Neuro linguistic programming automation for improvement of organisational performance
Published 2018“…However, in various parts of the process, the software responded more accurately than a human practitioner. The results of the automated Meta model have shown increased accuracy in identification of the language patterns used in conversation. …”
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Energy efficiency performance model for office buildings In Malaysia
Published 2024Get full text
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Mutual coupling reduction in dielectric resonator antennas using metasurface shield for 60 GHz MIMO systems
Published 2016“…The corresponding reflection coefficient of the DRA is better than -10 dB over 56.6–64.8 GHz.…”
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Compact single layer travelling-wave antenna design using metamaterial transmission lines
Published 2017“…The fabricated TWA operates over 1.8–8.6 GHz with a fractional bandwidth greater than 120%, and it exhibits a peak gain and radiation efficiency of 4.2 dBi and 81%, respectively, at 5 GHz. …”
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‘Medicine doesn’t cure my worries’ : understanding the drivers of mental distress in older Nepalese women living in the UK
Published 2018“…In many cases, the impact of these factors was experienced in combination rather than isolation, often influenced by cultural dynamics. …”
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Using case studies in accounting : a case study of the challenges confronting lecturers
Published 2005“…Moreover, learning from mistakes using case studies is less costly than learning from mistakes in a real business situation". …”
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Re-genering academic writing. Case Study 1: Collages
Published 2018“…We, as learning developers and educationists, started by welcoming and valuing students for who they were, rather than remediating them because of what they were not. …”
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Critical pedagogy in sport management education : rationale, issues and implications for practice
Published 2012“…They express the view that the traditional emphasis on content, or what we feel our students should learn, has thus become less important than the need to help them learn how to learn and to think critically about both content and process. …”
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Extended Behavioural Device Modelling and Circuit Simulation with Qucs-S
Published 2018“…Current trends in circuit simulation suggest a growing interest in open source software that allows access to more than one simulation engine while simultaneously supporting schematic drawing tools, behavioural Verilog-A and XSPICE component modelling, and output data post-processing. …”
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Long memory and fractional integration in high frequency data on the US dollar / British pound spot exchange rate
Published 2013“…In particular, when the data are collected every 10 minutes there are several cases with values of d strictly smaller than 1, implying mean-reverting behaviour; however, for higher data frequencies the unit root null cannot be rejected. …”
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On the conceptualization and measurement of flow
Published 2021“…The chapter then analyzes the emerging process approach, which conceptualizes and measures flow as a dynamic path rather than an object, and highlights its potential for integrating flow and creativity within the same conceptual framework. …”
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The implied-realized volatility relation in foreign exchange options markets
Published 2009“…Significantly, for many popular exchange rates, the use of intra-day rather than daily data affects the emergence of a different bias, as the possibility of a fractionally integrated risk premium admits itself!…”
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Social Work in FSU countries: mapping the progress of' 'the professional project'
Published 2018“…The authors conclude that the professional project faces many challenges across the FSU region and the progress made - or lack of it in some countries - can be related to the politics and economics of particular states, However, the evidence suggests that, less than a quarter of a century after the demise of communism, the project has been initiated in all but one FSU countries and there are indications of positive developments.…”
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"It’s your job, you can handle it" : a grounded theory study of ward staffs' views on the experiences, causes and consequences of verbal aggression in an acute psychiatric ward
Published 2019“…Conclusions: The themes observed in the study have conceptualised verbal aggression as more than a negative interaction on an individual level, highlighting the influence of organisational factors as having a significant bearing on staffs’ psychological wellbeing and staff-patient relational dynamics. …”
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Unrolling the text: using scrolls to facilitate academic reading
Published 2019“…We outline how we explored with staff the potential of the textscroll to offer a more welcoming, accessible, collaborative and dialogic encounter with reading than the codex (bound book or article). Drawing briefly on a literature review commissioned when part of the LearnHigher Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, we consider reading not just as a semantic or linguistic activity but as a socio-political one especially for those, like our students, who are typically placed as educational outsiders. …”
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The equilibrium real effective exchange rate of China : a NATREX approach
Published 2008“…However the misalignment rates are much lower than those reported by previous studies. We also find weak evidence of overvaluation for most of the pre-reform period. …”
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Respecting and ensuring rights: feminist ethics for a state response to fundamentalism
Published 2019“…This is positioned against a neo-liberal and nationalist state response and a reactive left/anti-racist response in order to make visible the connections between terror and torture and also the myopia of a response that emphasises an obligation to either respect or ensure rights rather than both simultaneously. This is particularly underlined within the final section where a discussion of gender perspectives on tackling fundamentalism distinguishes between the human right to security, an important concern for feminists involved in ending violence against women and girls, and the government’s protection of its own interests through securitisation. …”
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The use of smokeless tobacco among UK South Asian communities
Published 2018“…More than 2 million people in the UK consumes chewing tobacco products, of which the majority are from South Asian communities. …”
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‘It’s a work in progress’: men’s accounts of gender and change in their use of coercive control
Published 2019“…We argue that coercive control is more dynamic, contestable and open to change than previous research has suggested. Some men did manage to take steps away from investing in traditional masculine norms and reduce their use of coercive tactics. …”
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Microstrip bandpass filter with wide stopband and high out-of-band rejection
Published 2019“…The filter has high out-of-band rejection (> 30 dB), less than 0.6 dB of insertion-loss, up to 5.5 GHz spurii free, and about 18 dB of return-loss. …”
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