The fastest stars in the Galaxy
Published 2023-07-01“…However, the two nearest and faintest D$^6$ stars have the lowest velocities and masses, suggesting that observational selection effects favor rarer, higher-mass stars. …”
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Dirac-boson stars
Published 2023-02-01“…Abstract In this paper, we construct Dirac-boson stars (DBSs) model composed of a scalar field and two Dirac fields. …”
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Artificial star (B)
Published 2014“…As the name of the project implies, Artificial Stars represent the use of UAVs as a mean to ensure that the crowds stay organized and also guide them to safety.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The formation of binary stars
Published 2001“…Of the several processes that have been suggested for the formation of binary systems - fragmentation, fission, capture, and collision-induced processes - fragmentation during the collapse of a rotating proto-star appears to be a key ingredient. Numerical simulations of this process do indicate that under certain conditions fragmentation does occur; however the simulations so far have not reached the point where they can explain the statistical properties of observed binary and multiple star systems.…”
Conference item -
Star-Planet Interactions
Published 2009“…Much effort has been invested in recent years, both observationally and theoretically, to understand the interacting processes taking place in planetary systems consisting of a hot Jupiter orbiting its star within 10 stellar radii. Several independent studies have converged on the same scenario: that a short-period planet can induce activity on the photosphere and upper atmosphere of its host star. …”
Conference item -
The life of stars and their planets
Published 2005“…We lack a reliable scenario for the formation and evolution of stars and their planetary systems, involving key factors such as magnetic fields and turbulence. …”
Journal article -
UPM Award For The Star
Published 2008“…The Star, was given the universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) award for best English coverage of the institution.…”
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Newspaper -
The Supersonic Project: Star Formation in Early Star Clusters without Dark Matter
Published 2023-01-01Subjects: “…Globular star clusters…”
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On the Dynamical Evolution of the Asteroid Belt in a Massive Star–Neutron Star Binary
Published 2024-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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AEOS: Star-by-star Cosmological Simulations of Early Chemical Enrichment and Galaxy Formation
Published 2025-01-01“…The A eos project introduces a series of high-resolution cosmological simulations that model star-by-star chemical enrichment and galaxy formation in the early Universe, achieving 1 pc resolution. …”
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S-type Stars from LAMOST DR10: Classification of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stars
Published 2023-01-01Subjects: “…S stars…”
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Young Star Clusters Dominate the Production of Detached Black Hole–Star Binaries
Published 2024-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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Star formation beyond galaxies: widespread in-situ formation of intra-cluster stars
Published 2024-12-01“…We find that a significant fraction of ICL stars ($8\%$-$28\%$) are born in-situ. This amounts to a total stellar mass comparable to the central galaxy itself. …”
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Article -
Star Recognition Based on Path Optimization in Star Sensor with Multiple Fields of View
Published 2018-01-01“…Star sensors make use of astronomical information in stars to determine attitude for spacecrafts by star image recognition. …”
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