Women involvement in the informal caregiving field: A perspective review
Published 2023-01-01“…A better redistribution of unpaid work, such as informal caregiving, compared to paid work must be made to respect gender in social existence.…”
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Psychosocial factors related with caregiver burden among families of children with chronic conditions
Published 2019-03-01“…The sociodemographic profiles of family caregivers were as follows: female (81.7%); mean age, 31.7 years (standard deviation [SD], 8 years); married (79.3%); nuclear family (60%); basic education (62.7%); unpaid work (66.3%); and a daily household income of approximately 4 USD (61.1%). …”
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Losing ground in the field: An exploratory analysis of the relationship between work and mental health amongst women in conflict affected Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Published 2023-01-01“…Reduction in probable depression and/or anxiety and PTSD are both associated with increased likelihood of engaging in paid work compared to unpaid work. Reduction in probable depression and/or anxiety is also associated with engaging in a secondary economic activity, as well as with higher productivity. …”
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Advancing gender equality through the Athena SWAN Charter for Women in Science: an exploratory study of women's and men's perceptions
Published 2017“…To address the fundamental causes of gender inequality would require cultural change and welfare state policies incentivising men to increase their participation in unpaid work in the family, which is beyond the scope of higher education and research policy.…”
Journal article -
Beyond food security: transforming the Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia for the well-being of children
Published 2012“…Moreover, the substitution effect of the Public Work component of the PSNP dominates the income effect and this has caused children to spend more time on paid and unpaid work. The survey data also show that the Public Work component did not increase the time children spent on schooling and studying at home, while the qualitative data suggested that it had a negative impact on their learning. …”
Working paper -
Rarecare: A policy perspective on the burden of rare diseases on caregivers in Latin America
Published 2023-03-01“…Family caregivers complement healthcare and social security systems; however, their unpaid work is often underappreciated and under-protected. …”
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Cost-benefit analysis of vaccination: a comparative analysis of eight approaches for valuing changes to mortality and morbidity risks
Published 2018-09-01“…Methods To understand the implications of different CBA approaches for capturing and monetising benefits and their potential impact on public health decision-making, we conducted a CBA of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the United Kingdom using eight methods for monetising health and economic benefits, valuing productivity loss using either (1) the human capital or (2) the friction cost method, including the value of unpaid work in (3) human capital or (4) friction cost approaches, (5) adjusting for hard-to-fill vacancies in the labour market, (6) using the value of a statistical life, (7) monetising quality-adjusted life years and (8) including both productivity losses and monetised quality-adjusted life years. …”
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Volunteering in Lithuania – the perspective of social capital
Published 2021-08-01“…The analysis of the results of the empirical research allows us to state that: 1) In Lithuania, volunteering is often treated in various ways, e.g., in connection with unpaid work or other activities which are not, in principle, activities carried out of the person’s own free will; outstanding long-term and short-term volunteering (up to 6 months); 2) organizers of voluntary activities (usually non-governmental non-profit organizations (NGOs)) lack managerial skills; 3) In recent years, Lithuania has started to develop long-term volunteering programs, which are associated with better social capital formation, and it is expected that this measure will help to improve the quality and indicators of volunteering, especially among young people. …”
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Association between breastfeeding and new mothers’ sleep: a unique Australian time use study
Published 2021-01-01“…Conclusions Optimal breastfeeding may require realistic maternal sleep expectations and equitable sharing of paid and unpaid work burdens with other household members in the months after the birth of an infant.…”
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Parent's Relative Perceived Work Flexibility Compared to Their Partner Is Associated With Emotional Exhaustion
Published 2018-05-01“…Generally, mothers tend to spend more time on unpaid work while fathers spend longer hours on paid work and report more time for relaxation.…”
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Daily metabolic expenditures: estimates from US, UK and polish time-use data
Published 2019-06-01“…The main sources of daily EE from PA were paid and unpaid work activities. Discretionary PA accounted for only a very small part (~ 3%) of adult daily energy expenditures. …”
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Response strategies for promoting gender equality in public health emergencies: a rapid scoping review
Published 2021“…There was a dearth of evidence for other outcome domains relevant to gender equity such as harmful practices, sanitation and hygiene practices, workplace discrimination and unpaid work. Economic empowerment interventions showed promise in promoting women’s and girls’ economic and educational opportunities as well as their sexual and reproductive health during PHEs. …”
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Validity and reliability of the Persian version of health-labour questionnaire in Traffic Accident Injured Referring to Hospitals affiliated with Mashhad University of Medical Sci...
Published 2020-09-01“…Background: Health- Labour Questionnaire (SF-HLQ) is a measurement instrument for collecting the quantitative data on the relationship between disease and functional status of individuals of productivity losses related to health problems in individuals with paid or unpaid work. Since road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for disability in the world. …”
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Published 2014-12-01“…As Marx says, “the wage-form thus extinguishes every trace of the division of the working day into necessary labor and over-work, paid work and unpaid work”, and the salary, “All labor appears as paid labor”. …”
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Hospital-based or home-based administration of oncology drugs? A micro-costing study comparing healthcare and societal costs of hospital-based and home-based subcutaneous administr...
Published 2020-08-01“…For societal costs, data were collected on patient and family costs (including travelling expenses and time of informal caregivers) and productivity losses of paid and unpaid work. Results: Societal costs of one single administration of SC trastuzumab were €1753 within the home-based and €1724 within the hospital-based setting. …”
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Incorporating productivity loss in health economic evaluations: a review of guidelines and practices worldwide for research agenda in China
Published 2022-08-01“…Among the economic evaluations (n=478) that explicitly considered productivity loss, most (n=455) considered losses from paid work, while only a few studies (n=23) considered unpaid work losses. Recognising the existing methodological challenges and the specific context of China, we proposed a practical research agenda and a disease list for progress on this topic, including the development of the disease list comprehensively consisting of health conditions where the productivity loss should be incorporated into economic evaluations.Conclusion An increasing number of guidelines recommend the inclusion of productivity loss in the base case or additional analyses of economic evaluation. …”
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Specialist treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME: a cohort study among adult patients in England
Published 2017-07-01“…Methods We described treatments provided by 11 CFS/ME specialist services and we measured changes in patient-reported fatigue (Chalder, Checklist Individual Strength), function (SF-36 physical subscale, Work & Social Adjustment Scale), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale), pain (visual analogue rating), sleep (Epworth, Jenkins), and overall health (Clinical Global Impression) 1 year after the start of treatment, plus questions about impact of CFS/ME on employment, education/training and domestic tasks/unpaid work. A subset of these outcome measures was collected from former patients 2–5 years after assessment at 7 of the 11 specialist services. …”
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Género y Estado de bienestar en las políticas españolas / Gender and Welfare State in Spanish Policies
Published 2009-12-01“…At the same time, the official debates generally start from the norm of heterosexual, middleclass working mothers and obscure the ways in which the welfare state continue depending on the «other» carers, mainly unpaid work of grandmothers and precarious work of migrant women.…”
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Systemic structural gender discrimination and inequality in the health workforce: theoretical lenses for gender analysis, multi-country evidence and implications for implementation...
Published 2023-05-01“…To achieve gender equality in paid work, women also need to achieve equality in unpaid work, underscoring the importance of SDG target 5.4. …”
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¿Caminando hacia la autonomía? Significados del trabajo de los niños en Alemania ¿Caminando hacia la autonomía? Significados del trabajo de los niños en Alemania
Published 2006-06-01“…The qualitative study is based upon an open concept of work which includes unpaid work as well as paid work. What matters most for children concerning their work is being able to act independently and finding approval for it. …”
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