Background and origins of Ukrainian-American mutuality
Published 2017-03-01“…The author analyzes statistic data and reveals Ukrainian Diaspora density and distribution in various regions, compares the native Americans tragic destiny to Soviet genocides of Ukrainians, depicts the place and role of Ukrainian ethnic communities and unions in American society and politics, professional trades of Ukrainians in the USA, schools, public organizations, women movement, Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches, mutual assistance, choirs, music concerts, theatrical performances, folk art festivals, newspapers, revues, some names and examples of the most important Ukrainians’ contributions to the U.S. social prosperity and developments, technical inventions, scientific and cultural achievements. …”
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Gênero e políticas públicas Gender and public policies
Published 2004-04-01“…Taking as reference the proposals that came from the women movement and from feminist entities, the article analyses programs from three sectors health, violence against women and employment and income generation. …”
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SALAFÎ WOMEN AND ISLAMIC MOVEMENTS: The Case of Salafism in Jama‘ah al-Khidhir
Published 2019-12-01“…The result reveals that the identity and politics of al-Khidhir Salafî women movement has four dimensions. First, Salafî is not a revolutionary movement that opposes Pancasila and especially for Salafî women to obey their husband as ulil amri gives a great responsibility to educate his wife and children. …”
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The geography of sentiment towards the Women's March of 2017.
Published 2020-01-01“…In sum, online reactions to the March on this social media platform suggest that this modern arm of the Women's Movement received considerable, virtual support across the country.…”
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The Ethics of Care in Barack Obama’s Speech in the United States of Women Summit
Published 2020-10-01“…In this case the speaker uses all positive appreciation (there is no negative appreciation category) to express his evaluation and his appreciation for the women movement and empowerment in that summit and especially the women in his country, United States of America. …”
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Women of Europe in the Great War (1914-1918)
Published 2022-08-01“…Some changes in the political, social, and economic environment of European countries in relation to women are presented as the main results of emancipation and feminist movements during the First World War, in particular, the Ukrainian women's movement of 1914-1918 is considered. The results of this study can be used to further clarify women's experience during military operations by historians and researchers, as well as public figures to highlight the participation of women in the First World War among the population…”
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Globalization, Gender, and Religion
Published 2002-10-01“…To understand the spectrum of opinions and better strategize the globalized women's movement in Catholic and Muslim contexts, the editors brought together feminists from seven countries and one region to detennine how religious Catholic and Muslim women dealt with their beliefs in equal rights, and contradictions in their religions and in the official policy of their religious authorities. …”
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دور المرأة العراقية في منظمات المجتمع المدني Role of Iraqi Women in Civil Society Organizations
Published 2021-04-01“…Based on the foregoing, civil society organizations were given special importance in the establishment of the Iraqi democratic system after the year 2003, until it appeared to be an integral component in perpetuating the reality of the democratic transition process, and their role was further strengthened when their work paths were organized through the formation of a state ministry concerned with following up its affairs that covered All aspects of political life, let us find ourselves facing a tremendous momentum of organizations that all joined forces in promoting the positive values of an active Iraqi citizen in his society, and the reality indicates that the issue of Iraqi women and ensuring their rights were not far from the seriousness of the work of these voluntary organizations, which showed great desire for Granting women a symbolic role and position that allows them to overcome the difficulties they have always restricted their role and pushed towards retreat and lethargy, and this new women's movement had a role in proving the effectiveness of women towards ensuring their rights guaranteed by Sharia and man-made laws alike.…”
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Published 2014“…It is characterized by the term Wanita Karier (Career Woman) indicating the presence of women's movement in the direction of the public. However, with that things, women are still considered as second-class beings lower than man. …”
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Manos flexibles: estrategias grupales de mujeres para enfrentar la crisis Flexible hands: etrategies group of women to confront the crisis
Published 2011-12-01“…Mobilization means the ownership of the workspace, as a practice of resistance and a challenge as life experience, to take place in a regional context of traditional generic assignments, and without an established women's movement. Their experiences, careers, combined with individual and collective strategies deployed in the field of work, are the topics that guide the observation and reflection. …”
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"Not an encounter group": democracy and women's committees
Published 1996“…Women's committees were introduced in some local authorities from 1982, where both the women's movement and the new urban left of the Labour Party played a part in their creation. …”
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Direitos, cidadania das mulheres e religião Rights, women's citizenship and religion
Published 2008-11-01“…Finally, returning to the sociohistorical reality of the women's movement, I approach the question of extending the concept of rights to include the recently emergent 'sexual and reproductive rights,' as a new, ma non troppo, field of conflict between feminist and Catholic ideas.…”
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O aborto, uma condição para a emancipação feminina Abortion, a condition for gender emancipation
Published 2008-08-01“…The author of this article, a sociologist, participated actively in the women's movement. Al the same time, she has chosen abortion as research subject. …”
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Being, belonging and becoming: a study of gender in the making of post-colonial citizenship in India 1946-1961
Published 2014“…Secondly to analyse how the framework of postcolonial Indian citizenship has both created new possibilities for empowerment, but simultaneously set new limitations on how the Indian women's movement was able to imagine itself as a political constituency and the feminist agenda it was able to articulate and pursue. …”
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Publicaciones electrónicas: experiencias y desafíos en Perú Electronic publications: experiences and challenges in Peru
Published 2004-12-01“…By using the TICs, women have promoted alliances and articulations, favoring the structuring and construction of proposals, consents and more equal and democratic relationships in the feminist and women movement. The author describes that through the eletronic publications it is generated and exchanged information about the problems that women live; their efforts and advances are exposed, the solidarity is developed, and a great variety of themes is approached. …”
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Uma ação sinérgica por direitos reprodutivos: uma história sem fim A Synergistic action towards a policy of reproductive rights: a neverending story
Published 2012-05-01“…<br>In Brazil, reproductive rights are provided for a national legislation and regulations of the Ministry of Health, should be the object of public policy, and is an agenda of women's movement since 1970 decade. Family planning integrates these policies, based on the principles of non-coercion, informed choice and responsible, resulting in ethical standards. …”
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Desenvolvimento sustentável com perspectiva de gênero - Brasil, México e Cuba: mulheres protagonistas no meio rural Sustainable development from a gender perspective - Brazil, Mexi...
Published 2010-12-01“…Sugere-se que, tanto em Cuba, um país socialista, como no México e Brasil, países capitalistas, os pressupostos das políticas sociais direcionadas para as trabalhadoras rurais devem levar em conta as necessidades básicas das mulheres camponesas para garantir um desenvolvimento mais humano e sustentável<br>This article discusses different views about sustainable development, emphasizing - on the basis of a survey conducted in Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba - the role of rural women in food production and natural resource management, the strength of the rural women's movement in the conquest of rights, and the decisive participation of women in defining proposals for public policies that guarantee gender equality in rural areas. …”
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O feminismo em novas rotas e visões Feminism on new routes and views
Published 2006-12-01“…It is guided by a Latin-American and Caribbean view of the transformations of feminism and of women's achievements in critical moments of that articulation, recollecting outstanding periods such as the renovation of feminist ideals; the autonomy of the black women's movement and its inter-relation with black and feminist activism; and international articulations tuned with Brazilian reality/diversity and with the incorporation of the feminist agenda within governmental instances. …”
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