Steel Slag and Limestone as a Rock Filter for Eliminating Phosphorus from Domestic Wastewater: A Pilot Study in a Warm Climate
Published 2023“…These findings indicated that the steel slag is higher than limestone in TP removal, because of ion exchange between phosphorus hydrolysis and the adsorption process. …”
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Physical-mechanical properties and thermogravimetric analysis of fired clay brick incorporating palm kernel shell for alternative raw materials
Published 2023“…However, incorporating more than 5% PKS resulted in lower mechanical properties (24.6 to 11.0 MPa) and higher water absorption (3 to 12%) due to increased firing shrinkage and porosity (0.3 to 0.9% and 13 to 20%, respectively). …”
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Cytotoxic Activity, Anti-Migration and In Silico Study of Black Ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) Extract against Breast Cancer Cell
Published 2023“…Result showed that EEKP had a better cytotoxic activity than EWKP with an IC50 value of 128.33 µg/mL (24 h) and 115.09 µg/mL (48 h) on 4T1 cell line, and 138.43 µg/mL (24 h) and 124.81 µg/mL (48 h) on MCF-7 cell line. …”
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Industrial revolution 4.0 implementation: current practice and barriers in manufacturing firms of Malaysia
Published 2020“…Malaysia has been rather slow-moving to embrace Industry 4.0 if compared with neighboring countries like Thailand or Vietnam which already have Industry 4.0 policy frameworks earlier than Malaysia. This research aims to identify the current practices and implementation of industries 4.0 in Malaysia; and to determine the barriers encountered by the manufacturing firms in Malaysia on implementation of Industry 4.0. …”
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Effect of α-aluminium oxide nano additives with Sal biodiesel blend as a potential alternative fuel for existing DI diesel engine
Published 2022“…The nanoparticle combination sample offers improved brake thermal efficiency (BTHE) and lower BSFC rate than the S20 while testing for the optimal parametric condition.…”
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Development of new steam methane reforming mobile plant with micro-scale catalytic channels
Published 2019“…It is widely accepted that hydrogen is the cleanest and abundant energy source of the future. Currently, more than 90% of world hydrogen production is made via catalytic steam methane reforming (SMR). …”
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Investigation the Effect of Piston Bowl Geometries Performance on Port Fuel InjectionHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (PFI-...
Published 2024“…Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is an advanced combustion strategy proposed to provide higher efficiency and lower emissions than conventional compression ignition. Nevertheless, the operation of HCCI engines still presents formidable challenges. …”
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Environmental DNA metabarcoding of freshwater fish in Malaysian tropical rivers using short-read nanopore sequencing as a potential biomonitoring tool
Published 2024“…The eDNA metabarcoding approach detected over 13% more freshwater fish species than when the conventional method was used. Notably, the distinction in freshwater fish detection between eDNA primers for 12S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I was insignificant. …”
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Quality improvement of manuka honey through the application of high pressure processing
Published 2014“…High pressure processing can also control hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) concentration in honey during process within the standard limit, 16.93 to 18.76 mg/kg (which is below than the maximum allowed limit of 40 mg/kg). This work also reveals that high pressure processing can enhance antibacterial activity of Manuka honey significantly. …”
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Insect diversity and composition during the wet and dry seasons in three forest types of Johor, Malaysia
Published 2015“…Meanwhile ant, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was more diverse in lowland forest than the highland forest. In all the three locations, ant was most abundant. …”
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Enhancing the evaluation process of sustainability related criteria in Malaysia landfill site selection
Published 2019“…However, based on the summary report by Department of National Solid Waste Management in Malaysia, out of 161 operating landfills, there are only 16 sanitary landfills, which means more than half of the landfills are posing serious effects to the environment and public health. …”
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Study the electrical stress withstand properties of heated refined bleached and deodorized palm oil dielectrics
Published 2015“…Mineral oil as an important insulating material in transformers has been used more than 150 years. Mineral oil application in power system equipment can be potentially hazardous to the environment especially when there are any incidents during operational time like transformer explosion which may cause a spill of oil to the soil or water stream. …”
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Synthesis of molten salt as heat transfer fluid for waste heat recovery application
Published 2015“…The result shows the melting point for ternary and quaternary mixtures are closely 100 ºC where the value is 92.4 ºC and 98.9 ºC compared than binary mixtures. Thermal stability analyzed in this study shows that the value for all mixture above 500 ºC but quaternary mixture showed the highest thermal stability which the value is 701 ºC. …”
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Design of reflectarray antenna integrated with FSS textured configurations for wireless communication applications
Published 2014“…Integrated FSS Reflectarray (FSS-RA) configurations based on iterative loop length approach are than implemented for operation in both X and Ku-band to improve the static phase range for the reduction of phase errors resulting in scan blindness. …”
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Real-time identification of an unmanned quadcopter flight dynamics using fully tuned radial basis function network
Published 2018“…The results also showed that the proposed extended minimal resource allocating networks (EMRAN) algorithm is capable to adapt with dynamics changes and infer quadcopter model with an even shorter training time (4.16ms) than MRAN and suitable for real-time system identification.…”
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Characterization of whole-body vibration for monorail passenger ride comfort
Published 2018“…The experimental results show that the daily vibration exposure 0.81 m/s2 was higher than the action value 0.5 m/s2 of the standard during peak operation and 0.82 m/s2 during off-peak operation. …”
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A structural model for mitigation measures of critical cost overrun factors in highway projects in sindh province
Published 2018“…Performance of the model has moderate explaining power as the predictive relevancy value is greater than 0.13. Significant mitigation measures of these critical factors were determined from the power loading of mitigations measures. …”
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An impulsive noise analyser using amplitude probability distribution (APD) for broadband-wired communication
Published 2011“…The analyser has been developed successfully with dynamic range of 70 dB higher than the 60 dB CISPR 16 requirement, 0.02 dB amplitude resolution compared to 0.25 dB CISPR 16 requirement and 0.59 dB amplitude accuracy compared with the CISPR 16 standard of +/- 2.7 dB. …”
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Polyurethane foam from oil palm fruit waste: synthesis and characterization of biopolyol and foam properties
Published 2018“…The results revealed that more than 50 % of the oil palm fruit waste converted into liquefied product. …”
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Preparation of bioactive surface via gel oxidation on titanium for biomedical application (hip joint replacement)
Published 2018“…Alkalitreated titanium subjected to heat treatment in air have shown better overall in vitro performance than those treated in argon atmosphere. Therefore, the sodium removal treatment (dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) treatment) was introduced to convert sodium titanate into anatase to improve the bioactivity of titanium treated in argon atmosphere. …”
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