Perbandingan Pemberian Lidokain 2% 1,5 mg/kgBB Intravena dengan Propofol 0,3 mg/kgBB Intravena Setelah Anestesi Umum Dihentikan terhadap Kejadian Batuk Saat Ekstubasi Bangun
Published 2017-08-01“…The research was done with experimental method with a single blind randomized controlled trial and was carried out on 72 subjects consisting of lidocaine group (n=36) and propofol group (n=36). Statistic analysis using chi-square test with statistical product and service solution (SPSS) version 20.0 for windows with significance level 5% and considered significant if p<0,05. …”
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Epileptic seizures and EEG features in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus Crises epilépticas e características do EEG em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil
Published 2008-09-01“…The abnormalities of EEG were characterized by asymmetry of the electric cerebral activity, diffuse disorganized background activity, focal epileptiform discharges in the right central-temporal region, generalized paroxysmal of 3 Hz spike-waves, and bursts of theta-delta slowness activity in the right parietal-occiptal region. The statistic analysis showed no significantly difference between age of onset of symptoms and the risk of seizures (p 0.675) as well as between time of the disease and the risk of seizures (p 0.436). …”
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Karakteristik Kekuatan Bending Kayu Komposit Polyester Diperkuat Serat Pandan Wangi dengan Filler Serbuk Gergaji Kayu
Published 2014-10-01“…And then bending testing was done with three point bending method. and then statistic analysis was done using two way ANOVA. The results showed that at 20% fiber volume fraction, showed an increasing trend in the variation of bending strength fiber length 15, 20, 25, 50 (mm) with an average bending strength sequentially respectively 56.7 MPa, 67 MPa, 90 MPa and 93.33 MPa. …”
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Published 2017-12-01“…The result of descriptive statistic analysis showed that the result of learning mathematics of class X students of SMA Negeri 2 Watampone was categorized high with average score 76,5 with standard deviation 12,8. …”
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Sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba de esfuerzo y el estudio de perfusión miocárdica con SESTAMIBI para detección de enfermedad arterial coronaria, en el Hospital San Juan de...
Published 2010-07-01“…Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Adescriptive statistic analysis of the different risk factors was carried out. …”
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Estado nutricional alterado e sua associação com perfil lipídico e hábitos de vida em idosos hipertensos Altered nutritional status and its association with lipid profile and lifes...
Published 2008-12-01“…Anthropometric and biochemical assessments and interviews containing information about medical diagnosis and socioeconomic, demographic, and lifestyle characteristics were performed. A descriptive statistics analysis was used and in the comparative analysis we used Student´s t test or One-way Anova. …”
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Perbandingan Osmolaritas, Kadar Natrium dan Klorida Plasma setelah Pemberian NaCl–RL (3:1) dengan Ringerfundin pada Pasien Tumor Otak
Published 2014-02-01“…Data were analyzed with by using t-test analysis. Result: Statistic analysis showed no significant differences between the two groups in calculated plasma osmolarity (291,42 vs 290,21; (p=0,63) and sodium plasma level (141,28 vs 141,06; (p=0,82). …”
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Panorama epidemiológico y clínico de la cardiopatía chagásica crónica en México Epidemiological and clinical outlook of chronic Chagas' heart disease in Mexico
Published 2005-10-01“…Epidemiological data was obtained through interviews and clinical and serological data from health services. Statistic analysis was conducted using the Chi-square, Fischer, Mann-Whitney or Students' t-test as well as multivariate analysis. …”
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Distúrbios de conduta com predomínio de agressividade, irritabilidade, impulsividade e instabilidade: estudo clínico-eletrencefalográfico de 100 casos Behaviour disorders with pred...
Published 1974-09-01“…So great a difference exempts any statistic analysis and indicates an extremely important factor in the origin of behaviour disturbs which, however, is not usually valuated and not even mentioned in the studies about that subject. …”
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Perfil lipídico e fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em estudantes de medicina Lipid profile and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in medicine students
Published 2005-07-01“…METHODS: We assessed 153 students, regardless of sex, with age between 18 and 31 years old, submitted to lipid profile analysis, including serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), fraction of cholesterol of low (LDLc), high (HDLc) and very low density (VLDLc) lipoproteins and triglycerides (TG), besides of life habits and anthropometric data. Statistic analysis was employed, including the test of Mann Whitney, chi-square test, Pearson's correlation and multivariate analysis, by adopting a significance level for a value of p<0.05. …”
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A study of paediatric patients with complex chronic conditions admitted to a paediatric department over a 12 month period
Published 2021-10-01“…In order to identify the level of complexity of the patients, the Clinical Risk Group (CRG) was used, with 3 groups being created: acute, chronic, and CCC. Statistics analysis was performed using SPSS v24. Results: A total of 1433 patients were included. …”
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Autovaloración de calidad de vida y envejecimiento en adultos con riesgo de Alzheimer Self-assessment of quality of life and aging of Alzheimer development risk adults
Published 2008-03-01“…Social-demographic characteristics were analyzed and quality of life and overall aging selfassessment tests were applied, which included the World Health Organization Quality of Life, and the Nürnberg -Self-Evaluation-List respectively. Statistic Analysis: The groups were described and they were compared to the variables of the study using Kruskall Wallis non-parametric anova and Mann-Whitney’s U-test. …”
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Published 2011“…The research bound variables consisted of the weight weighed in Digital Camry, the hand muscle power measured by the dynamometer, the working burden with the nerve-pulse indicator measured by the Personal ECG Recorder EP-202 ©, the fatigue with the blood lactate acid measured by Accutrend ® Lactate. The statistic analysis used to see the differences among the 4 variables with the different attitudes was the Covariance Analysis, while the differences among them were measured by using independent t-test The Result of the Research: 1. …”
Thesis -
Growth responses and secondary metabolites properties of three accessions of Justicia gendarussa burm f. affected by plant age, water stress and chicken manure
Published 2020“…The recorded parameters were measured within three regular intervals of every four weeks at 4, 8, and 12 WAT and were statistically analysis. Among three accessions evaluated at three different plant ages, JGG exhibited the highest dry weight at each observation weeks (3.9 g to 11.5 g). …”
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Thesis -
Association of interleukin gene polymorphism and clinical variables with external apical root resorption after initial stage of orthodontic treatment among Malay population
Published 2021“…The outcome of descriptive statistics analysis showed that a total of 96.9% of all anterior teeth manifested the root resorption after initial stage of the treatment. …”
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Thesis -
Hubungan Kadar Iodium dalam Garam Beriodium di Rumah Tangga dengan Kecukupan Iodium Berdasarkan Nilai Ekskresi Iodium Urin (EIU) pada Wanita Usia Subur
Published 2015-01-01“…The pearson correlation statistic analysis showed there was a significant relationship between iodine level of iodized salt in the houshold with the iodine allowance based on urinary excretion of iodine (UEI) value (rho=0,5 p</em><<em>0,01). …”
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Avaliação da relação entre espaço morto e volume corrente como índice preditivo de falha de extubação Evaluation of the dead space to tidal volume ratio as a predictor of extubatio...
Published 2006-10-01“…Patients who tolerated extubation, with or without noninvasive support, were defined as success-R and compared with those who were reintubated. Statistic analysis was based on a VD/VT cutoff point of 0.65. …”
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Efecto de la fertilización en la nutrición y rendimiento de ají (Capsicum spp.) en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia Effect of the fertilization on the nutrition and yield of the red pe...
Published 2010-01-01“…The beginning of the experiment classifified like Typic Hapludolls. The statistic analysis threw that in all the experiments the denominated treatment fertilization of organic + chemical synthesis + mycorrhizae was the one that I throw the best results followed of the treatments to which the biofertilization source was applied to them (Microorganismos solubilizers of phosphorus and nitrogen fixing devices). …”
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Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands in Brazil: clinicopathological outcomes and a brief review Carcinoma mucoepidermoide de las glándulas salivares en Brasil: resultado...
Published 2012-06-01“…The survival curves were designed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the statistic analysis was made using the log-rank test. The 68.7 % of patients was of male sex, all patients were between 13 and 83 years old. …”
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Análise comparativa do movimento de extensão de joelho na cadeira extensora, associado à dorsiflexão ou flexão plantar do tornozelo durante treinamento de hipertrofia em mulheres...
Published 2018-06-01“…It has been verified through the statistically analysis of Student, the T test with significance (<0,05) that, all the students had a decrease of skinfolds at the region of the medial thigh, but the plantar flexion group (2) obtained a greater decrease and, consequently, evidencing that the data were of greater significance (<0,05) in this group. …”
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