Unsupervised learning analysis on the proteomes of Zika virus
出版 2024-11-01“...Methods In this work, unsupervised Random Forest (URF), followed by the application of dimensional reduction algorithms such as principal component analysis (PCA), Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), and autoencoders were used to uncover hidden patterns from polymorphic amino acid sites extracted on the proteome ZIKV multi-alignments, without the need of an underlying evolutionary model. ...”
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Detection & prevention of vulnerabilities in web applications
出版 2016“...The thesis introduces two detection tools that target Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards (URF) and Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. ...”
Thesis -
Ritual perubatan tradisional etnik Bajau di Sabah: Analisis dari perspektif hukum Islam
出版 2020“...Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa dalam ritual perubatan tradisional magombo’ dan ngalai, terdapat elemen-elemen yang bercanggah dengan hukum Islam yang menyebabkan ritual perubatan tradisional ini termasuk dalam kategori ‘urf fasid dalam hukum Islam....”
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Petrology and petrogenesis of a tuff layer in the Upper Red Formation, north of Tabriz (NW Iran): shoshonitic magmatism with high Ba and Sr affinity
出版 2024-12-01“...Introduction The studied volcanic rocks as a dacitic tuff layer intercalated with the Upper Red Formation (URF, Late Miocene) and are located in the vicinity of the North Tabriz fault. ...”
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Investigating the cost of mechanized unpaved road maintenance operations in Uganda
出版 2024-05-01“...With the Uganda Road Fund (URF) 2021/2022 annual report and previous research citing challenges in cost management and efficiency of the FAM method of road maintenance, it becomes paramount to analyse how FAM is implemented in government-led operations, in comparison to similar private sector approaches, while proposing possible solutions to these challenges. ...”
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Percutaneous antegrade ureterolithotripsy for proximal ureteral stones: overview own experience use
出版 2021-07-01“...Plain urography, renal ultrasound, computed tomography were used as imaging methods. The OLYMPUS URF-V3 8.4 Ch (Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG., Germany) video uretero-renoscope was used for PAULT in patients of the main group; lithotripsy was performed using thulium laser. ...”
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Amalan tradisi Magombo’ dalam masyarakat Bajau di Semporna Sabah analisis dari perspektif sosiobudaya dan perspektif hukum Islam
出版 2017“...Mereka kaya dengan adat dan amalan mereka sendiri, yang dikenali sebagai `urf dalam perundangan Islam. Penyelidikan ini tertumpu kepada ritual tradisi masyarakat Bajau Semporna iaitu Magombo. ...”
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Pentaksiran nafkah anak berasaskan kriteria kifayah dan ma’ruf: Kajian kes di Malaysia
出版 2016“...Walau bagaimanapun, penentuan kriteria-kriteria tersebut memerlukan penilaian semasa kerana ia dipengaruhi oleh ’urf dan sosioekonomi masyarakat di sesuatu tempat. ...”
Conference or Workshop Item -
Ḥadd al-Kifāya (حد الکفاية): Cabaran Konseptualisasi Patuh Syariah dan Alternatif Panduan Garis Kemiskinan Negara
出版 2015“...Bahagian kedua kertas ini mengesyorkan dapatan dari kajian Had al-Kifayah negeri Pahang 2012 sebagai garis panduan umum bagi tolakan zakat berdasarkan pengiraan HK/TKS yang patuh syariah dan menepati hukum ma’rūf atau ‘urf. Garis panduan ini juga boleh menjadi alternatif kepada kaedah tolakan yang selama ini tidak berpandukan HK yang disarankan oleh Islam. ...”
Conference or Workshop Item -
Amalan sogit dalam kalangan masyarakat Dusun Muslim di Ranau Sabah: Analisis perspektif hukum Islam
出版 2023“...Analisis ini, akan menjadi petunjuk dan penanda aras kepada masyarakat Islam, agar adat dan urf yang diamalkan tidak menyimpang daripada landasan syarak....”
Thesis -
Characterization of molecular transmission network and drug resistance in newly diagnosed HIV-1 population aged 50 years and above in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
出版 2024-12-01“...Mutation sites of drug resistance-related genes were identified through the Data Analysis and Detection System of HIV-1 Resistance Gene Detection of Stanford University, USA.ResultsSequence samples of 308 patients were obtained, and 9 genotypes were identified, including CRF07_BC in 172 cases (55.8%), CRF01_AE in 61 cases (19.8%), CRF08_BC in 43 cases (14.0%), CRF85_BC in 9 cases (2.9%), and CRF55_01B in 8 cases (2.6%), subtype B in 5 cases (1.6%), subtype C in 4 cases (1.3%), CRF67_01B in 3 cases (1.0%), and unique recombination URF01_AE/07_BC in 3 cases (1.0%). When the gene distance threshold was 1.0%, 28 molecular clusters were formed, and 139 cases were connected to the network, with an access rate of 45.0%. ...”
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Simulation of source sink partitioning in wheat under varying nitrogen regimes using DSSAT-CERES-wheat model
出版 2024-10-01“...The experiment was conducted during wheat growing seasons of 2015–16 and 2016–17, at two locations (Islamabad and URF Koont Chakwal), under five different levels of nitrogen and three source sink treatments (Control (100 % RUE), 50 % shading pre-anthesis (50 % RUE), 50 % spike removal i.e. spike halving) using randomized complete block design. ...”
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Characterisation of circulatiing HIV-1 subtypes and drug resistance-associated mutations in protease and reverse transcriptase genes among HIV-1 patients in Kelantan
出版 2015“...The present study confirms the high prevalence of CRF33_01B in Kelantan state and reveals a high genetic diversity with the presence of newly described HIV-1 Circulating Recombinant Forms (CRFs) and HIV-1 Unique Recombinant Forms (URFs). Continuous molecular surveillance should be performed to monitor further emergence of HIV-1 URFs. ...”
Thesis -
Comprehensive Genetic Characterization of Four Novel HIV-1 Circulating Recombinant Forms (CRF129_56G, CRF130_A1B, CRF131_A1B, and CRF138_cpx): Insights from Molecular Epidemiology...
出版 2023-12-01“...Additional BLAST analyses identified a Unique Recombinant Form (URF) of CRF138_cpx with three additional recombination sites, involving subtype F2, a fragment of unknown subtype origin, and CRF138_cpx. ...”
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Les eaux d’irrigation du Haouz de Marrakech : un siècle de confrontations des modèles de gestion publics, privés et communautaires
出版 2018-03-01“...Dans les années 1970, la gestion de ces ouvrages hydrauliques suivait différents modèles : la gestion coutumière, el ‘urf, qui a subi des modifications à la fois du temps du protectorat et après l’indépendance, la gestion publique initiée par le protectorat puis élaborée à partir de barrages et de transferts d’eau réalisés par l’État marocain indépendant et la gestion privée liée aux décisions d’exploitation prises par des investisseurs pour pomper directement dans la nappe. ...”
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el-Mâturîdî’de Hukuk Normlarının Geçersizlik Sebebi Olarak Metrûkiyet
出版 2024-06-01“...Buna göre bir normun metrûkiyet sebebiyle geçersiz sayılabilmesi için, a. normun geçersiz kılındığını gösteren Kitâb ya da Sünnet’te bir beyânın bulunmaması, b. normun konulma gerekçesinin (norm sevk edilirken gözetilen amaç) aklen kavranabilir (hükmün ma’kûl) olması, c. normu uygulamayı ya da norma uymayı terk etme hususunda insanların ittifakının (icmâ) bulunması, d. normun, toplumsal ilişki bağlamı sınırlı bir olayı konu edinmesi (hukm urf: belli bir toplumsal uygulamaya ilişkin özel düzenleme niteliğinde olması), e. konulma gerekçesinin sonradan ortadan kalkmış olması biçimindeki koşullar aynı norm özelinde birlikte gerçekleşmelidir.Metrûkiyet sebebiyle geçersizlik kavramını nesh terimiyle karşılaması, el-Mâturîdî’nin ilgili normun bir daha geçerlilik kazanamayacağı görüşünde olduğunu ima etmektedir. ...”
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Numerical study of two-dimensional steady incompressible laminar flow over a backward-facing step at moderate reynolds number
出版 2012“...This study comprisestwo parts; the influence of under relaxation factors (URFs) on convergence characteristics of solution for the transport equation and velocities (x- and z- directions) for the URFs values between 0.05 and 1.0 was examined. ...”
Thesis -
Global trends in molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 during 2000-2007.
出版 2011“...Subtypes F, H, J and K together cause fewer than 1% of infections worldwide. Other CRFs and URFs are each responsible for 4% of global infections, bringing the combined total of worldwide CRFs to 16% and all recombinants (CRFs along with URFs) to 20%. ...”
Journal article -
Global and regional epidemiology of HIV-1 recombinants in 1990-2015: a systematic review and global survey
出版 2020“...Globally, CRF02_AG was the most prevalent recombinant, accounting for 33·9% (2 701 364 of 7 978 517) of all recombinant infections in 2010–15. URFs accounted for 26·7% (2 131 450 of 7 978 517), CRF01_AE for 23·0% (1 838 433), and other CRFs for 16·4% (1 307 270) of all recombinant infections in 2010–15. ...”
Journal article