Spatial distribution of white-handed gibbon calls in relation to forest vertical components, Malaysia, from a perspective of forest management
Published 2022“…All forest vertical components at the calling locations were significantly higher than the average values over the whole study site, which suggests that white-handed gibbons choose taller canopy trees at locations with higher elevation. Topographically convex areas (ridgetops or upper hillslopes) tended to be chosen as calling locations over concave areas (e.g., valleys, lower slopes). …”
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Computer aided diagnoses for detecting the severity of Keratoconus
Published 2024“…Disease severity was categorized into three stages, namely, mild, moderate, and severe, according to the topographic KC classification by a senior ophthalmologist. …”
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Effect of slope, aspect, and position on soil properties at various depths in an oil palm plantation in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2024“…Limited information exists regarding the study of land and topographic characteristics and their influence on palm oil yield, as well as the effects on the physio-chemical properties of the soil. …”
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Landslide susceptibility mapping along Bhalubang-Shiwapur area of mid-Western Nepal using frequency ratio and conditional probability models
Published 2014“…A spatial database was constructed from topographic, geological, and land cover maps. The reclassified maps based on the weight values of frequency ratio and weights-of-evidence were applied to get final susceptibility maps. …”
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Landslide susceptibility mapping using ensemble bivariate and multivariate statistical models in Fayfa area, Saudi Arabia
Published 2015“…The landslide conditioning factors used in the LSL include altitude, curvature, distance from wadis, distance from road, distance from fault, stream power index, topographic wetness index, soil type, geology, slope, and aspect. …”
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Flood susceptibility mapping using a novel ensemble weights-of-evidence and support vector machine models in GIS
Published 2014“…The spatial database included flood inventory, slope, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI), altitude, curvature, distance from the river, geology, rainfall, land use/cover (LULC), and soil type. …”
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Spatial prediction of landslide hazard at the Luxi area (China) using support vector machines
Published 2016“…Then, 15 landslide conditioning factors were prepared, i.e., altitude, aspect, slope, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI), sediment transport index (STI), plan curvature, profile curvature, distance from river, distance from road, distance from fault, lithology, land use, NDVI, and rainfall. …”
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The integration of GIS, AHP, and remote sensing methods for potential areas groundwater: case study for Pontian district, Johor, Malaysia
Published 2021“…Five different maps were prepared and studied for the potential groundwater area, such as Roughness, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Elevation, Curvature, and Slope. …”
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Hospital site suitability assessment using three machine learning approaches: evidence from the Gaza strip in Palestine
Published 2021“…The study aims to find an optimal solution for a suitable hospital location through suitability mapping using relevant environmental, topographic, and geodemographic parameters and their variable criteria. …”
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The Use of Landsat TM in Assessing Forest Area Change in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 1999“…Detection of forest area change was performed using multitemporal LANDSAT data taken in 1993 and 1996, with the support of existing land use, topographic, and forest resource maps. The data were initially analyzed using Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) in order to get a preliminary scenario of the change in forest cover. …”
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Thesis -
Development of mapping procedures using digital imagery derived from unmanned aerial vehicle system
Published 2008“…Aerial photogrammetry is mainly used to produce topographic or thematic maps and digital terrain models. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
3D terrain visualisation for GIS: A comparison of different techniques
Published 2011“…Three different areas in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) were chosen for this experiment; grid Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generated from R2V software was used as topographic data and Quick Bird satellite image of UPM for satellite data. …”
Book Section -
Subsurface morphology and scaling of lunar impact basins
Published 2018“…GRAIL-derived crustal thickness maps were used to define the regions of crustal thinning observed in centers of lunar impact basins, which represents a less unambiguous measure of a basin size than those based on topographic features. The formation of lunar impact basins was modeled numerically by using the iSALE-2D hydrocode, with a large range of impact and target conditions typical for the first billion years of lunar evolution. …”
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Differential Gene Expression in the Developing Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Medial Geniculate Nucleus Reveals Novel Roles for Zic4 and Foxp2 in Visual and
Published 2010“…A functional role for Zic4, a transcription factor highly enriched in the LGN, was investigated using Zic4-null mice, which were found to have changes in topographic patterning of retinogeniculate projections. …”
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Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Online Motor Correction Processing Revealed by High-density Electroencephalography
Published 2014“…Analysis of spatiotemporal dynamics of brain activation and its correlation with movement kinematics showed that the production of each kinematic submovement was accompanied by (1) stereotyped topographic scalp maps and (2) frontoparietal ERPs time-locked to submovements. …”
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Urban flooding risk assessment in the rural-urban fringe based on a Bayesian classifier
Published 2023“…Two types of cluster influenced by multiple factors were identified: one caused by artificial factors such as road density, fractional vegetation cover, and impervious surface percentage, and the other driven by topographic factors, such as elevation, slope, and distance to waterways. …”
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Journal Article -
Slip distribution and footwall topography of the Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault (northern Shanxi Graben): implications for the along-strike variations in fault activity and regional deform...
Published 2023“…First, we reconstructed the distribution of fault slips and quantified slip rates at seven sites along the fault, based on satellite image interpretation, field investigation, topographic surveying, and optically stimulated luminescence dating. …”
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Journal Article -
Kinematics of Active Deformation Across the Western Kunlun Mountain Range (Xinjiang, China) and Potential Seismic Hazards Within the Southern Tarim Basin
Published 2018“…To quantify the rate of active deformation and the potential for major earthquakes in this region, we combine a structural and quantitative morphological analysis of the Yecheng–Pishan fold, along the topographic mountain front in the epicentral area. Using a seismic profile, we derive a structural cross section in which we identify the fault that broke during the Pishan earthquake, an 8–12 km deep blind ramp beneath the Yecheng–Pishan fold. …”
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Journal Article -
Size and Shape of Chariklo from Multi-epoch Stellar Occultations
Published 2017“…Depending on the model, we obtain topographic features of 6-11 km, typical of Saturn icy satellites with similar size and density. …”
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