Advances in kernel methods: towards general-purpose and scalable models
Published 2017“…Chapter 4 generalizes these approaches and proposes a novel class of stochastic processes we refer to as string Gaussian processes (string GPs) that, when used as functional prior in a Bayesian nonparametric framework, allow for inference in linear time complexity and linear memory requirement, without resorting to approximations. …”
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Investigation of Relationship Between Hydrologic Processes of Precipitation, Evaporation and Stream Flow Using Linear Time Series Models (Case study: Western Basins of Lake Urmia)
Published 2016-02-01“…In basin D, the behavior of precipitation was stochastic and followed the MA model, which was related to the stochastic processes. In this basin, the stochastic behavior of precipitation affected the stream flow behavior, and it was observed that the stochastic term of MA also appeared in the stream flow. …”
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Appropriately Reduced Nitrogen and Increased Phosphorus in Ratooning Rice Increased the Yield and Reduced the Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Southeast China
Published 2024-02-01“…Appropriately combined nitrogen and phosphorus application reduced the relative contribution of stochastic processes in microbial community assembly, broadened the niche breadth of microbial communities, enhanced the abundance of functional genes related to methane-oxidizing bacteria and soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the rhizosphere, and decreased the abundance of functional genes related to methanogenic and denitrifying bacteria, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the ratooning season. …”
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Vana ja uus kvantitatiivne formalism: kõrvutused ja väljavaated (Moskva Lingvistiline Ring ning Stanfordi Kirjanduslabor) / “Old” and “New” Quantitative Formalism: Comparisons and...
Published 2022-06-01“…In 1960, Jakobson called Tomashevsky’s approach to verse “an example of the longest and, until recently, perhaps the most spectacular ties between linguistics, in particular the study of poetic language, on the one hand, and the mathematical analysis of stochastic processes on the other”. This approach “gave surprising clues for descriptive, historical, comparative, and general metrics on a scientific basis”. …”
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Revision of Drusinae subfamily (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae): divergence by paraproct and paramere: speciation in isolation by integration
Published 2017-08-01“…Integration and not the selection is the real force mechanism that harmonises the concerted flux of stochastic processes into reproductive isolation by sexual selection. …”
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Abundance estimation and Conservation Biology
Published 2004-06-01“…They offer hierarchical models as a natural approach to inference in which traditional parameters are viewed as realizations of stochastic processes. These processes are governed by hyperparameters, and the inferential approach focuses on these hyperparameters. …”
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Theoretical analysis and simulation of a code division multiple access system (cdma) for secure signal transmission in wideband channels
Published 2014-06-01“…Using the theory of discrete time stochastic processes, the probability of error expressions are derived in </em><em>a </em><em>closed form for a multi-user chaos based CDMA system. …”
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Pricing reinsurance and determining optimal retention based on the criterion of maximizing social expected utility
Published 2023-12-01“…The simulation approach in numerical methods limits us to the probability distributions and stochastic processes the authors use, based on, generally speaking, lognormal models of rates of return. …”
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EGS Richardson AGU Chapman NVAG3 Conference: Nonlinear Variability in Geophysics: scaling and multifractal processes
Published 1994-01-01“…The paper by Vassiliadis et al. follows on directly by investigating the phase space properties of power-law filtered and rectified gaussian noise; the results further quantify how low phase space correlation dimensions can occur even with very large number of degrees of freedom (stochastic) processes. Voros et al. analyze time series of geomagnetic storms and magnetosphere pulsations, also estimating their correlation dimensions and Lyapounov exponents taking special care of the stability of the estimates. …”
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