Tamizaje en cáncer cervical: conocimiento de la utilidad y uso de citología cervical en México Cervical cancer screening: knowledge of Pap smear benefits and utilization in Mexico...
Published 2003-02-01“…A questionnaire was applied to a total of 2,107 women of reproductive age who attended a family planning program and data was collected regarding the following topics: social-demographics, reproductive risk factors associated with cervical cancer, sexual behavior and partner history, birth control, knowledge about Pap smear' benefits, and its utilization. Statistic analysis was conducted using Student´s test and non-conditional multiple logistic regression model for determining significance. …”
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The effect of slicing type on drying kinetics and quality of dried carrot
Published 2016-03-01“…The effects of carrot thickness at two levels (3 and 6 mm), blade in 3 models (flat blade, wavy blade and Ridged blade) and the cutting direction at 3 levels (linear, lateral and diagonal) were evaluated on drying kinetics, drying rate, shrinkage and rehydration. Statistic analysis done by SPSS software. Results and Discussion: The results of analysis of variance showed that the effects of cutting parameters were significant on studied parameters (p<0.01) (Table 1). …”
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Las razones que motivan a estudiar Medicina o Enfermería y el grado de satisfacción con la profesión
Published 2022-05-01“…The questionnaire is composed of four sections: Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents of the survey, reasons for wanting to pursue these studies, respondents’ satisfaction with the expectations, and about their position on re-taking the same training again. Statistic analysis includes the comparison of percentages and of averages (Student T- test) for independent samples and logistic simple and multivariate regression models. …”
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Estudio de los pacientes pediátricos crónicos complejos ingresados en un servicio de pediatría a lo largo de 12 meses
Published 2021-10-01“…In order to identify the level of complexity of the patients, the Clinical Risk Group (CRG) was used, with 3 groups being created: acute, chronic, and CCC. Statistics analysis was performed using SPSS v24. Results: A total of 1,433 patients were included. …”
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Plastia valvar mitral pela técnica do Duplo Teflon: análise do remodelamento cardíaco pela ecocardiografia tridimensional Mitral valve repair by Double Teflon technique: cardiac re...
Published 2010-12-01“…Patients were evaluated in preoperative period, immediate postoperative period, 6 months and 1 year after mitral repair. Statistic analysis was made by repeated measures ANOVA test and was considered statistically significant P < 0.05. …”
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Menstrual symptoms and subjective well-being among postmenarchal adolescentsAJOG Global Reports at a Glance
Published 2024-02-01“…The frequency and severity of symptoms across different postmenarchal years (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th+ year after menarche) were studied with Chi-square and Kendall's tau statistics. Analysis of variance was used to study the association between menstrual symptoms and World Health Organization Five Well-Being index scores. …”
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Influência dos níveis de prolactina e tamanho tumoral na função hipofisária pós-operatória em macroadenomas hipofisários clinicamente não-funcionantes Influence of hyperprolactinem...
Published 2002-09-01“…Student's t test, chi square test, exact test of Fisher and Mc Neman test were used for the statistics analysis . The level of significance adopted was 5% (p<0.05). …”
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Análise comparativa de dois métodos de proteção miocárdica em pacientes de alto risco para cirurgia de revascularização do míocárdio Comparative analysis of two methods of myocardi...
Published 1996-12-01“…Nervertheless, the results from Group II were superior to Group I, even though the statistic analysis do not corroborate those results. That, associated with clinical data, technical improvement and recognizing the limitations of the procedure, made us use it in this specific group of patients.…”
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Prematuridade e baixo peso entre recém-nascidos de adolescentes primíparas Prematurity and low weight of newborns from primiparous adolescents according to age groups
Published 2006-09-01“…The chi² test was used for the statistic analysis and the partition chi² test for the found differences. …”
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Factores que determinan la aplicación del proceso de enfermería en instituciones hospitalarias de Villavicencio, Colombia, 2008 Fatores que determinam a aplicação do processo de en...
Published 2009-07-01“…Method: transversal, descriptive, exploratory study, through standardized interviews prior informed consent, to 48 nurses. The statistic analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel and SPSS V. 12. …”
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Factores que determinan la aplicación del proceso de enfermería en instituciones hospitalarias de Villavicencio, Colombia, 2008 Factors that determine the application of nursing pr...
Published 2009-07-01“…. Method: transversal, descriptive, exploratory study, through standardized interviews prior informed consent, to 48 nurses. The statistic analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel and SPSS V. 12. …”
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IETA Ultrasonic Features Combined with GI-RADS Classification System and Tumor Biomarkers for Surveillance of Endometrial Carcinoma: An Innovative Study
Published 2022-11-01“…<i>Results:</i> (1) The statistic analysis confirmed that there were seven independent predictors of malignant lesions, including thickened endometrium (premenopause ≥ 18.5 mm, postmenopause ≥ 15.5 mm), non-uniform endometrial echogenicity (heterogeneous with irregular cysts), endometrial midline appearance (not defined), the endometrial–myometrial junction (interrupted or not defined), intracavitary fluid (ground glass or “mixed” echogenicity), color score (3~4 points) and vascular pattern (focal origin multiple vessels or multifocal origin multiple vessels). (2) In traditional ultrasound GI-RADS (U-T-GI-RADS), if category 4a was taken as the cut-off value of benign and malignant, the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and diagnostic accuracy were 97.2%, 65.2%, 44.0%, 98.8% and 72.2%, respectively, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.812. …”
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<b> Physical growth and health related physical fitness in adolescents of differents socio economic status </b>
Published 2006-06-01“…The analysis of the data was made through the descriptive statistics, analysis of variance one-way and the Scheffé’s post-hoc test (p < .05). …”
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Reclutamiento de corales pétreos en arrecifes coralinos a diferentes distancias de fuentes de contaminación en La Habana, Cuba Stony coral recruitment in coral reefs at different d...
Published 2012-09-01“…Significant differences in mean stony recruit densities were found both between sites and sampling dates. The statistic analysis did not show significant spatial-temporal interactions. …”
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Trajetórias Tecnológicas como Objeto de Política de Conhecimento para a Amazônia: uma metodologia de delineamento
Published 2009-10-01“…With results from factorial and main components statistic analysis applied to a special base of data of the Agricultural Census of 1995-1996 regionalized at micro-regional level, the article defines six technological trajectories for the Brazilian north region – the Amazon region. …”
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Protocolo eletrônico de coleta de dados clínicos da microcirurgia endoscópica transanal (TEM): desenvolvimento e aplicação Electronic protocol of clinical data collection in transa...
Published 2009-12-01“…Later, a descriptive study was done using the database with statistic analysis generated through SINPE©Analisador module. …”
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Método de Cobb na escoliose idiopática do adolescente: avaliação dos ângulos obtidos com goniômetros articulados e fixos Método de Cobb en la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente:...
Published 2009-06-01“…The cranial and caudal vertebras to be measured were pre-established, so the choose of wrong levels could be avoided. The statistic analysis was done with "parametric tests" to determine the variance of the measures between different goniometer and the same examiner. …”
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Relação entre o desempenho no vestibular e o desempenho durante o curso de graduação Relación entre el desempeño en el examen para ingreso en la universidad (vestibular) y el desem...
Published 2008-03-01“…To study the results a statistic analysis was made. We conclude that, in general, the first placed students perform better than the last ones, and reasons like basic formation (basic and average education), work and the age of the pupils are related to their performance during the course. …”
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Aproximación a un servicio de atención domiciliaria (SAD) municipal Approach to a local home care service
Published 2006-12-01“…The information was collected in the visits undertaken by Nursery students at the user's home. The statistic analysis consists in the descriptive analysis of the aforementioned issues variables and has been undertaken with the statistical software SPSS 11.0. …”
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Extended abstract: Evaluation of relationship between density and social sustainability in Tehran Municipality’s regions
Published 2013-01-01“…Library studies and statistics collects, building an analytic model and indexes, using of experts for finalizing analytic model, statistics analysis and mathematical calculation, factors naming by attention to factors' load and experts Opinions, Conclusion and analysis of results by attention to experts Opinions, is the steps of doing this research in order.3– Discussion This research showed that social sustainability contains, Development and access to facilities, Medical and health's share, Cultural development and Voluntary participation, in order. …”
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