Subcritical water technology for enhanced extraction of biochemical compounds from Chlorella vulgaris
Published 2016“…The results showed maximum total carbohydrate content and protein yields of 14.2 g/100 g and 31.2 g/100 g, respectively, achieved under the process conditions of 277°C, 5% of microalgal biomass loading, and 5 min extraction time. Statistical analysis revealed that, of all the parameters investigated, temperature is the most critical during SWE of microalgal biomass for protein and carbohydrate production.…”
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Article -
Effect of moisture on electrical response of sand and clay under high impulse voltage applications
Published 2017“…The voltage at breakdown and time to breakdown for each soil sample was analysed a statistical analysis conducted for these two parameters to determine if type of soil and moisture content have an effect on the breakdown voltage. …”
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Improvement of morphological properties of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) by adding nutrients
Published 2015“…The combination of boron and zinc at the rate of 1.5 and 5 kg/ha, respectively produced the lumen diameter which was 8.45 μm. Statistical analysis indicates that the mixed between all nutrients as used in this present research is greatly beneficial for improving quality properties of the bast kenaf fiber that is used for varied engineering applications.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multivariate and geostatistical approaches in assessment of groundwaterquality for drinking purpose in shallow wells(of Amol-Babol Plain, Iran)
Published 2012“…Groundwater samples were collected from 60 wells during the dry season in the 2009. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that Na+, Cl-, TDS, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, HCO3 -, BOD, COD and Ca2+ are significant parameters, which influenced groundwater quality for drinking purpose. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Characterization of antioxidant activity of Momordica charantia fruit by infrared-based fingerprinting
Published 2017“…The radical scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power activities were measured and the chemical profiling of the extracts was fingerprinted by infrared spectroscopy between 4,000 and 600 cm−1 at a resolution of 4 cm−1. Statistical analysis was developed by correlating the bioactivity and infrared spectra of each extract using orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis. …”
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Distribution free test for unequal observation of panel count data with application in medical follow-up study
Published 2017“…To address this, a nonparametric test procedure is proposed. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The proposed test statistics is constructed based on the integrated weighted differences between the mean cumulative function of the recurrences event with condition on treatment group. …”
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Socioeconomic predictors of adherence behavior among HIV-positive patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2017“…This cross-sectional study aimed to highlight socioeconomic predictors of adherence behavior among a cohort of 242 adult Malaysian patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Hospital Sungai Buloh, Malaysia, where they were enrolled in a parent study (single-blinded randomized controlled trial) between January and December 2014. Statistical analysis of secondary data on adherence behavior and sociodemographic characteristics of the patients revealed mean age of 33.4 years and ranged from 18 to 64 years; 88.8% were males. …”
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Mathematical modelling of molybdenum reduction to Mo-blue by a cyanide-degrading bacterium
Published 2016“…A variety of mathematical models such as logistic, Gompertz, Richards, Schnute, Baranyi-Roberts, von Bertalanffy, Buchanan three-phase and Huang were used to model molybdenum reduction, and the best model based on statistical analysis was modified Gompertz with lowest values for RMSE and AICc, highest adjusted R2 values, with Bias Factor and Accuracy Factor nearest to unity (1.0). …”
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A Framework for Measuring Knowledge Transfer Process in E-Learning Environment
Published 2006“…The data was later analyzed using statistical analysis. Five out of eight developed hypotheses were evidently supported while three others were not supported. …”
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Thesis -
User satisfaction toward baby room design and facilities in selected shopping centers in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Published 2014“…The data analyses were conducted in the form of descriptive analyses which involve T-Test and Annova that were obtained by utilizing the statistical analysis program, SPSS 21. The findings revealed that the respondents were satisfied a little for all components in the baby room and particularly scored the lowest mean for security system in the baby room. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis study of high oleic palm oil-based trimethylolpropane triesters: response surface methodology based optimization
Published 2018“…The selected affecting parameters were reaction temperature (90-140°C), reaction time (30-90 min) and concentration of sodium methoxide catalyst (0.28-0.60 wt%). The statistical analysis suggested that all single parameters had significant effects on TMPTE yield. …”
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Tourist perception and behaviour towards public mural art installation in Georgetown Heritage District, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Subsequently, physical and statistical analysis SPSS were selected to analyse the collected data. …”
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Thesis -
The management of Bhawal National Park, Bangladesh by the local community for resource protection and ecotourism
Published 2008“…It is administered by using structured interview questionnaires to elicit opinions from the respondents based on convenient sampling technique. Various statistical analysis namely Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Descriptive statistics, Chi-square (?…”
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Soil compaction effects of rubber -wheel tractors and half -track tractors in rice cultivation
Published 2019“…More than 4000 data set of the soil pressured was measured using the soil penetrologger throughout two main growing seasons; wet and dry. The statistical analysis using T-test across all stages and operations revealed no significant different between the RTT and HTT on the soil compaction at the top soil layer (0-20 cm). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Improved mechanical and moisture resistant properties of woven hybrid epoxy composites by graphene nanoplatelets (GNP)
Published 2019“….% of GNP, all the hybrid composites showed a better crystallinity index and the functional groups presents in the GNP can form strong interactions with the fibers and matrix. A statistical analysis was performed using One-way ANOVA, and it corroborates that the mechanical properties of different laminates showed a statistically significant difference. …”
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Modelling erosion and landslides induced by farming activities at hilly areas, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Published 2019“…The potential landslide event and its probability of occurrence were combined using bivariate statistical analysis. The results revealed that most of the landslides incidents were occurred at areas with intensive agricultural activities with no proper erosion control measures. …”
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N/A and signature analysis for malwares detection and removal
Published 2019“…Objectives: This study aimed to design an application that effectively scans, detects, and removes malware based on their signatures and behaviours. Methods/Statistical analysis: The rapid growth in the number and types of malware poses high security risks despite the numerous antivirus softwares with Signature-Based Detection (SBD) method. …”
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Optimization of antioxidant extraction in hylocereus polyrhizus seed using response surface methodology
Published 2019“…Data were analyzed by using Design Expert (version 10.0.1, Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) statistical analysis software. The optimal extraction conditions for the highest antioxidant capacity were derived at 45 mins of extraction time, 70℃ extraction temperature and 80 % ethanol concentration that resulted in 92.89 % of scavenging activity. …”
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Heavy metals (copper, zinc and lead) in mangrove sediment at Selangor River, Kampung Kuantan
Published 2019“…Data obtained were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.4 software. The results showed that the sediment was in class sandy clay and soil moisture in all plots and at all depths were higher. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Modeling of stochastic temperature and heat stress directly underneath agrivoltaic conditions with orthosiphon stamineus crop cultivation
Published 2020“…It was found from this work that the PV system’s bottom surface temperature was the main source of dissipated heat, as shown in the thermal images recorded at 5-min intervals at three sampling times. A statistical analysis further showed that the thermal correlation for the transpiration process and heat stress occurrences between the PV system’s bottom surface and plant height will be an important factor for large scale plant cultivation in agrivoltaic farms.…”
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