UV completions for non-critical strings
Published 2016“…Compactifications of the physical superstring to two dimensions provide a general template for realizing 2D conformal field theories coupled to worldsheet gravity, i.e. non-critical string theories. Motivated by this observation, in this paper we determine the quasi-topological 8D theory which governs the vacua of 2D N = (0, 2) gauged linear sigma models (GLSMs) obtained from compactifications of type I and heterotic strings on a Calabi-Yau fourfold. …”
Journal article -
Time scales and their characteristics
Published 2021“…The story of time began from the creation of the universe through the history of modern human life in the form of the fourth dimension (one temporal dimension along with another three spatial dimensions, or up to twenty-six dimensions according to the string theories [2]. Prior to 1900, time was considered to be uniform and the same everywhere in the universe where the observers measured the same time interval for any event, which departs from the classical physics of the Newtonian era. …”
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Book Section -
Back to heterotic strings on ALE spaces. Part II. Geometry of T-dual little strings
Published 2024-01-01“…In this project we study the geometric counterpart in F-theory of the T-dualities between Heterotic ALE instantonic Little String Theories (LSTs) extending and generalising previous results on the subject by Aspinwall and Morrison. …”
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From little string free energies towards modular graph functions
Published 2020-03-01“…Abstract We study the structure of the non-perturbative free energy of a one-parameter class of little string theories (LSTs) of A-type in the so-called unrefined limit. …”
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On p-adic string amplitudes in the limit p approaches to one
Published 2018-08-01“…The meromorphic continuation of local zeta functions has been used for several authors to regularize parametric Feynman amplitudes in field and string theories. Denef and Loeser established that the limit p → 1 of a Igusa’s local zeta function gives rise to an object called topological zeta function. …”
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Safe gauge-string correspondence
Published 2022-12-01“…Here we develop the ‘safe’ gauge-string correspondence program according to which d-dimensional safe gauge theories, admitting the 't Hooft-Veneziano limit, are holographically dual to (d+1)-dimensional safe noncritical string theories on asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. …”
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Quasi-Jacobi forms, elliptic genera and strings in four dimensions
Published 2021-01-01“…Abstract We investigate the interplay between the enumerative geometry of Calabi-Yau fourfolds with fluxes and the modularity of elliptic genera in four-dimensional string theories. We argue that certain contributions to the elliptic genus are given by derivatives of modular or quasi-modular forms, which may encode BPS invariants of Calabi-Yau or non-Calabi-Yau threefolds that are embedded in the given fourfold. …”
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The first string-derived eclectic flavor model with realistic phenomenology
Published 2022-09-01Get full text
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Higher-form symmetries of 6d and 5d theories
Published 2021“…We describe general methods for determining higher-form symmetry groups of known 5d and 6d superconformal field theories (SCFTs), and 6d little string theories (LSTs). The 6d theories can be described as supersymmetric gauge theories in 6d which include both ordinary non-abelian 1-form gauge fields and also abelian 2-form gauge fields. …”
Journal article -
On factorizable S-matrices, generalized TTbar, and the Hagedorn transition
Published 2021-10-01“…The singularity signals a Hagedorn behavior of the density of high energy states of the deformed theories, a feature incompatible with the Wilsonian notion of a local QFT originating from a UV fixed point, but typical for string theories. This behavior of E(R) is qualitatively the same as the one for standard TTbar deformations of local QFT.…”
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General relativity as a biconformal gauge theory
Published 2019-06-01“…While we discuss the relationship between biconformal geometries and the double field theories of T-dual string theories, our principal interest is the study of the gravity theory. …”
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Diagrammatic expansion of non-perturbative little string free energies
Published 2021-04-01“…Abstract In [1] we have studied the single-particle free energy of a class of Little String Theories of A-type, which are engineered by N parallel M5-branes on a circle. …”
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Anisotropic massive Brans–Dicke gravity extension of the standard $$\Lambda $$ Λ CDM model
Published 2020-01-01“…We also point out the interesting features of the model in the case of negative $$\omega $$ ω values; for instance, the constraints on $$\Omega _{\sigma ^2,0}$$ Ωσ2,0 could be relaxed considerably, the values of $$\omega \sim -1$$ ω∼-1 (relevant to string theories) predict dramatically different dynamics for the expansion anisotropy.…”
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G-structures and superstrings from the worldsheet
Published 2019“…<p>G-structures, where G is a Lie group, are a uniform characterisation of many differential geometric structures of interest in supersymmetric compactifications of string theories. Calabi–Yau n-folds for instance have torsion-free SU(n)-structure, while more general structures with non-zero torsion are required for heterotic flux compactifications. …”
Thesis -
Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Future X-Ray Observatories: Projected Constraints on Very-light Axion-like Particles with Athena and AXIS
Published 2023-01-01“…Axion-like particles (ALPs) are well-motivated extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and a generic prediction of some string theories. X-ray observations of bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs) hosted by rich clusters of galaxies are excellent probes of very-light ALPs, with masses $\mathrm{log}({m}_{{\rm{a}}}/\mathrm{eV})\lt -12.0$ . …”
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Decision procedures for path feasibility of string-manipulating programs with complex operations
Published 2019“…The semantic conditions also strictly subsume existing decidable string theories (e.g. straight-line fragments, and acyclic logics), and most existing benchmarks (e.g. most of Kaluza’s, and all of SLOG’s, Stranger’s, and SLOTH’s benchmarks). …”
Journal article