MODEL PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN TAMAN WISATA ALAM GUNUNG MEJA MANOKWARI PAPUA BARAT (Model Environmental Management of Meja Mountain Natural Manokwari West Papua) (Model Environment...
Published 2012-11-01“…The method used in this study is to integrate environmental information resources from remote sensing data, thematic maps, geographic information systems (GIS) and field surveys. …”
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Published 2023-12-01“…This considerably increases the time of training and testing MMOs, producing thematic maps of agricultural land classification. This approach requires considerably high computing resources and a considerable amount of computer RAM. …”
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Groundwater potential zonation by Remote Sensing and GIS techniques and its relation to the Groundwater level in the Coastal part of the Arani and Koratalai River Basin, Southern I...
Published 2013-07-01“…The final groundwater potential map was prepared by assigning appropriate weightage to different thematic maps and adding them to the final groundwater potential map. …”
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Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Forest Cover Change in Teknaf, Bangladesh
Published 2018-04-01“…Results derived from the thematic maps indicate a substantial expansion of refugee settlements in the three refugee camp study sites, with an increase of 175 to 1530 hectares between 2016 and 2017, and a net growth rate of 774%. …”
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Published 2020-08-01“…This paper aims to compare and to evaluate the thematics maps created by (a) Sentinel-2, (b) digitalisation from Google Earth and (c) RBI (Rupa Bumi Indonesia) Digital Map. …”
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Design and Application of Data Acquisition and Analysis System for CropSense
Published 2019-10-01“…When the sampling program was finished , it could generate growth parameter thematic maps by Kriging interpolation based on all sampling data of the selected fields. …”
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Variáveis socioeconômicas e a transmissão de dengue Socioeconomic variables and dengue transmission
Published 2007-12-01“…Incidence rates were calculated for each year and four-year period for each of the census sectors, considering the period from September of one year to August of the next. Thematic maps of sectors, grouped into each of the four socioeconomic levels and their respective disease incidences, are presented. …”
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A mortalidade infantil em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, por área de abrangência dos Centros de Saúde (1994-1996) Analysis of infant mortality in coverage areas of health ce...
Published 2001-10-01“…The study uses data from 1994 to 1996 regarding birth and death records (from the SINASC and SIM registries). It also uses "thematic maps" related to geographic coverage areas of municipal health centers to demonstrate differences in infant mortality coefficients. …”
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Published 2012-07-01“…For all images, geometric corrections including digital elevation information and Tasseled Cap transformations were carried out to attain changes in surface reflectance and denoting disturbance of Landsat reflectance data. Consequently, thematic maps of the affected areas were created by using appropriate visualization and classification techniques in conjunction with geographical information system. …”
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Finer-Resolution Mapping of Global Land Cover: Recent Developments, Consistency Analysis, and Prospects
Published 2021-01-01“…The reported accuracies for the global 30 m thematic maps vary from 67.86% to 95.1% for the eight impervious surface products that were reviewed, 56.72% to 97.36% for the seven forest products, 32.73% to 98.3% for the six cropland products, and 15.67% to 99.7% for the six inland water products. …”
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Published 2019-09-01“…For this purpose, the urban areas of 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, 2009 and 2015 were used, totalling a historical analysis of 48 years, besides the thematic maps: Declivities, Hypsometric, Land Use, Water Resources and Road System. …”
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Introducing ARTMO’s Machine-Learning Classification Algorithms Toolbox: Application to Plant-Type Detection in a Semi-Steppe Iranian Landscape
Published 2022-09-01“…Our analysis demonstrated the efficacy of ARTMO’s MLCA toolbox for an automated evaluation of the classifiers and subsequent thematic mapping.…”
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A Comparison of Six Forest Mapping Products in Southeast Asia, Aided by Field Validation Data
Published 2023-09-01“…These products include three 10 m land cover products (Finer Resolution Observation and Monitoring Global LC (FROM-GLC10), ESA WorldCover 10 m 2020 (ESA2020), and ESRI 2020 Land Cover (ESRI2020)) and three forest thematic mapping products (Global PALSAR-2 Forest/Non-Forest map (JAXA FNF2020), global 30 m spatial distribution of forest cover in 2020 (GFC30_2020), and Generated_Hansen2020, which was synthesized based on Hansen TreeCover2010 (Hansen2010) and Hansen Global Forest Change (Hansen GFC) for the year 2020). …”
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Marine biodiversity in Colombia: Achievements, status of knowledge, and challenges Biodiversidad marina en Colombia: Estado actual del conocimiento y desafios futuros
Published 2003-01-01“…Although scientific research concerning marine biodiversity of Colombia has a very short history, considerable knowledge has been achieved in the last 10 years, particularly in regard to species inventories and ecosystem characterizations, including thematic mapping. Relatively accurate estimates about the numbers of species of fishes, birds, mammals, reptiles, and some marine invertebrate groups occurring in Colombian waters are now available, as well as the location, extent, and structure of the major coastal-marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass meadows. …”
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Variabilidade espacial da rentabilidade, perdas na colheita e produtividade do feijoeiro Spatial variability of profitability, harvest losses and productivity of beans
Published 2010-08-01“…To study the spatial variability, geostatistics techniques were used to draw thematic maps by kriging techniques. It was found out that for the 2005/2006 crop, the average productivity in this area was 6.77% higher than the regional average, reported by the SEAB in Paraná. …”
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The cartographic projections used in Albanian maps
Published 2016-06-01“…The cartographic projections used as mathematical base of topographic and thematic maps of Albania are: Polar conic projection in the new edition of Ptolemy maps; Gauss-Krüger projection in Bessel ellipsoid, with origin the intersection of the Equator by the meridian of Ferro with λFerros = 17° 39’ 46.5’’ in the maps, scale 1:75000 and 1:50000, published by Military Geographic Institute of Wien (1868-98, 1913-18); Polyconic equivalent Projection of Bonn in Clark ellipsoid with origin the intersection of the Equator by the central meridian Λ0 = 180 39’ 09‖, in the maps of scales 1:50000, published by Military Geographic Institute of Florence (MGIF) (1922-25); Bonne pseudo-conic equivalent projection in Bessel ellipsoid with origin the intersection of parallel Φ0 = 41° 20’ 12’’.809 by the central meridian Λ0 = 19° 45’ 45‖.285, in the maps of scales 1:50000, published by Military Geographic Institute of Florence (MGIF), Italy (1927-1934); Gauss ‐ Boaga projection in Bessel ellipsoid with origin the intersection of the Equator by the central meridian Λ0 = 200, in the maps of scales greater than 1:50000 and topographical plans of residential areas at 1:5000 scale, published by Military Geographic Institute of Florence (MGIF) (1939 - 1948); Gauss-Krüger projection in Krassowsky ellipsoid with origin the intersection of the Equator by the central meridian L0=21º in the maps, scale 1:25000 and 1:10000, published by Military Geographic Institute of Albania (1950 - 1955, 1970 - 1992)4. …”
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Geomorphology and sedimentology of badlands system in the southwest coastline of Castle Araya, Sucre State, Venezuela
Published 2017-03-01“…Hence the research is to analyze the geomorphological processes developed, based on a model no-experimental and design field, in descriptive and explanatory levels, operationalized in three phases: a) field, to collect 21 samples of surface sediment (0-20 cm) distributed in 12 samples in the first badlands and 9 samples in the second and lift the morphometry of these landforms erosion; (b) image analysis, three stages such as the development of thematic maps from the Topographical maps of Cumana, Geological Araya Peninsula and The Cadastral Charter covered: Punta Caracare; followed by drawing sketches of gullies, from the data collected in the field, refer to height, length and width of the land. …”
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MAPPING APPLIED TO ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING IN A STORAGE UNIT IN BEBERIBE- CEARÁ Planejamento ambiental em uma unidade de conservação no município de Beberibe – Ceará
Published 2012-10-01“…The techniques involved in data collection agencies, interpretation of Quickbird satellite imagery (2004), field surveys and preparation of thematic maps in MicroStation and ArcView software. As a result delimited to a buffer zone to the Monument including the strip of beach and backshore, dunes, lagoon and Tracuá Tray Pre-coast. …”
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Evaluation of reference evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith using minimum climatic data in the backcountry of Ceará = Avaliação da evapotranspiração de referência por Penman-Mont...
Published 2013-12-01“…The following of estimates of ETo by PM-FAO 56 with maximum and minimum air temperatures worked satisfactorily and by means of spatialisation and generation of thematic maps, it was possible to visualize the ETo in the most remote areas of the region of the study. = Nas regiões de clima semiárido os recursos hídricos são limitados e seriamente ameaçados pela excessiva exploração. …”
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