Applying GIS for mapping agricultural roads network in Felda Trolak Utara for oil palm plantation management
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2010“…In particular, the “noise” of road network occurred and need to rectify the topologies of the network. …”
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Static and self-scalable filter range selection algorithms for peer-to-peer networks
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2011“…In the literature, there are many selection algorithms proposed for different network topologies. For peer-to-peer networks, Loo (2005) selection algorithm has been selected as the benchmark as it is an established algorithm that claimed to be the best proposed for this network. …”
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A network structural analysis of Malaysian stock market with edge density constraint
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2013“…The main study of this thesis is the topological properties of the Malaysian stock market correlation network. …”
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A performance simulation tool for the analysis of data gathering in both terrestrial and underwater sensor networks
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2017“…This simulator has been tailored to cater to both mobile and static data gathering techniques for both topologies, which are either dense or light. The results obtained using this simulator have shown an evolving efficient simulator for both WSNs and USNs. …”
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Sigma-delta analog to digital converter on field programmable gate array
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2015“…Three architectures of 1st order SD ADC are implemented in FPGA in this work with different SDM and digital filter topologies but with the same complexity. The functionality of the SD ADC structure is written in verilog hardware description language (HDL). …”
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Investigation of tungsten trioxide as a saturable absorber for mode-locked generation
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2020“…Various materials have been investigated such as graphene, transition metal oxides (TMO), transition metal dichalcogenides, and topological insulators. Tungsten trioxide (WO3); a cheap and nontoxic type of TMO has not yet been investigated for mode-locked pulsed fiber laser (MLFL) generation despite extensive employment as applications in other fields. …”
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New Cdc Design Tool For Analog Layout Workflow
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2015“…After the floorplan/placement fulfill the design requirement, topologies generator can be used for quick preview of routing option and auto-router support for constrained (shield critical net) and un-constrained nets routing. …”
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Machining feature-based system for supporting step-compliant milling process
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2018“…However, this text file consists of purely geometrical and topological data is hardly to be applied in machining process planning which requires machining features enriched data. …”
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Machining feature-based system for supporting step-compliant milling process
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2017“…However, this text file consists of purely geometrical and topological data is hardly to be applied in machining process planning which requires machining features enriched data. …”
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Multi-Q hexagonal spin density waves and dynamically generated spin-orbit coupling: time-reversal invariant analog of the chiral spin density wave
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2016“…The noncoplanar triple-M spin-current density wave realizes a novel 2D semimetal state with three flavors of four-component spin-momentum locked Dirac cones, protected by a crystal symmetry akin to nonsymmorphic symmetry, and sits at the boundary between a trivial and topological insulator. In addition, we point out that a special class of classical spin states, defined as classical spin states respecting all lattice symmetries up to global spin rotation, are naturally obtained from the symmetry classification of electronic triplet density waves. …”
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Cohesin-dependent globules and heterochromatin shape 3D genome architecture in S. pombe
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2016“…Eukaryotic genomes are folded into three-dimensional structures, such as self-associating topological domains, the borders of which are enriched in cohesin and CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) required for long-range interactions. …”
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Local Random Quantum Circuits are Approximate Polynomial-Designs
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2016“…We give applications of the results to cryptography, equilibration of closed quantum dynamics, and the generation of topological order. In particular we show the following pseudo-randomness property of generic quantum circuits: Almost every circuit U of size O(n[superscript k]) on n qubits cannot be distinguished from a Haar uniform unitary by circuits of size O(n[superscript (k-9)/11]) that are given oracle access to U.…”
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Nanoscale thermal imaging of dissipation in quantum systems
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2017“…In particular, in condensed matter physics, scattering mechanisms, loss of quantum information or breakdown of topological protection are deeply rooted in the intricate details of how and where the dissipation occurs. …”
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SMURFLite: combining simplified Markov random fields with simulated evolution improves remote homology detection for beta-structural proteins into the twilight zone
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2017“…However, the MRFs can be computationally prohibitive when beta strands are interleaved in complex topologies. We introduce SMURFLite, a method that combines both simplified MRFs and simulated evolution to substantially improve remote homology detection for beta structures. …”
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Evolutionary radiation of lanthipeptides in marine cyanobacteria
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2018“…Through a cross-scale analysis of prochlorosin biosynthesis genes-from genomes to oceanic populations-we show that marine picocyanobacteria have the collective capacity to encode thousands of different cyclic peptides, few of which would display similar ring topologies. To understand how this extensive structural diversity arises, we used deep sequencing of wild populations to reveal genetic variation patterns in prochlorosin genes. …”
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High-field side scrape-off layer investigation: Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior in near-double-null configurations
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2018“…These data support the idea that future tokamaks should locate all RF actuators and close-fitting wall structures on the HFS and employ near-double-null magnetic topologies, both to precisely control plasma conditions at the antenna/plasma interface and to maximally mitigate the impact of local impurity sources arising from plasma-material interactions. …”
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Test of lepton flavor universality by the measurement of the
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2018“…A novel method is used that exploits the different vertex topologies of signal and backgrounds to isolate samples of semitauonic decays of b hadrons with high purity. …”
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Observation of B[subscript s][superscript 0] → [¯ over D][superscript * 0]ϕ and Search for B[superscript 0 ]→ [¯ over D]{superscript 0]ϕ Decays
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2018“…The branching fraction is measured relative to that of the topologically similar decay B[superscript 0]→[¯ over D][superscript 0]π[superscript +]π[superscript -] and is found to be B(B[subscript s][superscript 0]→[¯ D][superscript *0]ϕ)=(3.7±0.5±0.3±0.2)×10[superscript -5], where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third from the branching fraction of the B[superscript 0]→[¯ over D][superscript 0]π[superscript +]π[superscript -] decay. …”
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Design of a spaceflight biofilm experiment
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2019“…To search for potential solutions, different materials and surface topologies will be used as the substrata for microbial growth. …”
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Chromatin organization by an interplay of loop extrusion and compartmental segregation
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2019“…Mammalian chromatin is spatially organized at many scales showing two prominent features in interphase: (i) alternating regions (1–10 Mb) of active and inactive chromatin that spatially segregate into different compartments, and (II) domains (<1 Mb), that is, regions that preferentially interact internally [topologically associating domains (TADs)] and are central to gene regulation. …”
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