Pillars of the sacred: Septuagint words between biblical theology and Hellenistic culture
Опубліковано 2018“...Like all of Benjamin’s writing, his remarks on translation combine deep thought with high poetry in a way that is at once inspiring, and somewhat disconcerting: certainly current approaches to Bible translation follow rather a different path. ...”
Journal article -
Biblical rhetoric as illustrated by Judah’s speech in Genesis 44:18-34
Опубліковано 2016“...The most important of these are explored and compared to similar features in other persuasive texts in the Bible....”
Journal article -
The Werden ‘Heptateuch’
Опубліковано 1991“...Brown in 1989 under the title ‘A New Fragment of a Ninth-Century English Bible’. The depleted bifolium – one trimmed leaf with its ragged, conjoint stub – had been sold at Christie's of London on 2 December 1987 (lot 137) for a hammer-price of £24,000 through Quaritch's to Prof. ...”
Journal article -
‘And so it is licly to men’: Probabilism and hermeneutics in Wycliffite discourse
Опубліковано 2019“...The Wycliffites, like their master, posited as foundational that access to the divine mind via the Bible, independent of the corruptions and concupiscence of a schismatic Church and a vainglorious theological magisterium, was possible and indeed necessary. ...”
Journal article -
Textual criticism, translation studies, and Symmachus’s version in the Book of Job
Опубліковано 2020“...However, for textual critics of the Hebrew Bible Symmachus’ free approach has limited his value since his readings cannot be easily retroverted, unlike those of Aquila or Theodotion. ...”
Journal article -
Decorated women: A sociological approach to the function of cosmetics in the books of Esther and Ruth
Опубліковано 2019“...Cosmetic use in the Hebrew Bible is routinely condemned, and yet Esther and Ruth receive no censure for their actions. ...”
Journal article -
“Like a Garment Eaten by Moths” (Job 13:28): clothing, nudity and illness in the Book of Job
Опубліковано 2020“...These references demonstrate the various aesthetic dimensions, social contexts and functional roles of clothing in the world of the Hebrew Bible. But as well as references to actual textile items, the book of Job also refers to clothing in a much more symbolic sense. ...”
Journal article -
Mörike and the higher criticism
Опубліковано 2007“...As a Protestant clergyman, Mörike was familiar with the historical study of the Bible (the 'Higher Criticism') represented by his friend David Strauss's Das Leben Jesu. ...”
Journal article -
Erasmus and the politics of translation in Tudor England
Опубліковано 2017“...In particular, Erasmus's pronouncements on the importance of Scripture translation were annexed and deployed in the debate over the English Bible, demonstrating how his views about translation were in themselves translated to reflect the political and religious needs of the English situation....”
Journal article -
Honey fusion
Опубліковано 2013“...Even in religious, holy and noble references such as the Koran, Torah, Bible and Talmud, the miracles of honey have been cited several times. ...”
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Book Section -
Developing practical orthographies for the Iu Mien (Yao), 1932-1986: a case study
Опубліковано 2024“...Many of them are linguists concerned with Bible translation (Nida, 1947, 1954; Pike, 1947; Smalley. 1963, 1976) and missionaries, but there are also a few sociolinguists (Berry, 1958; Sjoberg. 1966; Stubbs, 1980), and researchers (such as those from the Central Institute for Nationalities in Beijing), plus an occasional visitor or two examining writing systems in general or attempting to reform spellings....”
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Journal Article -
Kafka and Judaism : are we all doomed?
Опубліковано 2011“...Kafka pushes beyond the boundaries of common literary themes and illuminates the question of one’s emancipation through the usage of biblical allusions, specifically, the Hebrew Bible. The central question is: "does the possibility of eternal life for the Jewish people exist through the eyes of Kafka?". ...”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
'Why stant this word heere?': Text, gloss, and voice in Hoccleve's 'Remonstrance to Oldcastle'
Опубліковано 2022“...In his attempt to counter Oldcastle’s heretical beliefs, Hoccleve twice counsels against engaged, interpretative reading: first in his praise of the orthodox family who avoid textual criticism of Scripture; second in the famous passage where he advises Oldcastle to read romance rather than the Bible. The article argues that the glossing of the poem nonetheless encourages very active engagement with Hoccleve’s own text, that such engaged reading reveals his remonstrance to be directed at Henry V as much as Oldcastle, and that the programme of supposedly innocuous reading that he suggests for Oldcastle is one of the points where this is most apparent. ...”
Journal article -
Gowns, crowns, and the marriage metaphor: divinization and divine dethronement in Ezekiel 16
Опубліковано 2023“...Understanding the function of dressing and undressing therefore has implications for understanding the marriage metaphor in Ezekiel 16 and the wider Hebrew Bible, with the implication that Yahweh’s bride herself had divine status....”
Journal article -
Ideal girls for Christian internationalism: the YWCA in early twentieth-century South Asia
Опубліковано 2023“...Through this magazine, as well as through its Bible-study groups, social events, sporting gatherings and social work activities, the YWCA sought both to create opportunities for women’s participation in public life in South Asia and to articulate the boundaries of proper Christian womanhood in this practice. ...”
Journal article -
A literary commentary on Jerome, Letters 1, 60, 107
Опубліковано 1984“...A general introduction briefly dicusses the text and the manuscripts, the readership of the letters, prose-rhythm as a feature of Jerome's style, Jerome's work on the Latin Bible and his citations from it, and his familiarity with and use of Classical literature....”
Дисертація -
A visionary among the radicals: William Blake and the circle of Joseph Johnson, 1790-95
Опубліковано 2010“...The second part of Chapter 5 compares aspects of the works of Blake and Richard Brothers with Priestley’s Fast Day sermons, suggesting that Priestley and Blake’s works of 1793 and 1794 are rather less dissimilar than traditionally assumed. Chapter 6, ‘Blake’s “Bible of Hell” and Contemporary Critics of the Bible’, discusses Urizen, The Book of Ahania and The Book of Los in light of biblical criticism from the 1780s and 1790s (with particular reference to the Analytical and the writings of Alexander Geddes, Priestley and Paine). ...”
Дисертація -
Are We Homo sapiens Yet?
Опубліковано 2019“...Linnaeus’ Man was not a creature of the Bible tortured by the perplexing duality of body and spirit, but an animal, one of the thousands, that populates the world. ...”
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Стаття -
Myth and the creative imagination in The Book of Urizen
Опубліковано 2013“...Etched in double columns in imitation of the Bible, The First Book of Urizen (1794) is about the creation of earth, the first female, her son and his near sacrifice and what humankind lost when separated forever from Eternity. ...”
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Journal Article -
Defining "Satanic Literature" : a complex genre.
Опубліковано 2011“...Christianity’s politics evolved over time, and so did the meaning of Satanism, which points to its inconsistent definition. The bible is not a straightforward source and there have been arguments pertaining to what exactly it is, and whether it is an accurate word of God. ...”
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Final Year Project (FYP)