Improvement of Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2 draft genome sequence and analysis of its genome structure and function
出版 2013“...In this study,Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) sequencing approach was used and successfully closed 80 genome gaps with 9 unresolved gaps. ...”
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Effect of land use change on water balance and suspended sediment yield of Taleghan catchment, Iran
出版 2010“...This research has successfully developed a customized SWAT model useful for water engineers and managers in their planning of future land developments of the Taleghan catchment. ...”
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Evaluation of turbidity removal using Moringa oleifera lam. seeds
出版 2010“...Increasing the levels of magnesium hardness successively from 25 to 250 mg Mg2+/L too reduced the residual turbidity; however, to an extent somewhat higher (95.3% to 91.2%) than the corresponding decrease obtained with the attendant levels of calcium hardness. ...”
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Microencapsulation and flavor stability of spray-dried oleoresin from water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) and kacip fatimah (Labisia pumila)
出版 2013“...Furthermore, stability of aroma-active constituents in oleoresin of Water dropwort and “Kacip Fatimah” were successfully conducted by using microencapsulation technique with a combination of gum Arabic (1.5%) and food grade gelatin (2.5%) in the formulation of spray dried encapsulated leaves extracts whereby,inlet temperatures of 170±2 oC and 180±2 oC with constant outlet temperature 84oC±4 oC and the feed rate of 6 rpm were established for both leaves. ...”
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Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes in a vertical floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition reactor
出版 2011“...The CNTs display a MWNTs structure of successive graphite sheets with hollow inside. Kinetics of MWNTs quantitatively described, the activation energy and frequency factor are calculated. ...”
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Recovery of extracellular lipase from burkholderia sp. st8 in aqueous two-phase systems
出版 2011“...Based on this ATPS, lipase was successfully purified to the PEG top phase and the purification fold of lipase was enhanced to 12.42, with a high yield of 93%. ...”
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Detection and molecular characterization of mycoplasma gallisepticum and mycoplasma synoviae from commercial chickens in Malaysia
出版 2012“...Classification of field MG isolates based on a close relationship on nucleotide sequence analysis,sequence similarity identity matrix and phylogeny relations, revealed eleven (11) Malaysian MG field isolates were successfully grouped into 3 categories: 1) S6 strain, 2) ts-11 strain and 3) local field strain. ...”
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Physico-chemical and microbiological changes during fermentation and storage of nipa sap (Nypa fruticans wurmb)
出版 2013“...It also appeared that activities brought about by microorganisms in the early stages helped the activities in the successive stages. Three stages of fermentation were revealed, including alcoholic, lactic, and acetic acid fermentation. ...”
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Development of molybdenum-induced osteodystrophy fibrosa in goats
出版 2013“...However, apart from low calcium and high bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP), ODF was successfully induced in Mo group and Mo+S group and to lesser extent in the Mo+S+Cu group. ...”
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Design, Development and Evaluation of Web Based Learning Management System
出版 2007“...The LMS prototype adopting open source PERL as the programming language has been successfully developed in which it took into account the aspects of data flow, database design, process design, navigation and interface design. ...”
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Molecular characterization and homology modeling of short-chain dehydrogenase (GcSDR) and NDP-sugar epimerases (GeNSEs) cDNAs from Gracilaria changii
出版 2013“...The open reading frame (ORF) of GcSDR was successfully cloned into pET32a(+) and expressed as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) pLysS. ...”
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Effects of agricultural extension and environment-related practices on technical effiency of paddy farmers in the central region of Thailand
出版 2012“...Accessible linkages to extension officers should also be made available for continuous exchange of knowledge and experience, especially between successful farmers to general farmers in order to improve farm efficiency. ...”
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Optimization Of Invitro Cultures And Effects Of Elicitation The Flavonoid Contents Of Pegaga (Centella Asiatica L. Urban)
出版 2008“...Many research studies done have proved that flavonoids content can be successfully enhanced through elicitation. In this study, elicitation of important flavonoids such as catechin was investigated and their presence in various tissues of Centella asiatica (CA05) planted using various cultivation methods were assessed. ...”
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Morphological, molecular characterization and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum SPP. isolated from legume crops in Peninsular Malaysia
出版 2013“...Species specificity of the primers was confirmed by successful detection of Colletotrichum spp. from infected legume plants, and the absence of DNA amplified products from other Colletotrichum species and divergent genus of the fungi. ...”
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Influence of fertilizer rates on growth of selected immature rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) clones grown on two soil series
出版 2014“...This will help the industry to successfully raise advanced planting materials of natural rubber....”
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Scale-Up Production of Palm-Based Wax Esters Using Lipozyme Rm Im and Characterisation of the Esters
出版 2008“...Subsequently, scale-up production of palm oil esters (POE) to 50-L was successfully carried out in the 75-L STR based on constant impeller tip speed method. ...”
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Growth performance of Asian catfish (Clarias batrachus linnaeus) and water quality in recirculating aquaculture system
出版 2012“...The results showed that RAS system can be successfully used and further developed to increase fish production, intensively. ...”
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Factors Affecting Gluten Production And Its Rheological Characterizations
出版 2007“...The tensile test set-up was successful in terms of providing the gluten extensibility measurements and also the gluten did not fracture at the clamping area. ...”
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Effects of Oil-Dispersed Phase Composition and Selected Polysaccharides on the Physical Properties and Stability of Soybean-Palm Kernel Olein Blend Oil-In-Water Emulsions Model Sys...
出版 2008“...Yield stress, apparent viscosity, elastic modulus and loss tangent responses were successfully fitted with a special quartic model (R2 > 0.89). ...”
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Suitability Of Exserohilum Longirostratum (Subram.) As A Bioherbicide For Integrated Management Of Barnyard Grass [Echinochloa Crus-Galli (L.) Beauv. Spp. Crusgalli] In Malaysia
出版 2007“...An early infection of target plant by the pathogen may assure a successful disease development. A 105 spores/mL with 30% oil and a 5 day-old (DO) mycelium culture in the ratio of 1:5 (wt:vol) with 30% oil infected high disease severity on barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) ...”