Janus solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity
Published 2017-12-01“…Abstract Motivated by an analysis of the sub-superalgebras of the five-dimensional superconformal algebra F (4), we search for the holographic duals to co-dimension one superconformal defects in 5d CFTs which have SO(4, 2) ⊕ U(1) bosonic symmetry. …”
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The involutive system of higher-spin equations
Published 2021-03-01“…We consider the Lie superalgebra of the operators on symmetric tensor(-spinor)s in flat space, and show that in AdS space the algebra closes nonlinearly and requires a central extension.…”
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Gauging the superconformal group with a graded dual operator
Published 2022-02-01“…Abstract Based on the superconformal algebra we construct a dual operator that introduces a grading among bosonic generators independent of the boson/fermion grading of the superalgebra. This dual operator allows us to construct an action that is gauge invariant under the grading even bosonic generators. …”
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From N=4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Galilean superparticle to three-dimensional non-relativistic N=4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ superfields
Published 2018-05-01“…Abstract We consider the general N=4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$, d = 3 Galilean superalgebra with arbitrary central charges and study its dynamical realizations. …”
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A note on quiver quantum toroidal algebra
Published 2022-05-01“…In particular, we show that QQTA is a Hopf superalgebra with a formal super coproduct, like known quantum toroidal algebras. …”
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Two moonshines for L2(11) but none for M12
Published 2019-02-01“…We construct Siegel modular forms for all L2(11) conjugacy classes and show that each of them arises as the denominator formula for a distinct Borcherds–Kac–Moody Lie superalgebra.…”
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Algebro-geometric approach for a centrally extended Uq[sl(2|2)] R-matrix
Published 2017-04-01“…In this paper we investigate the algebraic geometric nature of a solution of the Yang–Baxter equation based on the quantum deformation of the centrally extended sl(2|2) superalgebra proposed by Beisert and Koroteev [1]. We derive an alternative representation for the R-matrix in which the matrix elements are given in terms of rational functions depending on weights sited on a degree six surface. …”
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Poisson-Lie duals of the η-deformed AdS2 × S2 × T6 superstring
Published 2018-08-01“…We discuss three Poisson-Lie duals, with respect to (i) the full psu1,12 $$ \mathfrak{p}\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{u}\left(1,\left.1\right|2\right) $$ superalgebra, (ii) the full bosonic subalgebra and (iii) the Cartan subalgebra, for which the corresponding backgrounds are expected to satisfy the standard type II supergravity equations. …”
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Localization and duality for ABJM latitude Wilson loops
Published 2021-08-01“…We then define latitude type Wilson and vortex loop operators in theories without Chern-Simons terms, and explore a connection to the recently derived superalgebra defining local Higgs and Coulomb branch operators in these theories. …”
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Modified Turaev-Viro invariants from quantum 𝔰𝔩(2|1)
Published 2020“…The category of finite dimensional modules over the quantum superalgebra Uq𝔰𝔩(2|1) is not semi-simple and the quantum dimension of a generic Uq𝔰𝔩(2|1)-module vanishes. …”
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Shifted quiver quantum toroidal algebra and subcrystal representations
Published 2022-05-01“…Unlike QY, QQTA has a formal Hopf superalgebra structure which is useful in deriving representations. …”
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AdS2 × S 6 versus AdS6 × S 2 in Type IIB supergravity
Published 2018-03-01“…We construct the general Ansatz for the bosonic supergravity fields and supersymmetry generators compatible with the SO(2, 1) ⊕ SO(7) isometry algebra of space-time, which extends to the corresponding real form of the exceptional Lie superalgebra F (4). We reduce the BPS equations to this Ansatz, obtain their general local solutions, and show that these local solutions solve the full Type IIB supergravity field equations and Bianchi identities. …”
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Gauge supergravity in D = 2 + 2
Published 2017-10-01“…Supersymmetry transformations, being part of a gauge superalgebra, close off-shell. The selfduality condition on the spin connection can be consistently imposed, and the resulting “projected” action is OSp(1|2) gauge invariant.…”
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Lagrangian description of the partially massless higher spin N = 1 supermultiplets in AdS 4 space
Published 2019-08-01“…For the two types of the supermultiplets (with integer and half-integer superspins) each one containing two partially massless bosonic and two partially massless fermionic fields we derive the supertransformations leaving the sum of their free Lagrangians invariant such that the AdS 4 superalgebra is closed on-shell.…”
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Tensor hierarchy algebras and extended geometry. Part I. Construction of the algebra
Published 2020-02-01“…Abstract Tensor hierarchy algebras constitute a class of non-contragredient Lie superalgebras, whose finite-dimensional members are the “Cartan-type” Lie superalgebras in Kac’s classification. …”
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Geometry of massless scattering in integrable superstring
Published 2019-06-01“…Abstract We consider the action of the q-deformed Poincaré superalgebra on the massless non-relativistic R-matrix in ordinary (undeformed) integrable AdS 2 × S 2 × T 6 type IIB superstring theory. …”
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Background field method and nonlinear gauges
Published 2019-10-01“…We present a reformulation of the background field method for Yang-Mills type theories, based on using a superalgebra of generators of BRST and background field transformations. …”
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First quantization of braided Majorana fermions
Published 2022-07-01“…The Hopf algebra is U(gl(1|1)), the Universal Enveloping Algebra of the gl(1|1) superalgebra. A 4×4 braiding matrix Bt defines the braided tensor product. …”
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Perfectly invisible PT $$ \mathcal{P}\mathcal{T} $$ -symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry
Published 2017-12-01“…The conventional N=2 $$ \mathcal{N}=2 $$ supersymmetry is extended here to the N=4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ nonlinear supersymmetry that involves two bosonic generators composed from Lax-Novikov integrals of the subsystems, one of which is the central charge of the superalgebra. Jordan states are shown to play an essential role in the construction.…”
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A note on the N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 super- W 3 $$ {\mathcal{W}}_3 $$ holographic dictionary
Published 2020-12-01“…By imposing suitable hermiticity conditions on the CFT currents, we identify the superalgebra su(2, 1|1, 1) as the appropriate real form of sl(3|2) in Lorentzian signature. …”
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