits of the category of equality to guide the action the contemporary state. …”
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RSE et théorie des parties prenantes : les impasses du contrat
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L’éducation problématique du citoyen
Published 2016-10-01“…Education of the citizen is problematic on several sides, and just one will be treated here, from Rousseau, who, in the Social Contract, provides the classic definition of autonomy: « obedience to a law which we prescribe to ourselves ». …”
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Impact de l’utilisation d’un support image dans la relation communicative chez les enfants avec autisme
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Relations ville-campagne dans le Pays Ajaccien
Published 2012-01-01“…Whereas a new social contract links consumers and producers of the peri-urban area of Ajaccio, the integration of agriculture in the territorial planning is questioned. …”
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Published 2017-10-01“…On this based John Locke put forward the theory known of social contract theory. According to his theory the state is built on the basis of social contract between the government as the holder of power with the people as the holder of sovereignty. …”
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A HERANÇA TEÓRICA DE JOHN LOCKE: os nexos entre o liberalismo clássico e as formas de trabalho análogos à escravização no neoliberalismo
Published 2021-04-01“…Abstract This article proposes to recover the discussion around the analytical category "social contract" guided by the Western liberal tradition. …”
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Alessandro Pizzorno teorico della politica
Published 2019-03-01“…Putting the concept of recognition at the center of his theory, he elaborated the Hegelian critique to Hobbes and the contractualist paradigm from which the theory of rational choice drew its strength: not social contract among equals, but recognition among unequals – which has to be mutual recognition, because not even the strongest can afford not to be recognized by the weakest.…”
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An analysis of the influence of Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau in the American Federalist thought
Published 2011-06-01“…The discussion of such concepts on Locke`s Two Treatises of Governments (1689), Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Laws (1748), and Rousseau’s The Social Contract and Discourses (1762) is compared to the ideas presented by the Federalists on their 85 Articles to assess how the latter conception of republic, representation and division of powers is influenced by the former. …”
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Erzählungen als Handlungsbeschreibungen. Narrative Erklärungen politischer Ordnungen am Beispiel der Vertragstheorie
Published 2015-12-01“…In the final paragraph I illustrate my argument with the example of social contract theory, which shows how the different types of narrative explanation work.…”
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Los Derechos Humanos en la Filosofía Analítica: Ronald Dworkin
Published 2013-11-01“…Certain presence of iusnaturalism in that foundation is pointed at, for Dworkin, as Hart and Rawls, seeks which ones would be the natural rights of man (one of them says that it would be freedom, and the other two that it would be equality), i.e, they are rights that cannot depend on social contract, because they are first to them and they are presupposed to it; and because of that, they cannot depend on the sole positivation. …”
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Instruments of energy subsidy reforms in Arab countries — The case of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
Published 2020-02-01“…However, the adopted reforms are not yet comprehensive and do not alter the social contract of rentier states. Keywords: Energy subsidies, Utility tariffs, Arab countries, Gulf Cooperation Council, Energy efficiency, Energy sector reforms…”
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Representaciones y estereotipos de la masculinidad en el cine boliviano contemporáneo
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Awakening the "Walking Dead": Zombie Pedagogy for Millennials
Published 2017-02-01“…Based on my undergraduate course: "Political Theory, Climate Change, and the Zombie Apocalypse," the article outlines how The Walking Dead can be used to critique the mythic assumptions built into modern social contract theory; to introduce other political ideologies, including conservatism, anarchism, fascism, and communism; and to consider the political challenges raised by a global problem such as climate change in an increasingly neoliberal environment. …”
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International Relations and its epistemicides
Published 2019-06-01“…Through the myths mobilized by the discipline, such as the myths of the “state of nature” and the “social contract”, the text aims at putting light on its Eurocentric trajectory, calling attention to its constitutive forms of violence and exclusions. …”
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India’s electricity future: change is inevitable - how much, how fast?
Published 2015“…</p> <p>Implicit, if not explicit, in Indian policies have been steps towards universal access and pricing that makes electricity affordable for the poor. Other social contract aspects, such as environmental concerns, have also been important, especially for mining (coal) and, more recently, carbon.…”
Journal article -
Published 2022-12-01“…Although Rousseau has egalitarian views based on the concept of the general will in The Social Contract, in Emile, while he offers good citizenship education for men, limits women to being the ideal woman-mother. …”
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Twitter and the body parodic : global acts of re-creation and recreation
Published 2018Get full text