Experimental study on using waste heat from solar photovoltaic cooling for liquid desiccant regeneration in a solar air-conditioning system
Published 2023“…The regenerator modifies the air's specific humidity as the solution's inlet temperature and mass flow rate increase. The rate of water evaporation increases as air flow rates and desiccant solution inlet temperatures increase.…”
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Thesis -
Development of concrete eco-paving blocks using crumb rubber granules and Eco-Processed Pozzolan
Published 2023“…Although the strength of the eco-paver blocks incorporating used EPP and crumb rubber increased by 33%, with water cement ratio is fixed at 0.5. The compressive strength of eco-paver blocks is higher when the EPP and crumb rubber contents are lesser. …”
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Physicochemical properties and storage stability of lemon slices (citrus limon) dried with oven and cabinet dryer
Published 2024“…All lemon slices dried at different temperatures were achieved at <12.95% moisture content and water activity <0.60 to produce microbiologically safe products. …”
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Microbubble treatment on improving quality of palm oil mill effluent
Published 2022“…Because of its high volume generation in huge volume, various strategies have been conducted to treat POME before being released into the water bodies. Current technology of aerobic and anaerobic pond required a longer time period to treat POME and is prone to produce inconsistent quality standard as regulated by the Malaysia Department of Environment. …”
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Proceedings -
The impact of copper oxide nanoparticles reinforced nanocellulose acetate membrane on antibacterial and dye removal potency
Published 2024“…This research characterizes bacterial nanocellulose acetate membranes made from Sargassum extract reinforced with copper oxide nanoparticles and tests their antibacterial properties and dye removal in water. Sargassum sp. extract was fermented using Acetobacter xylinum for 10 days, producing bacterial nanocellulose, which was then esterified to create bacterial nanocellulose acetate. …”
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Amplification of genes associated with saxitoxin biosynthesis in Bacteria associated with pyrodinium Bahamense var. Compressum using Primers designed from other Saxitoxin-producing...
Published 2023“…Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, the primary producer of saxitoxin (STX) in tropical water, poses a palpable threat to public health and safety. …”
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Assessing satellite rainfall accuracy in dense tropical Sabah East Coast Forest, Malaysia: A cross-validation of downscaling technique
Published 2024“…Rainfall is one of pivotal elements in the hydrological cycle that essential for ensuring the water balance in present and in the future. Traditional in-situ observations have been the conventional method for obtaining rainfall data, but their limitations arise from discrete point measurements that fail to represent the entire area. …”
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Rational design of sea urchin-like FeOOH anchored hollow carbon spheres as chloride-insertion electrodes for efficient faradic capacitive deionization
Published 2023“…Faradic capacitive deionization (FDI) is one of the most promising branches of capacitive deionization (CDI) to relieve global water stress. However, the problems of slow desalination kinetics and poor cycle stability of the anode of FDI have greatly restricted the development of its practical applications. …”
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Asymbiotic seeds germination and seedlings development of vanda dearei
Published 2014“…Addition of 20% (v/v) coconut water is significantly improving protocorm development and shoots growth.…”
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Induction of protocorm-like bodies (plbs) and plant regeneration in cymbidium chloranthum (orchidaceae)
Published 2024“…Protocorms of C. chloranthum were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium containing plant growth regulators (PGRs) such as meta-Topolin (mT) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at concentrations of 0.5 or 1.0 mg/L, and coconut water (CW) at 5 or 10% (v/v). The cultures were incubated at 25±2℃ under 12h of photoperiod. …”
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Quality characteristics of chocolates incorporated with broccoli leaves jellies
Published 2024“…F2, with 5.00% of broccoli leaves was chosen as the best formulation on the basis of sensory evaluation and physiochemical tests which included water activity (aw) and hardness tests. Subsequently, F2 was compared with the control from the aspects of proximate compositions, melting properties and antioxidant capacity. …”
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Effects of crustacean waste as feed on growth performances of siamese fighting fish (betta splendens)
Published 2024“…Growth indices such as Body Weight Gain (BWG), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Feed Intake (FI), and Survival Rate (SR) were observed every 10 days while water quality parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature were taken every 4 days for monitoring purpose. …”
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Studies on precast reinforced concrete floor panels using oil palm shell aggregate
Published 2010“…Its basic engineering properties using standard specimens were studied under water and steam curing conditions. A total of 50 prototype precast floor panels of solid section, semi-precast and C-channels were made. …”
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Thesis -
Photocatalysis for organic wastewater treatment: from the basis to current challenges for society
Published 2020“…Organic pollutants such as dyes, antibiotics, analgesics, herbicides, pesticides, and stimulants become major sources of water pollution. Several treatments such as absorptions, coagulation, filtration, and oxidations were introduced and experimentally carried out to overcome these problems. …”
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Effect of plasticizer type and concentration on tensile, thermal and barrier properties of biodegradable films based on sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) starch
Published 2015“…The plasticized films exhibited increased water vapor permeability values from 4.855 × 10−10 to 8.70 × 10−10 g·m−1·s−1·Pa−1, irrespective of plasticizer types. …”
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Enhancement of ch4 selectivity by mixed matrix membrane incorporated with surface-etched and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane grafted halloysite nanotubes
Published 2023“…This peak caused by hydroxyl vibration which shows the presence of adsorbed water molecules. Besides, the intensity of the bending vibration of the Al-OH is reduced on surface-etched HNTs which is due to the breakage of Si-O bond on the etching site. …”
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Thesis -
Cultivation of Rhodotorula toruloides using Palm Oil Mill Effluent: effect on the growth, lipid production, and waste removal
Published 2022“…Meanwhile, the lipid production (4.51 %) in filtered POME was 4.8-fold higher than in control media. The water analysis indicated about 43% of COD reduction, signifying the ability of Rhodotorula toruloides to utilise nutrient components present in POME for growth. …”
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Hydrology and suspended sediment yield in Sungai Kinabatangan
Published 2016“…These activities have altered the pattern of runoff, increased the sediment loads delivered into river channels, and inadvertently affect the quality of river water. This study was carried out to (a) analyse the hydrology characteristics of Sungai Kinabatangan Catchment; (b) determine the sediment yield in the Sungai Kinabatangan Catchment; (c) develop baseline hydro-geometry data of Sungai Kinabatangan and its tributaries; and (d) design flow duration curves (FDC) for ungauged rivers in the Sungai Kinabatangan Catchment. …”
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Thesis -
A bibliometric review and the direction of future vegan-related research: a qualitative approach
Published 2022“…We identified four main clusters and the associated sub-clusters for each of them: a) consumerism (cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors), b) medical and health sciences (nutrition, biomarkers, anthropometry, fat and/or cholesterol, blood glucose, gut health, blood pressure, general health, ageing and/or quality of life, physical or exercise performance, mortality or longevity, bone health, and genetics), c) food science and technology (vegan food products or by-products, vegan vitamins or supplements, and vegan food content or toxic elements), and d) environmental impacts (greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use). Our study provides a wide-ranging overview of research domains and introduces readers to key studies, concepts, and methods. …”
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A copper-based metal–organic framework decorated with electrodeposited Fe2O3 nanoparticles for electrochemical nitrite sensing
Published 2022“…Finally, assessing nitrite in tap and mineral water samples revealed that the Fe2O3@Cu-BDC/SPCE has a promising prospect in amperometric nitrite detection.…”