Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Islamic banks: a synthesis of literature review
Published 2016“…The present paper will suggest that CSR activities should be integrated with Islamic and conventional elements in accordance with Shariah principles under the ‘Urf (customs) principle.It is expected that integrated CSR activities will attract practitioners to improvise current CSR strategies.It is suggested in addition that such a move would improve knowledge of CSR and Islamic banking in the academic world.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Published 2021-11-01“…This methodological framework is based on al-Mashlahah, ‘Urf, Sad Dzaria'ah and dialectics between Gama and the State.…”
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Common Law and its Role in the Derivation of Canonical Rules
Published 2010-01-01“…An investigation of Islamic jurisprudence literature reveals that sunnite scholars point to common law using the terms urf and aadat. These terms has also been current in Shiite jurisprudence literature up until two centuries ago. …”
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The Communal Democracy of Yogyakarta Special Region’s Government on the Islamic Law Eclecticism Perspective
Published 2023-06-01“…Besides, that trilogy, based on Islamic Law Eclecticisms, refers to the interconnection of maqâṣid al-syarī’ah cum-rechtsidee and al-‘urf. The reconstruction of the democratic system in Law Number 13 potentially revitalizes Yogyakarta’s privileged affairs by making local wisdom its core value.…”
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Published 2020-02-01“…Selain itu determinasi hukum Islam ia upayakan melalui pertimbangan Istihsan, mashlahah, zari’ah, qaul al-shahabi dan juga ‘urf. Namun yang terlihat dominan dalam metode istinbath hukumnya adalah penggunaan terhadap qaul al-shahabi. …”
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Islam Nusantara in Islamic Law Epistemology Perspective
Published 2017-01-01“…Secondly, by looking at the historical fact and the way of messenger propaganda supported by normative foundation al-Quran and hadith, something that we called as Islam Nusantara is not wrong concept coming out of Islam, moreover in Islam itself also known a building of Islamic law epistemology (‘urf) giving special space on local culture to be a law as long as does not digress from axiomatic Islamic text.…”
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Renewal of Islamic Law Munawir Sjadzali's perspective and its implementation in analyzing bank interest law
Published 2024“…Ijtihad for the re-actualization of Islamic law is generally based on ushul fiqh theories such as naskh, 'urf, and maṣlaḥat. This study analyzes the ijtihad paradigm of re-actualization of Islamic law as a representation of the reform of Islamic law in Indonesia and then analyzes an issue regarding bank interest. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Implementation of Religious Moderation in the Quran and Hadith Learning At Islamic Senior High Schools in Aceh
Published 2024-01-01“…In addition, the moderation values implemented in learning Al-Qur'an Hadith include nine values; At-Tawassuth, At-Tasamuh, Ash-Shura, Al-'Itidal, Al-Ishlah, Al-Muwathanah, Al-Qurdwah, Al-La'unf, and Al-'Itiraf al-'urf. The implementation of religious moderation in the schools has some obstacles due to lack of socialization, the heterogeneity of the students' backgrounds, the environment, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. …”
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Sabda Raja Sultan Hamengku Buwono X Menurut Aktivis PWNU Yogyakarta Dan Aktivis PWM Yogyakarta: Studi Analisis Terhadap Penghapusan Gelar Khalifatullah
Published 2022-12-01“…The results showed that Nahdlatul Ulama activists refused to abolish the Khalifatullah title on the grounds that the Khalifatullah title contains al-'urf, and the Khalifatullah title has become a legitimacy and recognition that the line of power in the Palace is based on male offspring. …”
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Tradition of Distributing Inheritance Property in Communities of the City of Subulussalam in District District Maqashid Sharia Perspective
Published 2024-08-01“…And traditions like this have become urf (custom), and they consider this tradition of distributing inheritance as quite good and considered fair. …”
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Legal maxims and Islamic financial transactions: A case study of mortgage contracts and the dilemma for Muslims in Britain
Published 2012“…If Islam allows bayʿ al-istiṣnāʿ (contract for manufacture) on the basis of ʿurf (custom), can mortgages also be permitted under the maxim al-ʿādah muḥakkamah (“custom is authoritative”)? …”
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Contemporary Tafaqquh programme module in mosques : a review and proposal / Alias Azhar and Rahimin Affandi Abd. Rahim
Published 2013“…Through these, it is hoped that the only learning of fiqh through the tafaqquh programme in mosques will progress on par with modernisation and current ’urf awareness in the society.…”
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The Legal Discourse of Al-Ādah Muhakkamah on Mappanini Bosi Tradition in Bone Regency
Published 2023-12-01“…The methodology used adopted a synthesis of two theoretical frameworks, namely the reception-exit theory and al-'urf. To achieve the research aim, data were gathered through field studies and literary sources, and subsequently processed and analyzed using reduction, presentation, and conclusion methods. …”
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The Integration Between Syara’ and Ade’ in Marriage Tradition Bugis Bone, South Sulawesi
Published 2023-10-01“…If you are referring to the study of Islamic law, then this tradition is part of al-urf, which does not contradict the Qur'an, Sunnah, or good practices, and can be adopted because it provides benefits and advantages. …”
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Legal Maxims of Ba’i Ibn Al-Arabi’s Contract and Their Relevance to Contemporary Muamalah Maliah Issues
Published 2023-06-01“…Besides, those with dynamic characters are urf, emergency, and maqasid al-syariah/sadd al-zariah. …”
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Praktik Ijab-Kabul (Akad) dalam Transaksi Jual Beli oleh Masyarakat Banjar Ditinjau dari Prespektif Hukum Ekonomi Islam
Published 2022-12-01“…Selain itu ijab kabul juga dapat dilaksanakan menurut kebiasaan (Urf) sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan syara…”
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Published 2013“…Istinbath in Islamic law using the method of qiyas, 'urf, ad-dzariah and istishab and mashlahah mursalah. …”
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Sharīʿah appraisal on the issue of imposing burden of proof to the entrepreneur in trust based contracts
Published 2016“…The considerations of protecting people’s wealth (hif ẓamwaˉl al-naˉs) and mitigating widespread greed (tamaʿ) are among the reasons for allowing elements such as ʿurf, tuhmah and dalaˉlat al-haˉl to be treated as bayyinah in trust-based contracts when the fiduciary is obliged to defend himself from litigation.Research limitations/implications – The study is meant to strengthen the practices of Islamic banks world wide.Practical implications – Few protections can be applied for capital provider.Social implications – This study is meant to give solution in dealing with moral hazard of both parties, and to provide solution to the regulator for policy drafting and to increase confidence to the industry.Originality/value – The finding is important in assisting the regulators in drafting the policy to protect both parties without neglecting the essence of trust-based contracts.…”
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Budaya Money Politic di Indonesia dalam Tinjauan Qawa'id Fiqhiyyah
Published 2022-11-01“…Al-’ādatu muhakkamah is one of the five principles of fiqh. al-’ādatu muhakkamah in its concept strongly adheres to two elements, firstly the element of al-’adah (customs) that exists in society, and secondly the element of ‘urf which contains good values in society. Equipped with several branches of the rules, then the writer calls it “al-’ādatu muhakkamah frame”. …”
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Istihsan : the doctrine of juristic preference in Islamic law
Published 2010“…The introductory chapter is the theoretical basis of the study and comprises a brief understanding of some general principles of Islamic law; the Qur’an, the Sunnah, ijmā‘ (consensus), qiyās (analogy), maslahah mursalah (consideration of public interest), istishāb (presumption of continuity), qawl Sahābī (the saying of the Companion of the Prophet), ‘urf (custom), sadd al- dharā’i‘ (blocking the means), shar‘ man qablanā (revealed laws preceding to the Sharī‘ah of Islam) and istiqrā’ and so on. …”
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