Squishy Music Toys: Creating a less stressful, more pliable way to enter the music world
Published 2022“…Throughout this thesis, I will explore the design space and potential use cases for these instruments, as a toy and learning experience, as a high level music controller, as a tool for meditation, and as all three.…”
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Thesis -
Penentuan Harga Obligasi Callable dengan Suku Bunga Black Derman Toy Menggunakan Pohon Binomial
Published 2013“…That model is Black Derman Toy (BDT) short rate model. BDT short rate model used in the bisection method to find the value of drift. …”
Thesis -
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship ENT300 Business Proposal (Education Toys For Child’s Development) / Noorshaza Rizqin Noordin
Published 2019Get full text
Entrepreneurship Project -
Parents’ autistic personality traits and sex-biased family ratio determine the amount of technical toy choice
Published 2019“…We investigated the effect of parents’ AQ, their sex and the sex of their children on their toy preference. In a computerized forced-choice shopping task, adults selected from cuddly and social role-playing toys (social toys), academic, music and sports toys (educational toys) and construction sets as well as cars (technical toys). …”
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Article -
Measuring usability and children's enjoyment of a virtual toy in an imaginative play setting: a preliminary study
Published 2016“…This paper recounts a preliminary evaluation of children’s imaginative play whilst interacting with a virtual toy. Children aged 5-8 years old played with a virtual toy with a friend and their enjoyment and satisfaction of playing with the toy were evaluated. …”
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Article -
ETR300 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. Business Plan : Big Boys Toys / Haessler Symphoon Paul... [et.al]
Published 2011“…The name of our company is Big Boy Toy car accessories. The business is in form of enterprise which consists of six members. …”
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Entrepreneurship Project -
Effectiveness of ToyBox intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour among pre-school children: A case in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Thus, the present study investigates the effectiveness of ToyBox intervention in Malaysia to reduce sedentary behaviour among pre-schoolers (n = 281) via primary caregivers' self-reports. …”
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Article -
TOY肥料厂经典新编戏剧中的翻译策略 :以《咏蟹花》中的诗为例 = Translation strategies of old tales retold in Toy Factory’s plays : a study on the translation of the poems in The Crab Flower Club
Published 2019“…为达到这两个 标准,孟伟根在〈戏剧翻译的方法〉中,介绍了六种戏剧翻译的方法与技巧,如加 词法、替代法、变通法、省略法、补偿法和释译法。TOY 肥料厂的第三本名为《似水阳刚》的剧本集中收录了关于女性题材的剧 目,如《东渡》、《妖精》、《咏蟹花》等。…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Micro-processor-based electronic games : design, programming, and troubleshooting/
Published 1979Subjects: “…Electronic toys…”
Brotherhood & Cooperation : Crossbow / Muhammad Zulkhairee Md Zabani...[et al.]
Published 2014Subjects: “…Toys…”
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Entrepreneurship Project -
Report On Toys City Sdn Bhd about operation management/ Farid Wahidi Omar, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Salim and Mohd Azwan Abdullah.
Published 2006Subjects: Get full text
Entrepreneurship Project -
Laporan cadangan naik taraf rekabentuk dalaman Toy Museum di Jalan Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Pulau Pinang / Zulkifli Abdul Aziz
Published 2006“…Dengan pembaharuan dan proses naik taraf yang dibuat adalah diharapkan akan dapat memberi lebih daya tarikan dan minat pelancongpelancong untuk melawat ‘Toy Museum’ ini.Dengan adanya proses ini juga diharap akan dapt meberikan suatu pengalaman eksplorasi yang menarik dan menghiburkan kepada pengunjungnya. …”
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Student Project -