Influence of Theodore Beza on the English New Testament
Published 1976“…Finally, in the first chapter we describe the Bodleian copy of the 1602 Bishops' Bible, examining in some detail what appear to be typographical annotations in the volume. …”
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Andrew of St. Victor, a twelfth century hebraist
Published 1972“…</em> of 1938 and 1939 and her book, <em>The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages</em>, the importance of Andrew as a commentator has been recognized, but the fact that his works exist in manuscript form only, apart from his commentaries on Ecclesiastes and Jonah, has prevented his writings from becoming more widely known. …”
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The written and the world in early medieval Iberia
Published 2015“…But they also diffused legal knowledge: as each rhetorical, pragmatic, silent, and legislative reference to written law was read aloud by the scribe, how to capitalize on its provisions became better known, so kings and counts seized the potential. For the clergy, the Bible, canon law, and monastic rules were the texts which bestowed identity, but as they interacted with the laity, they set the charter in the history of salvation, and modelled textuality to society, as their monasteries became the microcosms of its written framework.…”
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Persuasive strategies in Mandela's No Easy Walk to Freedom
Published 2016“…Attempting to elevate the spiritual values of his addressees in regard to the cause of liberation and freedom, Mandela employed analogical persuasion by making a reference to the Bible. Of these three strategies, quasilogical and presentational strategies were the most manipulated by Mandela in the given speech to move his audience. …”
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Freedom of religious expression in Malaysia
Published 2011“…In Malaysia, issues especially those concerning race and religion are considered sensitive and therefore pose as obstacles to the implementation of complete religious freedom.Great care is taken not to impinge on the religious sensitivities of the various groups.It is understood that no one including the media can carry articles that question the faith or ridicule the religion and culture of the people in the country.Given that Islam is the religion of the Federation, great care is taken not to publish articles that cast slur, intended or otherwise, on the religion or its adherents.All media, including those operated by the opposition, follow this policy.Thus, religious expression has always been monitored by the government in order to protect the racial harmony in the multiracial, multicultural and multi-religious society of Malaysia.And this protection is provided for in the Constitution.This paper looks into some important issues that has caused some concern recently such as the position of Islam and freedom of religion, use of religion in politics, religious expression in the media, use of the word Allah by Christians, the publication of the Bible in the Malay language and the controversy over the so called attempt by an opposition party to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia.The paper explains how these issues have been tackled by the government and society.…”
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The textual history of Ecclesiastes in Church Slavonic
Published 2008“…The choice of GB for the edition constitutes a significant step towards wider research into and eventual publication of the Gennadian Bible, which has received little attention hitherto, despite its significance as the first complete Church Slavonic Bible.…”
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The child metaphor in "that hideous strength".
Published 2009“…Even divine authority, in the Christian tradition, tells us on one hand that one must become like a child to enter the kingdom of God, and on the other hand state that if you spare the rod, you will spoil the child (King James Bible, Prov. 13.24). The child comes to represent a sort of paradox figure, one which symbolizes a divinely-ordained model for humankind on one hand, and an underdeveloped being on the other. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2014“…Like the other church of other Lutheran denominations, HKBP also bases its view on the principle of Sola Scriptura which does not recognize the truth of Christ outside the Bible. According this research it is concluded that the effect of HKBP that happened in Batak Toba traditional architecture took the form of changes in the usability aspects of rumaâ��s spatial arrangement. …”
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Building the kingdom: Locke, liberalism, and the politics of hope
Published 2024“…In the <em>Two Treatises of Government</em> and his late religious writings, Locke derives his new concept of hope as a liberal civic virtue largely from his reading of the Bible, but he departs from the concept’s Pauline roots by naturalizing hope and locating its object in the things of this world. …”
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The Antichrist tradition in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity
Published 2020“…CHAPTER II deploys reception historical tools to the study of certain passages of the Hebrew Bible which were taken by later Jewish and Christian interpreters as referring to the Antichrist. …”
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Chapter 3 How to do things with scrolls: writing and ritual in Jeremiah 36
Published 2022“…The Hebrew Bible is replete with references to written media. …”
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Ideas of Christian writing in late Roman Gaul
Published 1988“…</p> <p>Chapter One: <em>The Christian writer as student of the Bible</em>. The idea of a necessary relation between Christian 'sermo' and biblical 'lectio' is pursued through the works of Hilary of Poitiers and the Priscillianists, the Gallic correspondence of Jerome, and the ascetic propaganda associated with the monastic milieux of Lérins, Aries and Marseille.…”
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Published 2014“…There are elements inside who had meaning of relic church past and the bible about life relevant to time progress. A liturgical music play important roles in religious ceremonies especially in the eucharist the Catholic Church in Yogyakarta. …”
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Rhetoric in 1 Esdras 3:1–5:6 (the story of the three bodyguards): integration of Greek and Jewish features
Published 2022“…</p> <p>Through multi-layered rhetorical analyses, I demonstrate that all the speeches in the story contain rhetorical features that have been influenced by Greek culture (e.g., Greek rhetoric) as well as derived from the Hebrew Bible and/or the Septuagint. I argue that the Story’s mixed character represents the author’s selective scribal activity and reveals the literary aspect, theme, and motif of the story of the Three Bodyguards. …”
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Dressed to the nines, stripped to the bones: the symbology and rhetoric of YHWH’s acts of investiture and divestiture of dress in prophetic literature
Published 2022“…My research explores the conceptualization of dress and nakedness in prophetic texts within the Hebrew Bible where YHWH is the investor/divestor of dress, and personified Jerusalem/Zion is the recipient of his actions. …”
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In pursuit of salvation: Woodrow Wilson and American liberal internationalism as secularized eschatology
Published 2009“…His foreign policy was fundamentally a religious mission to transform international relations according to the Bible, thereby fulfilling the prophecy of salvation. …”
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Donne's Devotions in the context of his early sermons : a revelation of St. John the Divine
Published 1995“…But in both the political sphere and the Bible, truth is seen to vary with changing aesthetic and political needs, insofar as its ultimate reference points (Biblical translators, King) are themselves less than absolute.…”
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Toward Islamo-Christian business ethics? A case study on the prohibitions of riba and usury and the morality of interest
Published 2020“…The religious texts underlying this study are from the Qur’an and Bible, the Hadith and the Fathers of the Church, Sunni jurisprudence and the Catholic magisterium.…”
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Josephus on the servile origins of the Jews in Egypt
Published 2017“…Josephus denies that the Jews were Egyptian and omits their servile origins at important points in the narrative where the Bible mentions it in order to portray the Jews as favorably as possible.…”
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Theology and identity of the Egyptian Jewish diaspora in Septuagint of Isaiah
Published 2009“…Such ideas may be understood as displaying an apologetic concern of the Jewish diaspora to defend their continued residence in Egypt, whereas the Bible states firmly that Jews are not to go down there. …”