Selection of potential bacterial probiotics for tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus forsskal) larviculture
Published 2012“…A preliminary identification and grouping method successfully identified 31 species, while 22 isolates as unidentified from a total of 123 isolated aerobes and facultative anaerobes. …”
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Thesis -
Non-halogenated recovery method of intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates from local isolate Comamonas sp. EB172
Published 2012“…The chemical-free aqueous solution method as a clean process and low concentration of NaOH treatment were successfully developed for PHA extraction from wild type Comamonas sp. …”
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Thesis -
Hybrid performance measures and mixed evaluation method for data classification problems
Published 2012“…For tackling the first issue, this study has successfully proposed several hybrid measures through the combination of accuracy with precision and recall measures. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of bioethanol production from yeast isolated from nypa sap using response surface methodology
Published 2012“…Besides that, selection of suitable bacteria which can withstand high concentration of sugars in nypa sap and can ferment the sugars effectively is a crucial step for a successful fermentation. Therefore, isolation of wild yeast strain from the nypa sap itself ensures the high adaptability and genetic stability of the strain during fermentation of nypa sap. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of psychological and resource factors on perceived business performance and financial well-being of government retirees in business
Published 2013“…Forty one respondents were successfully interviewed. Statistical procedures for the analyses included descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and path analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Formulation and evaluation of an automatic dishwashing detergent containing T1 lipase
Published 2013“…Consequently, a recombinant enzyme called T1 lipase (E.C., which has been well-studied and successfully produced, was evaluated as a detergent enzyme for automatic dishwashing detergent (ADD) formulation. …”
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Thesis -
Isolation, characterization and application of micro-satellite markers in Persian Sturgeon, acipenser persicus borodine
Published 2013“…Ninety four loci were successfully amplified and thirteen microsatellite loci that were polymorphic disomic loci were identified. …”
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Thesis -
Selection of clones for canopy replacement in rehabilitation of vascular streak diebak in mature cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) in Malaysia
Published 2013“…The VSD DSI was higher (1.432) at 1.5m grafting distances, girth of the grafted branches was smallest in 2m grafting distance (8.73 cm) and 5 grafting points (9.49 cm), stomatal conductance was higher at 1.5 m grafting distance (47.24 mmol m-2s-1), proline content and peroxidase activity were higher at 1.0 m grafting distance (1.71 μmol g-1 fresh weight and 16.84 U mg protein-1, respectively) and total polyphenols content was higher at 1.5 m grafting distance. After successful canopy replacement,cocoa production yield had increased significantly (12.75 – 18.54 pods per tree per year) compared to before its implementation (5.50 – 10 pods per tree per year). …”
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Thesis -
The future of pesticides technology in agriculture: maximum target kill with minimum collateral damage
Published 2008“…The microemulsion of rotenone and water sible mefarhizium spores have been successfully formulated. A major problem in the application of pesticides is that a large proportion of the pesticide does not reach the target, with spray efficiency, particularly with insecticides, estimated to be less than 1%. …”
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Inaugural Lecture -
Preparation of kenaf derived cellulose-filled polylactic acid composites
Published 2011“…The cellulose was successfully derived from the KBF by removing of lignin and hemicellulose. …”
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Thesis -
Designing a tracked prime mover for in-field collection and transportation of oil palm fresh fruit bunches on low bearing capacity peat terrain
Published 2011“…A rubber tracked prime mover having 550 kg maximum payload has been successfully designed, developed, and evaluated to solve the vehicle floatation problems of in-field collection and transportation of the oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) over low bearing capacity peat terrain in Malaysia. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of properties and chemical recyclability of polyethylene / poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) blend for sustainable packaging material
Published 2014“…GC-MS and 1H-NMR analyses of the pyrolyzates confirmed that PHBV component in the polymer blend was successfully degraded into its volatile monomers (crotonic acid, CA and 2-pentenoic acid, 2-PA) and oligomers, suggested that chemical recycling of PHBV is possible. …”
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Thesis -
Mechanical and thermal characterization of hybridized short kenaf/pineapple leaf fiber reinforced high density polyethylene composites
Published 2011“…Treatment of fiber surface with NaOH and Vinyltri(2-methoxy ethoxy) silane (silane AH172) and modification of HDPE matrix with the addition of MaPE and Poly (methylene) poly(phenil) isocyanate (PMPPIC) for the purpose of curtailing water uptake of the composite was successful. Irrespective of either fiber surface modification or matrix modification, reinforcement with respect to treatment depends on the type of modifier used and not the modification of matrix or fiber. …”
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Thesis -
Rat cytomegalovirus genome scaffold and A033 gene as infection marker in rats
Published 2013“…RBEC primary cells were successfully established and deemed receptive for RCMV ALL-03 with concomitant production of plaques following cytopathogenic studies. …”
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Thesis -
Characterization and optimization of bioflocculant derived through implementation of submerged and solid-state fermentation of Bacillus subtilis UPMB13
Published 2014“…A novel low molecular weight (10-50 x 103 Da), high flocculating biopolymer denoted as UPMBF13 was successfully produced through de novo pathway from the SmF and the SSF of Bacillus subtilis UPMB13. …”
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Thesis -
Accountability through accounting and reporting lenses: lessons from an awqaf institution in a Southeast Asia country
Published 2015“…Findings – The paper finds that waqf-S is a very successful awqaf manager. The administration and management are carried out in the most effective manner with comprehensive rules, guidelines and procedures. …”
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Article -
Molecular detection and pathology of Pasteurella multocida B:2 in the reproductive system of pre-pubertal buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis)
Published 2016“…All the calves in group 1 had to be euthanized after 12 h post-infection, while calves in group 2 were euthanized after day 21 post-infection. Successful isolation and PCR confirmation of P. multocida B:2 was achieved from different parts of the reproductive system, including ovary, oviduct, uterine horn, uterine body and vagina as well as mammary glands and supramammary lymph nodes of the buffaloes in group 1 after 12 h post-infection. …”
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Article -
Isolation of Ethylene Response Sensor Gene and Generation of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Oil Palm (Elaies Guineensis Jacq.) Mesocarp
Published 2006“…Subsequently, three 17- week mesocarp cDNA libraries (GM17-1, GM17-5 and GM17-9) were successfully constructed. Based on the titer and average insert size, library GM17-5 was chosen for the generation of the ESTs. …”
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Thesis -
Maternal parenting styles and exposure to community violence in influencing antisocial behavior with self-control as moderator among Penang Island adolescents in Malaysia
Published 2013“…The present study successfully developed a full-fledged structural model,with adequate model fit at significance value p<.001, chi-square (χ2 =363.378),comparative fit-index (CFI) =.923, normed fit index (NFI) =.920, and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) =.073. …”
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Thesis -
Isolation And Characterization Of Genes Expressed In Early Flowering Tissues Of Teak (Tectona Grandis Linn. F)
Published 2007“…GUS assay analysis indicated successful integration of reporter gene into the Arabidopsis genome. …”
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