Published 2005-11-01“…The search was based in a study of case, by semi-structured interviews and institutional document analyses. The theoric base utilized in the search was applied in sense to embased the comprehension of studied phenomenon. …”
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Introducción. El gesto comparativo: desplazamiento, posibilidad y limites en el ámbito de la intervención social.
Published 2022-01-01“…Si bien el enfoque no era obvio para el análisis de la implementación de una política pública en educación en Francia, resultó útil para llegar a un nivel cualitativo que permitiera analizar las asperezas de la implementación local, al tiempo que analizar lo que es del orden de lo particular y del orden de lo común con otros lugares de implementación. …”
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Published 2008-05-01“…No setor de fabricação e comercialização de produtos informáticos os sistemas de logística reversa são implementados cada vez mais com a finalidade de reaproveitar os produtos depois do fim de vida útil, como uma via rentável de redução de custos, maximizando o uso de matérias-primas que impactam diretamente na redução de lixo informático. …”
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Usage of the pruned log index for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) Aplicação do Índice de Tora Podada para Pinus taeda e Pinus elliottii
Published 2010-10-01“…<p>The assessment of the quality of clearwood produced in pruned plantations of pine is necessary, especially to set price and know the utilization potential. The pruned log index (PLI), index used in Chile and New Zealand to characterize the quality of the logs, is a function of measurable variables of each log as diameter with defects, diameter 1.3 m from the largest end and the ratio between the cylinder volume common to the entire length of the log and the scaling volume through the method Smalian. …”
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O Direito Achado na Rua
Published 2019-12-01“…Assim, temos a proposta de ruptura apresentada em Um tribunal “achado na rua”: seria possível? seria útil? ou não passa de uma quimera?, por Gabriela Jardon Guimarães de Farias, no sentido de um Tribunal Achado na Rua, que potencializa sua força e sua legitimidade para produzir um direito que não seja mero conservador das desigualdades e exclusões. …”
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Published 2005-11-01“…The search was based in a study of case, by semi-structured interviews and institutional document analyses. The theoric base utilized in the search was applied in sense to embased the comprehension of studied phenomenon. …”
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The problematic coexistence in our educational centers. What can we do?
Published 2006-01-01“…De esta manera nos proponíamos someter los diferentes métodos de trabajo, normalmente diseñados en los Departamentos universitarios, a la prueba de fuego que los convertiría en útiles o, por el contrario, en hipótesis no comprobadas en la práctica o aún pendientes de comprobación. …”
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School mediation in the framework of the construction of coexistence and the prevention of violence
Published 2006-01-01“…Sensibilización e información Ya hemos dejado de manifiesto que el programa de mediación debe ser conocido por los posibles usuarios, reconocido como instrumento útil y aceptadas sus condiciones por los protagonistas. …”
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Nutritional and toxicological composition analysis of selected cassava processed products
Published 2017-01-01“…MU51 cassava variety is one of the more common varieties and boiling is the main consumption pattern of cassava among Sri Lankans. The less utilization of cassava is due to the presence of cyanide which is a toxic substance. …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…However, it has not been fully utilized. </span><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US">B</span><span lang="IN">itter taste, sandy texture and unpleasant aroma</span><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US"> in sorghum cause people do not like</span><span lang="IN">. …”
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CANO/ACIO Annual Conference Workshop Abstracts
Published 2024-02-01“…Kweon<sup>1</sup>, Katelyn Marcelo<sup>1</sup>, Margaret Fitch<sup>6</sup></em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">III-5-C<br />APOLLO: personalized rehAbilitation PrOgram in aLLOgeneic bone marrow transplantation</p><p class="p2"><em>Edith Pituskin, Puneeta Tandon, Irwindeep Sandhu, Margaret McNeely, Carla Prado, Gabor Gyenes, Mark Haykowsky, Richard Thompson</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">III-5-D<br />Surgical transitions remote patient monitoring (RPM) program</p><p class="p2"><em>Jennifer Lounsbury<sup>1</sup>, Kanae Nagatani<sup>1</sup>, Prathiba Harsha<sup>1</sup>, Micheal McGillion<sup>2</sup>, Kelly-Lynn Nancekivell<sup>3</sup>, Carley Ouellette<sup>3</sup>, Leonard Potts<sup>3</sup>, Janny Proba<sup>3</sup>, Karen Robinson<sup>3</sup></em></p><p class="p11"> </p><p class="p1">III-6-A<br />Measuring the impact of new systemic therapy treatments</p><p class="p2"><em>Carolyn Fifield<sup>1</sup>, Bruce Colwell<sup>2</sup>, Helmut Hollenhorst<sup>3</sup>, Joanne Houlihan<sup>3</sup>, Marilyn Landry<sup>3</sup>, Kelly Leadbeater<sup>3</sup>, Jill Petrella<sup>3</sup>, Joy Tarasuk<sup>3</sup>, Erin Wentzell<sup>3</sup>, Ian Wilson<sup>4</sup></em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">III-6-B<br />Fostering strength within: Establishing a provincial oncology educator community of practice</p><p class="p2"><em>Kara Jamieson, Nicole Duerksen, Carolyn Fifield, Andrea Healey, Kate Heighton, Jeannie Kennedy, Sarah Lace, Mary-Kate MacDougall, Julia MacLeod, Melissa Paruch, Navanna Pelletier, Paula Watkins</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">III-6-C<br />Between the lines: How a book club impacted oncology nursing practice and staff wellbeing</p><p class="p2"><em>Tanya MacDonald, Alisa MacBride Smith, Emily Gilpin</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">III-6-D<br />An undergraduate nursing student pursuing cancer care; Diagnosis, nursing school, advocacy</p><p class="p2"><em>Taaha Ijaz</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-1-A<br />The power in empowerment: Development of a local peer support program</p><p class="p2"><em>Lisa Lun, Michelle Ladouceur, Danielle Cameron McIndoo, Shaniza Sakoor, Liloutie Datt, Anita Datt</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-1-B<br />Strength within: A nurse-led pilot of remote patient monitoring for immunotherapy patients</p><p class="p2"><em>Nicole Hudson, Stephanie Townsend</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-1-C<br />Utilizing a community outreach program to improve cancer health literacy</p><p class="p2"><em>Gabriella Wong Ken</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-1-D<br />Acute outpatient management of immune effector cell therapy: The pivotal role of oncology nurses</p><p class="p2"><em>Laura Olmi, Samantha Scime</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-2-A<br />Oncology clinical trials nursing: Helping to fortify the strength within</p><p class="p2"><em>Marcie Flynn-Post, Chana Korenblum</em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-2-B<br />VIRTUal clinical trials navigation to improve Outcomes for Princess Margaret advanced SOlid tumour patients (VIRTUOSO)</p><p class="p2"><em>Lindsay Carlsson, Rachel Taylor, Luana Flores Pereira<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-2-C<br />The Nursing Role in the DOvEEgene Study: An opportunity for future innovations to improve timely access to care for women with symptoms of gynecologic cancers</p><p class="p2"><em>Lucy, Gilbert<sup>1</sup>, Joelle Malek<sup>2</sup></em></p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">IV-2-D<br />The role of a clinical nurse specialist in the development of an oncology nursing research centre</p><p class="p2"><em>L. …”
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Proceedings of the Conference
Published 2023-01-01“…Angeline Letendre<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">W-06-A: International partnerships in cancer care – Cultural bridging for oncology nurses</p><p class="p3"><em>Reanne Booker<sup>1</sup>, Savitri Singh-Carlson<sup>2</sup>, Amanda Choflet, Marg Fitch<sup>3</sup>, Andrea Knox<sup>2</sup>, Lewelyn Rigor<sup>1</sup>, Lori Spies<sup>4</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">W-06-B: Reflecting and connecting: Optimizing sexual health and intimacy after a cancer diagnosis</p><p class="p3"><em>Reanne Booker</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">W-06-C: Writing for peer-reviewed journals: Getting started</p><p class="p3"><em>Margaret Fitch</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-1-A: Connection, reflection and celebration: Coming together to develop a sexual and gender diversity in cancer care (SGDc) program</p><p class="p3"><em>Samantha Scime<sup>1</sup>, Nazlin Jivraj<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-1-B: Examining the unmet needs of Panjabi-Sikh patients during the treatment phase of cancer care</p><p class="p3"><em>Jagbir Kaur<sup>1,2</sup>, Fuchsia Howard<sup>1</sup>, Leah Lambert<sup>2</sup>, Sally Thorne<sup>1</sup>, Satwinder Bains<sup>3</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-1-C: A time for reflection: Exploring the unique perceptions and experiences of Black patients with mental health issues at end of life</p><p class="p3"><em>Corsita Garraway</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-1-D: Digital information needs and ehealth literacy of older adults with cancer</p><p class="p3"><em>Lorelei Newton<sup>1</sup>, Claire Fullerton<sup>1</sup>, Helen Monkman<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-2-A: Understanding factors influencing Canadian oncology nurses’ discussing cannabis use with patients experiencing chemotherapy-induced nausea</p><p class="p3"><em>Tianhao Xiao</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-2-B: Utilizing patient reported outcomes (PROs) and toxicity assessment to improve efficiencies in nursing practice: A stepped assessment approach</p><p class="p3"><em>Claire Link<sup>1</sup>, Andrea DeIure<sup>2</sup>, April Hildebrand<sup>2</sup>, Linda Watson<sup>2</sup>, Lindsi Chmielewski<sup>2</sup>, Louise Smith<sup>2</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-2-C: Chewing the fat: A nurse’s guide to understanding the role of adipose tissue in cancer cachexia</p><p class="p3"><em>Susan McClement</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-2-D: Streamlining care: A nurse-led inter-hospital febrile neutropenia project</p><p class="p3"><em>Luisa Luciani Castiglia<sup>1</sup>, Jeff Mangerpan<sup>2</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-3: Enhancing competency-based learning in systemic therapy administration using a standardized and blended online and workshop model</p><p class="p3"><em>Jiahui Wong<sup>1</sup>, Donalda MacDonald<sup>1</sup>, Gayatre Maharaj<sup>1</sup>, Jennifer Wiernikowski<sup>1</sup>, Shankavi Vigneswaran<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-4-A: Designing a proof-of concept of an app to coordinate nurse-provided respite care services for families coping with palliative-stage cancer</p><p class="p3"><em>Aimee Castro</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-4-B: Implementing virtual care overnight: A pilot project evaluating the available technologies for virtual patient care</p><p class="p3"><em>Colleen Graham</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-4-C: Connecting the “bots”: Leveraging digital technology to better serve our patients and their families</p><p class="p3"><em>Joy Bunsko<sup>1</sup>, Megan Crosby<sup>1</sup>,Justine Sanders<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-4-D: Transitioning breast cancer surgery education online: A COVID-19 quality improvement project</p><p class="p3"><em>Jayne Grigorovich<sup>1</sup>, Sarah Rotstein<sup>2</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-5-A: Critical shortages of chemotherapy-certified nurses and practice challenges: Management of HDMTX toxicities</p><p class="p3"><em>Preetal Makan<sup>1</sup>, Kassie Nguyen<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-5-B: Common symptom clusters in advanced cancers</p><p class="p3"><em>Stephanie Lelond</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-5-C: Early intervention of harm reduction for hematology patients with substance use disorder</p><p class="p3"><em>Mei Wang<sup>1</sup>, Karen Szeto<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-5-D: Surgical insertion of tunneled drainage catheters: Implications for care in palliative patients</p><p class="p3"><em>Janny Proba</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-6-A: Care coordination: Optimizing the scope and role of oncology nurses to meet the individual needs of patients and families within cancer care</p><p class="p3"><em>Joy Bunsko<sup>1</sup>, Theressa Zapach<sup>1</sup>, Kornelia Filipowski<sup>1</sup>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-6-B: Connecting resources and fostering partnerships to build capacity in the outpatient systemic therapy setting</p><p class="p3"><em>Yvonne Davidson<sup>1</sup>, Jesse Haas<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-6-C: Enhancing practice for oncology nurses – Systemic therapy initial and continuing competency education</p><p class="p3"><em>Suganya Vadivelu<sup>1</sup>, Laura Sinke<sup>1</sup>, Cheryl Page<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">I-6-D: The pan-Canadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support (COSTaRS) online tutorial: Retrospective pre-/post-test study</p><p class="p3"><em>Dawn Stacey<sup>1</sup>, Lynne Jolicoeur<sup>2</sup>, Meg Carley<sup>2</sup>, Andra Davis<sup>3</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">II-1-A: Medical Assistance in Dying for mature minors</p><p class="p3"><em>Priscilla Chataika-Smyth</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">II-1-B: Psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric cancer survivors followed in adulthood: Lessons learned and future implications</p><p class="p3"><em>Connie Richardson</em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">II-2-A: Nursing leadership in the pre-diagnostic phase of care of suspected patients with lung cancer (bilingual session)</p><p class="p3"><em>Sonia Joannette<sup>1</sup>, Sophie Burelle<sup>2</sup><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">II-2-B: Une théorisation ancrée sur l’évolution des perceptions du rôle des infirmières lors du soin de l’aide médicale à mourir</p><p class="p3"><em>Maude Hebert<sup>1</sup>, Myriam Asri<sup>1</sup></em></p><p class="p3"> </p><p class="p3">W-II-3: Cancer and social justice: What’s advocacy got to do with it?…”
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