An evaluation of LQR and fuzzy logic controllers for active suspension using half car model
Published 2010“…Results show that the performance of the LQR controller is better than the FLC at the expense of control force. The performances of both active controllers are better than the passive system in terms of settling time.…”
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Article -
Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank efficiency: empirical evidence from the Thai banking sector
Published 2010“…Domestic banks have been relatively more efficient than their foreign bank peers, which can be attributed largely to a higher pure technical efficiency (PTE) level. …”
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Article -
Intelligent disturbance rejection for robust tracking performance of X-Y positioning system
Published 2010“…The developed controller is implemented experimentally, and a tracking performance of less than 1�m is achieved. Contouring error of less than 1���m is achieved as well. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A novel Erbium-doped Fiber Laser source (EDFL)
Published 2008“…The output power of the proposed laser system is more than 18 dBm at 1560 nm. The side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) in the output power in this experiment was also high, greater than 64 dB. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Differential Scanning Calorimetry as tool in observing thermal and storage stability of recombinant Bromelain
Published 2011“…Recombinant bromelain is more stable than commercial bromelain at higher temperature but the stability reduced after 7 days of storage at 4oC. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A deadlock-free routing algorithm using minimum number of virtual channels and application mappings for Hierarchical Torus Network
Published 2006“…We find that the dynamic communication performance of the HTN is better than that of the H3D-mesh, TESH, mesh, and torus networks. …”
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Article -
An experimental study of the magnetic linear birefringence and dichroism of liquids, solutions and dispersions
Published 1982“…The measurements were made using apparatus of greater sensitivity than any previously described; most results were new determinations. …”
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Thesis -
Centile estimation for a proportion response variable
Published 2016“…Applying these two models to (1-Y) rather than Y enables modelling of Y on the unit interval including 0 rather than 1. …”
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Article -
Grammatische Komplexität und semantische Transparenz in deutschen und englischen Satzstrukturen
Published 2018“…Nevertheless, the findings in total suggest a smaller complexity difference between the two languages than generally assumed.…”
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Book Section -
Thresholds for vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) produced by impulsive transmastoid acceleration.
Published 2013“…Conclusion: VEMPs can be obtained at lower ITA stimulation levels than OVEMPs. Threshold values depend on the method used to defi ne response presence.…”
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Article -
Ionospheric critical frequency observation from ionosonde data for GPS positioning improvement over Malaysia
Published 2023“…Observation data in the form of Ionogram than was used to identify the fc and then the plotted using Matlab. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Ionospheric critical frequency observation from ionosonde data for GPS positioning improvement over Malaysia
Published 2023“…Observation data in the form of Ionogram than was used to identify the fc and then the plotted using Matlab. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) approach In efficiency transport manufacturing industry in Malaysia
Published 2018“…The results shown that the average efficiency score of the Banker, Charnes, Cooper - Variable Returns to Scale (BCC-VRS) model is higher than the Charnes, Cooper, Rhodes - Constant Return to Scale (CCR-CRS) model. …”
Article -
Antioxidant study of pulp and peel of dragon fruits: A comparative study
Published 2008“…Radical scavenging activity of the peels for both species was higher than the pulps. Both peels of Hylocereus species showed high percentage of scavenging activity that reached up to 87%. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Earthquake prediction and monitoring using unusual animal behavior
Published 2011“…On the other hand, changes in magnetic field reported before earthquakes are less than one ten thousandth of the earth magnetic field, thus it is highly impossible for this to be the cause of unusual animal behavior. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tori-connected torus network and its derivative
Published 2012“…We found that the longest wire length of the FTTN is far lower than that of other networks considered in this paper while keeping good static network performance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Growth, condition factor, maturity, gonadal development and spawning of fork-tail threadfin bream (Nemipterus furcosus) in the Coastal Water of Pahang
Published 2013“…The results showed that male threadfin bream was significantly more than female (2 = 108.05; p<0.05) in the population of Pahang coastal water. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Medicines information provided by pharmaceutical representatives: a comparative study in Australia and Malaysia
Published 2010“…More general practitioners in Malaysia (85%) than in Australia (60%) reported that pharmaceutical representatives should have mentioned contraindications, precautions for use, drug interaction or adverse effects spontaneously (P < 0.001). …”
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Article -
Antidiabetic efficacy of polar extracts of the leaves of tetracera indica merr. (dilleniaceae) in alloxanized rats
Published 2011“…Background review: Plants are considered less toxic than synthetic drugs. Recently, the search for appropriate anti-diabetic agents has been focused on plants used in traditional medicine partly because of leads provided by traditional medicine to natural products that may be better treatments than currently used drugs responsible for serious side effects among diabetics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Household food insecurity in Malaysia: findings from Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey
Published 2015“…This prevalence was significantly higher in East Malaysia (20.3%) than in Peninsular Malaysia (11.5%) and in rural areas (18.8%) than in urban areas (11.0%). …”
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