Summary catalogue of Post-Medieval Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Published 1991“…</p> <p>Headings are alphabetized word by word, and where a name is common to a place, a title, and a surname, the headings are arranged in that order. …”
Book -
The history of Cuxham (Co. Oxon.)
Published 1960“…The peasants' use of surnames is examined; it is shown, <em>inter alia</em>, that a man marrying a tenant's widow would take the surname of her first husband. …”
Thesis -
Registraion of Malaysian names using the atlas software
Published 1992“…The limitation of the software is centered on the fact that it cannot accomodate Indian and Malay names, which have no surnames and Chinese names where the surnames occur before the personal names. …”
Article -
Attacks on weak implementations of RSA
Published 2021“…RSA an acronym which comes from the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman who first publicly described the algorithm in 1977, is one of the first practicable public-key cryptosystem that is widely used to secure data transmitted digitally in the public. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Elite persistence in Sierra Leone: what can names tell us?
Published 2023“…Taking Sierra Leone as a case study, we use surnames to measure how two historical elites (descendants of settlers that comprise Sierra Leone’s Krio community and members of Chiefly Ruling Houses) have fared over the postcolonial period. …”
Working paper -
Labor market discrimination in Delhi: Evidence from a field experiment
Published 2010“…We randomly allocate caste-linked surnames across resumes in order to isolate the e¤ect of caste on appli- cants job-search outcomes. …”
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Article -
Who is the majority group? Signaling majority group membership with name-based treatments in multilingual contexts: the case of Catalonia
Published 2024“…Second, names signal social class and certain names in the majority group (applicants with two Catalan surnames, a minority within the region), indicate higher social class, which affords an advantage. …”
Journal article -
‘Snatched by destiny's hand’: Obituaries and the making of class in modern Egypt
Published 2017“…It further demonstrates how obituaries can be used to chart social mobility in a context where surnames were neither heritable nor standardised. Obituaries provide unique insights into social transformations independent of the political ruptures around which state archives are organised and official histories written. …”
Journal article -
Identities and a sense of belonging: Young Lithuanians and Latvians from ethnic minorities
Published 2016“…Comparative analysis of biographical narratives of ethnic minority individuals in Lithuania and Latvia references changing language practices, surnaming convention, historic and cultural memories of the place, religious practices. …”
Journal article -
Poisson discretizations of Wiener functionals and Malliavin operators with Wasserstein estimates
Published 2021Get full text
Journal Article -
Audit field experiment on the discrimination against individuals with criminal records and its interaction with race and gender in the United Kingdom
Published 2023“…A list of the names and surnames can be accessed in Annexe 1 of the Online Supplementary Materials. 4. …”