Näytetään 161 - 180 yhteensä 322 tuloksesta haulle '"the Bible"', hakuaika: 0,05s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 161

    Wordsworth's scriptural topographies Tekijä Frodyma, JJJ

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…His poetry self-consciously adopted the universal 'language of men' - that of the King James Bible.</p>…”
  2. 162
  3. 163

    PEREMPUAN GENDER DAN GEREJA (Studi tentang Diskriminasi Gender terhadap Karier Pendeta Perempuan di Gereja Protestan Maluku) Tekijä , JOSEPH ELIZA LOPULALAN, , Arie Sujito, Msi.

    Julkaistu 2011
    “…Numbers of female priests relize their discriminated conditions while some of them denied it and continuing the condition achieve their subordination as a logic consequention srengthen by patriarchy construction acculturated with the old interpretation prespective of The Holy Bible.…”
  4. 164

    Memorializing William Tyndale Tekijä Atherstone, A

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…William Tyndale, the Bible translator and Reformation martyr, enjoyed a sudden revival of interest in the mid-nineteenth century. …”
    Book section
  5. 165

    Wisdom in the Qur'an Tekijä Hussain, MS

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Wisdom texts are a category of books in the Hebrew Bible and Apocrypha, such as Proverbs and Sirach, that emphasize the importance of acquiring wisdom through contemplating the natural world and one’s own life experience. …”
  6. 166

    Metaphor, illness, and identity in Psalms 88 and 102 Tekijä Southwood, K

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…This article argues that the Hebrew Bible is an important resource for adding insights into illness language and narratives by making a case for the use of medical humanities in biblical studies. …”
    Journal article
  7. 167

    论萧乾小说中的基督教因素 = Christianity elements in Xiao Qian’s novels Tekijä 杨楚依 Yang, Chuyi

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…Xiao Qian (1910-1999) was introduced to the Bible at a very young age and was well equipped with Biblical knowledge as he grew up. …”
    Hae kokoteksti
    Final Year Project (FYP)
  8. 168

    Ælfric’s Preface to Genesis: commentary, with text, translation, sources and analogues and parallel passages in Ælfric’s works Tekijä Griffith, M

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…But, beyond that, it also contains the first attested expression in English of an argument about the vernacular translation of the Bible which was to resonate for hundreds of years to come. …”
    Journal article
  9. 169

    Reading herem texts as Christian scripture Tekijä Hofreiter, C

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…<p>The thesis investigates the interpretation of some of the most problematic passages of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, i.e. passages involving the concept or practice of herem. …”
  10. 170

    Kajian sejarah dan analisis tekstual terhadap tranformasi pemikiran dalam agama Kristian di abad pertama Tekijä Zaifuddin Md Rasip

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…Penyelidikan ini juga meneliti ayatayat Bible yang mengesahkan berlakunya tranformasi pemikiran dalam agama Kristian. …”
    Hae kokoteksti
    Hae kokoteksti
  11. 171

    关联翻译理论视角下《和合本》与《新普及译 本》隐喻翻译研究——以《雅歌》为例 = On translation of metaphors in the CUV and CNLT from the perspective of relevance translation theory: a case study of song of songs... Tekijä 蔡可心 Cai, Kexin

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…This thesis seeks to examine the translation of metaphors from the Song of Songs in these two bible translations. As a unique book of the Bible, the Song of Songs consists of a large number of metaphors. …”
    Hae kokoteksti
    Final Year Project (FYP)
  12. 172

    What does the Old Testament mean? Tekijä Swinburne, R

    Julkaistu 2010
    “…The meaning of any text depends on its context. The Bible is a patchwork of passages from different centuries. …”
    Book section
  13. 173
  14. 174

    Inside Islam [videorecording] / Tekijä Hufnail, Mark, Lodwick, Mitch, History Channel (Television network), Arts and Entertainment Network

    Julkaistu 2002
    “…This balanced, objective introduction to the great faith traces its roots back to the Hebrew Bible and explains the main tenets of Islam: the Five Pillars that all Muslims must adhere to. …”
  15. 175

    A sociological analysis of the origin and development of the Jehovah's Witnesses and their schismatic groups Tekijä Rogerson, A, Rogerson, Alan Thomas

    Julkaistu 1972
    “…Amongst these schismatic offshoots were the <em>Pastoral Bible Institute</em> who catered for an introversionist perspective involving individual character development, the <em>Laymen's Home Missionary Movement</em> who emphasised the exegetical and doctrinal complexity purveyed by a charismatic leader and the <em>Dawn Bible Students Association</em> who catered for those elements in Russell's following who were prone to move towards a denominational position.…”
  16. 176

    Pemikiran kritis rahmatullah al-Kairanawi dalam Religionswissenschaft Tekijä Wan Haslan Khairuddin, Indriaty Ismail, Jaffary Awang

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Artikel ini akan menumpukan perbincangan dan pendekatan kritis Syeikh Rahmatullah al-Kairanawi melalui karyanya Izhar al-Haqq; kritikan beliau terhadap Bible; dan perbincangan beliau terhadap doktrin Triniti Kristian. …”
    Hae kokoteksti
  17. 177

    Joshua and Judges: a sociological analysis of Hebrew biblical war narrative in its ancient Near Eastern context Tekijä Pomeroy, MT

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…<p>Descriptions of warfare persist throughout the Hebrew Bible as well in the extra- biblical texts from the ancient Near East. …”
  18. 178

    The ethics of the novel in the life of the town: provincial communities in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and George Eliot Tekijä Chadwick, P

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…</p> <p>The first chapter examines how their provincial communities negotiate biblical narrative in a world in which, thanks to nineteenth-century attempts to historicise the Bible, an acceptance of the Bible’s authoritative status is no longer a given. …”
  19. 179

    Brevard Childs’ canonical approach: an evaluation of its main elements Tekijä Brown, RG

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…This thesis aims to provide an evaluation of Brevard Childs’ canonical approach, which is an approach to Theological Interpretation that aims to utilise the Bible as a vehicle to know the Christian God. This thesis is located in the academic discipline of Biblical Studies and has a substantial lean towards Old Testament (hereafter ‘OT’)/Hebrew Bible (hereafter ‘HB’) Studies as this was Childs’ specialism and is also mine today. …”
  20. 180

    Second person reference in Indonesian Christian Prayer: a sociolinguistic analysis Tekijä André Wehrli, Norsimah Mat Awal

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…These samples consist of prayers from an Indonesian Bible translation, Christian prayers in Indonesian books, and spontaneous prayers by Indonesian Christians, which were recorded and transcribed. …”
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