Biology and Culture of a Tropical Harpacticoid Copepod, Nitocra Affinis Californica Lang
Published 2004“…Egg sac is produced 1-2 days (0.95±0.08 days) following a successful insemination. Female produced an average of 7.0±0.0 broods, minimum of 6.0±0.0 and a maximum of 8.0±0.0. …”
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Effects of locally produced microbial phytase on humoral immunity and blood characteristics in broilers vaccinated against Newcastle and Infectious Bursal Diseases
Published 2014“…In Malaysia, around 30 strains of potential phytase producing soil bacteria were successfully harvested and they show good enzymatic activities and characteristics favouring physiology of chicken gut. …”
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Potential usefulness of viral capsid surface proteins (VP1,VP2, VP3 & VP4) for vaccination against common cold
Published 2016“…In addition, the induced antibodies against recombinant proteins also reacted successfully with relevant proteins and with whole virus particle (HRV-74) and other variant strains, as shown by ELISA. …”
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Term structure of interest rates for Malaysian fixed income security
Published 2012“…Here, it should be emphasized that although CIR model is conventionally a one-factor model, it can successfully capture the dynamics of interest rates. …”
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Molecular characterization and recombinant gonadotropin subunit development for improving reproductive performance in female Hemibagrus nemurus valenciennes
Published 2016“…The rLH construct was successfully cloned into pET-32 Ek/LIC and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells. …”
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Characterization and development of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) / sugar palm (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) fiber- reinforced cassava starch hybrid composites
Published 2017“…In the final phase, the hybrid composites were successfully prepared using different amounts of fibers, the hybrid composite contains (6% w/w dry starch) cassava bagasse and (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 % w/w dry starch) sugar palm fiber. …”
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Fish larvae species identification and population genetic structure of Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas, 1770) from selected mangrove sites in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2018“…The identification of fish larvae was mostly successfully confirmed through phylogenetics analysis showing monophyletic status between query sequences with reference sequences obtained from GenBank. …”
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Treatment of palm oil mill effluent using hybrid aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor
Published 2020“…It can be deduced that the successfully developed and evaluated novel hybrid treatment system was able to reduce the colour concentration to comply with the discharge limits of the department of environment (Class-B ≤ 200 ADMI), and also all other contaminants such COD, TSS, BOD and turbidity were reduced far below the standard limit Class-A. …”
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DNA-free transcriptional activation of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) using CRISPR/DCAS9 ribonucleoproteins to enhance heat stress tolerance based on morphophysiological plant trai...
Published 2021“…A versatile protoplast system for delivery of RNPs composed of purified dCas9 fusion proteins fused to transcriptional activation domain (VP64) and four different in vitro transcribed (IVT) single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) using PEG into the red cabbage protoplasts was successfully established. The highest endogenous gene activation was 15.7-fold using RNP 3, for BoDPB3 whereas RNP 3 and RNP1 modestly activated BoDPB3 by 6.7-fold and by 4.6-fold, respectively indicating that the closer position of the sgRNAs targeting antisense and sense strands of BoDPB3 promoter region to the transcriptional start site gave higher expression. …”
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Redesigning of Geobacillus zalihae T1 lipase based on spacegrown crystal structure
Published 2019“…Nonetheless, lipases containing a single mutant of D43E and E226D were found to be successful in introducing and increasing the mutant stability, where the stability of protein structure was highly dependent on the role of hydrogen bonds and ion interactions.…”
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Utilization of Carbon Nanotube Towards the Improved Properties of Polyamide 6 Nanocomposites
Published 2015“…Ethylenediamine (EDA), hexamethylenediamine (HDA) and octadecylamine (ODA) were successfully grafted on the surface of CNTs. PA6 composites containing unmodified and modified CNTs prepared at different CNT’s loading by simple melt mixing. …”
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Development Of Wo3-Tio2 Nanotube Arrays For Water Electrolysis
Published 2013“…Highly ordered and smooth TiO2 nanotubes were successfully synthesized through anodization of Ti foil in ethylene glycol containing 5 wt% of NH4F and 5 wt% of H2O2 at 60 V for 1 h. …”
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Formation Of Single Phase Niti Shape Memory Alloy Via Solid State Processing In Reducing Environment
Published 2016“…Whilst shape memory effect is a unique advantage of NiTi shape memory alloy like, no successful attempt so far to produce single phase NiTi with good transformation. …”
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2d Human Motion Estimation Modeling For Classification
Published 2016“…The study outcomes successfully imply that the proposed 2D stick estimation model with AVE-TAT is a feasible approach in distinguishing characteristics of different human motions for classifications. …”
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Development Of Nonmetal-Doped Tio2 Nanotube Photocatalyst For Decolorization Of Methyl Orange
Published 2015“…The formation of C-TiO2 NT by anodization was successful in fluorinated organic electrolyte. Glycerol and ethylene glycol (EG) were the organic electrolyte with their neutral pH. …”
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Designing The National Spatial Data Infrastructure For Jordan
Published 2018“…No organization is able to improve or establish NSDI by itself unless it cooperates between various institutions, governmental organizations, public and private sectors that will lead to successful establishment of NSDI system. Jordan uses two coordinate systems namely the Palestine 1923 Datum, Cassini-Soldner projection (CASS), and the recent “Jordan Transverse Mercator” (JTM). …”
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Targeting MTHFD2 in acute myeloid leukemia
Published 2017“…Drugs targeting these mutant proteins have entered the clinic with some successes in early phase trials (Stein et al. 2014. 56th Annual American Hematoligical Society Annual Meeting and Exposition. …”
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Targeting MTHFD2 in acute myeloid leukemia
Published 2022“…Drugs targeting these mutant proteins have entered the clinic with some successes in early phase trials (Stein et al. 2014. 56th Annual American Hematoligical Society Annual Meeting and Exposition. …”
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