Published 2010“…In a world where war robots are revered, the boy brings his toy versioned robot along as he journeys to become a robot pilot. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Beyond single tetrahedron physics of the breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11
Published 2023“…We interpret these results using a simplified toy model and provide insight into the low-energy physics of this system beyond the single tetrahedron physics proposed previously.…”
Journal article -
Nonperturbative flat direction decay
Published 2007“…We argue that supersymmetric flat direction vacuum expectation values can decay nonperturbatively via preheating. Considering a toy U(1) gauge theory, we explicitly calculate the scalar potential, in the unitary gauge, for excitations around several flat directions. …”
Journal article -
Beyond the piano: the super instrument. Widening the instrumental capacities in the context of the piano music of the 21st century
Published 2014“…</p><br/> <p><u>DVD</u></p> <p>Track 1: Karlheinz Essl: Sequitur V. Maria Kallionpää, toy piano; Karlheinz Essl, electronics</p>…”
Thesis -
Self-Organized Resonance during Search of a Diverse Chemical Space
Published 2017“…Here, we study the stochastic search of a toy chemical space by a collection of reacting Brownian particles subject to periodic forcing. …”
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Article -
Develop LEGO block for droplet manipulation
Published 2020“…The LEGO block part is inspired by the famous toy Lego. These Lego-like parts are designed so that they can attach and detach at will to improve the versatility of the system. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A public relations campaign to promote arts and culture in Singapore in collaboration with Nerf Creative.
Published 2012“…The campaign set out to raise awareness of the toy art culture scene through curated exhibitions amongst PMEBs in Singapore, aged 25 to 40. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Implementation of acoustic source localization on smart devices
Published 2014“…Implemented ASL in Java program, this project produces a RaspberryPi (RPi) toy car for dog exercise. An Android-based application is also developed to control the car direction. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Nonperturbative flat direction decay
Published 2007“…We argue that supersymmetric flat direction vacuum expectation values can decay nonperturbatively via preheating. Considering a toy U(1) gauge theory, we explicitly calculate the scalar potential, in the unitary gauge, for excitations around several flat directions. …”
Journal article -
Infinite hierarchical hidden Markov models
Published 2009“…We present encouraging results on toy sequences and English text data. © 2009 by the authors.…”
Journal article -
A Cut−Free Sequent Calculus for Algebraic Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Published 2010“…To model epistemic protocols, we add assumption rules, prove that they preserve the admissibility results, and derive properties of a toy protocol that has honest and dishonest public and private announcements.…”
Report -
A Compositional Distributional Semantics‚ Two Concrete Constructions‚ and some Experimental Evaluations
Published 2011“…The applicability of these methods is demonstrated via a toy vector space as well as real data from the British National Corpus and two disambiguation experiments.…”
Journal article -
Aspects of scaling and scalability for flow-based sampling of lattice QCD
Published 2023“…However, these demonstrations have been at the scale of toy models, and it remains to be determined whether they can be applied to state-of-the-art lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations. …”
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Article -
Amorphous Infrastructure for Language Implementation
Published 2006“…Specifically, it is usedin conjunction with data-flow techniques to implement a toy language homologousto recurrence equations, exploiting control-flow parallelism through paralleloperand evaluation. …”
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Published 1985“…It is shown by means of a 'toy' optic flow example how this is achieved when there are several parameter dimensions over which to segment. © 1985.…”
Journal article -
Growth of perturbations in parametrized gravity for an Einstein-de Sitter universe
Published 2012“…Parametrized frameworks for modified gravity are potentially useful tools for model-independent tests of general relativity on cosmological scales. The toy model of an Einstein-de Sitter universe provides a safe test bed in which to improve our understanding of their behavior. …”
Journal article -
Ricci focusing, shearing, and the expansion rate in an almost homogeneous Universe
Published 2012“…In this paper we explore how inhomogeneities may affect the overall optical properties of the Universe by quantifying how they can bias the redshift-distance relation in a number of toy models that mimic the real Universe. The models that we explore are statistically homogeneous on large scales. …”
Journal article -
Relativistic collapse dynamics and black hole information loss
Published 2016“…Here, and for the first time, we show in a simple toy model, a treatment of the problem within a fully relativistic setting. …”
Journal article -