Development of Kombucha Tea with Gac and Mango Fruits: Sensory, Nutritional, Phytochemical, Physicochemical and Antioxidant Evaluation
Published 2023“…The nutrient of KGM 100 was higher than other concentrations with a value content of carbohydrates 6.9% and vitamin C of 2.70 mg/kg. …”
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Hybridized Intelligent Neural Network Optimization Model for Forecasting Prices of Rubber in Malaysia
Published 2023“…The GWO with RBFNN-kSAT obtained the greatest average accuracy (92%), with a better correlation coefficient R = 0.983871 than ABC with RBFNN-kSAT and PSO with RBFNN-kSAT. …”
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Alternative Relative Discrimination Criterion Feature Ranking Technique for Text Classification
Published 2023“…However, these algorithms focus on the number of terms in a document rather than the number of terms in the category. In this research, an alternative method to RDC, called Alternative Relative Discrimination Criterion (ARDC) was proposed, which aims to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of RDC feature ranking. …”
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Development of new steam methane reforming mobile plant with micro-scale catalytic channels
Published 2019“…It is widely accepted that hydrogen is the cleanest and abundant energy source of the future. Currently, more than 90% of world hydrogen production is made via catalytic steam methane reforming (SMR). …”
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Thesis -
The potential use of light pipe system as illumination element for one storey building in Malaysia
Published 2022“…The simulation results indicate that using two LPS is more beneficial in a 15 m2 space than using one or three LPS. Using two LPS for the test room with the artificial lighting system and applying the dimming control, the reduction was up to 25 per cent per day, suggesting that 114 kWh could be saved annually. …”
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Ethnic recognition system for Malay language speakers using gammatone frequency cepstral coefficients pitch (GFCCP) and pattern classification
Published 2022“…An important finding in the study is that the combination of the pitch with MFCC and GFCC provided better accuracy, with the latter performing better than the former, compared with those of MFCC and GFCC alone under noisy conditions.…”
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Energy efficiency and thermal comfort: a case study in Iraqi Government Hospitals
Published 2023“…It was also found that many slightly cooler than the acceptable thermal comfort range, indicating opportunities for energy efficiency in line with the proposed strategies.…”
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Prediction of Rainfall Trends Using Forecasting Approaches Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis
Published 2024“…The results showed that the SSA-R performed better than SSA-V due to the smallest RMSE in the dry, rainy, and inter-monsoon seasons. …”
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Assessment of agarwood hydrodistillation byproduct for consumable potential
Published 2023“…Addition of preservatives in drink formulation prolong the shelf life of drink to more than 1 ½ years storage…”
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Digital Learning Content in Automotive Technology Program Towards Student Cognition in TVET: A Partial Experiment
Published 2024“…It fits with the social stigma of TVET, shaped by the perception that vocational education and training exist to serve school leavers rather than as an essential strategy to provide competent workers to the labour market. …”
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A hybrid segmentation scheme for improved dorsal hand vein recognition
Published 2023“…The ResNet-18 achieved superior performance with less training time than GoogleNet on the DHV dataset, which can be attributed to its capacity to address the network degradation issue. …”
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Hardware Implementation of FIR Filter for ECG Signal Processing: Design, Optimization, and Performance Analysis on an FPGA
Published 2024“…The results show that the FPGA-based FIR filter can process the ECG signal up to 1,250 times faster than software implementations. To further optimize the design and reduce hardware cost, we introduce optimized designs by applying the operation scheduling and constrained resource allocation techniques. …”
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Caputo-fabrizio fractional derivative for magnetic blood flow of Newtonian and casson fluid in an inclined artery
Published 2022“…Both fluid flow velocities have similar trends in fractional parameters; however, Casson fluid is slower than Newtonian fluid. Radiation and metabolic heat both play an essential role in controlling blood temperature. …”
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Energy efficiency and thermal comfort: a case study in Iraqi Government Hospitals
Published 2023“…It was also found that many slightly cooler than the acceptable thermal comfort range, indicating opportunities for energy efficiency in line with the proposed strategies…”
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Thesis -
Comparison of 2D and 3D Simulations on Predicting the Performance of a Savonius Wind Turbine
Published 2024“…The comparative analysis reveals that the 3D analysis predicts higher torque and power coefficients than the 2D approach, especially at higher wind speeds. …”
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Mathematical analysis of fractional-order chemostat model with time delay
Published 2021“…This is because there will be some change in amount of the cell mass concentration whether increase or decrease when the system is unstable, so chemostat system can be well controlled in order to be suitable for cell mass production. Other than that, the convergence speed of nearby trajectories increased when the value of α decreased. …”
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Thesis -
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Investigation the Effect of Piston Bowl Geometries Performance on Port Fuel InjectionHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (PFI-...
Published 2024“…Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is an advanced combustion strategy proposed to provide higher efficiency and lower emissions than conventional compression ignition. Nevertheless, the operation of HCCI engines still presents formidable challenges. …”
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Environmental DNA metabarcoding of freshwater fish in Malaysian tropical rivers using short-read nanopore sequencing as a potential biomonitoring tool
Published 2024“…The eDNA metabarcoding approach detected over 13% more freshwater fish species than when the conventional method was used. Notably, the distinction in freshwater fish detection between eDNA primers for 12S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I was insignificant. …”
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A comparative DFT study of electronic and optical properties of Pb/ Cd-doped LaVO4 and Pb/Cd-LuVO4 for electronic device applications
Published 2023“…Pb/Cd is doped at the vanadium (V) sites, which are more advantageous than the La/Lu sites. By capturing Pb/Cd at the V sites in LuVO4/ LaVO4, additional gamma points were incorporated into the electronic band gap energy (Eg). …”
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CFD Analysis on Different Filling Volume Capacity and Fluid Density for Flexitank Application
Published 2022“…This is evaluated by comparing the hydrodynamics study for filling capacities that are 1%, 2%, and 3% higher than the rated capacity for flexitanks that has been suggested by the Container Owner Association (COA). …”
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