Prediction of functional outcome in patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage by clinical-computed tomographic correlations
Published 2012“…Good functional outcome was associated with a hematoma volume of less than 30 ml. At discharge majority of the survivors were functionally dependent 76 (70.4%) and only 32 (29.6%) achieved functional independence. …”
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Fracture strength and fractographic analysis of zirconia copings treated with four experimental silane primers
Published 2013“…Silanization with four new experimental silane primers in vitro produced significantly greater fracture strength than the control group not treated with the test silane.…”
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The contextual integration and sustainable development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre waterfront: an evaluation of the policies, law and guidelines
Published 2010“…These are i)absence of policy and guidelines before the third morphological period ii) existing policies and guidelines are general and mostly referring to zones rather than according to plots iii) Policy and guideline developed and implemented in isolation by different government agencies iv) lack of guidelines which is suitable to the Kuala Lumpur waterfront. v) lack of detail master planning for Kuala Lumpur waterfront vi) guidelines which are not legally bounded are making implementation difficult. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A survey on physical factors and compressed breast thickness in voluntary mammography screening using FFDM system in Malaysia: preliminary results
Published 2013“…These values are higher than the kV for SFM which were Malay (26), Chinese (27) and Indian (26) for CC and Malay (26), Chinese (27) and Indian (26) for CC and MLO views respectively. …”
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Neurotisation In Extended Brachial Plexus Injury: Spinal Acessory Nerve (SAN) to Suprascapular Nerve (SSN) and Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AIN) branch to Pronator Quadratus (PQ) t...
Published 2018“…Neurotisation for shoulder function is common but for wrist extension is relatively new in Malaysia and provides a better outcome and more natural movement for the hand than tendon transfers. CONCLUSION: Neurotisation of ECRB by the AIN branch provides an option to reanimation of wrist extension.…”
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Assessment of residential satisfaction in newly designed public low-cost housing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published 2010“…Findings from the study indicate that the residents are moderately satisfied with dwelling unit support services, followed by public and neighbourhood facilities than dwelling unit features and social environment, which have higher percentage of respondents with low level of satisfaction. …”
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Knowledge and attitude on sex among medical students of a Malaysian university: a comparison study
Published 2013“…Students in the clinical year were more knowledgeable than those in pre-clinical years (22.67 versus 20.71, P<0.001). …”
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A comparative signaling cost analysis of macro mobility scheme in NEMO (MM-NEMO) with mobility management protocol
Published 2013“…In this paper, we propose a handoff cost model to compare the signaling cost of MM-NEMO with NEMO Basic Support Protocol (NEMO BSP) and HMIPv6.The numerical results shows that the signaling cost for the MM-NEMO scheme is about 69.6 % less than the NEMO-BSP and HMIPv6.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Defining optimum quality of healthcare spaces through usability: case study on labour delivery room designs in Malaysian public hospitals
Published 2013“…Results of the research through data collected and analyses of more than 7 public hospitals non-standard LDR designs for safe and effective critical dimension for safe and effective use, among others, were that, there were ranges of overall sizes and configurations which were generally based on “typical floor area based on foreign standards, practice and room data discussion outcome pre construction” standard. …”
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A preliminary assessment on magnitude of oral health problems among five selected primary care clinics of Malaysia and Myanmar in 2012
Published 2013“…Although the common OHP in both countries were more or less same -dental caries, periodontal diseases, oral ulcer, hand-foot mouth disease (HFMD); and co-morbidity with medical diseases were more in Myanmar than in Malaysia. Discussion and conclusion: This study confirms that Oral Health Problem is an important health issue in reason for encounter of primary care practices. …”
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Affordable ART for developing countries: a cost benefit comparison of low dose stimulation versus high dose GnRH antagonist protocol
Published 2008“…LS generated significantly fewer follicles, total oocytes, mature oocytes (all p<0.0005) and immature oocytes ( p=0.009) than Atg but the number of excellent quality oocytes was similar. …”
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Indoor microbial contamination through water mist aerosol at public restaurants
Published 2015“…There are very few studies characterising and comparing the levels of indoor air pollutants in restaurants. Other than that, scarce data are available on dining establishments especially in the presence and absence of water mist application system. …”
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Identifying the potential of transcription factor Sox9 gene transfer in chondrocytes differentiation and articular cartilage formation in vitro
Published 2015“…However, at week 3, the PFC and PC exhibited significantly higher sGAG production than PFTC and PTC. Chondrogenic properties of the constructs were evidenced by the expression of cartilage-specific markers; collagen II, collagen XI and aggrecan core protein. …”
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Women space in the design of Masjid in Malaysia: how much space do women need?
Published 2016“…Women space for daily prayers, as it is, apart from location, shape, amenities and comfort, the capacity is more than adequate. However, majority of these spaces lay in the transit or temporal state of non-permanence for women and their care. …”
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Indicators of integration of Islamic values in human knowledge
Published 2014“…Variance explained by measures, indicated useful measurement (52.4%) with the variance explained by the first contrast in the residual less than 10%. The item and person means measures were well matched, 0.0 and 0.05 logit respectively. …”
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Book Chapter -
The accessible public toilets and restrooms from Islamic perspective
Published 2014“…Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and more than half of the population is Muslim.The Department of Standard Malaysia (SIRIM) had introducedinterior designers, architects, city planners, landscape architects, and others who are involved in the construction of physical development with Universal Design to their publication of Malaysian Standards which will be used as a benchmark and guidelines forthe accessible environment. four standards on public toilet to be developed, which are MS 2015: 2006 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. …”
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Environmental disclosure quality: examining the impact of the stock exchange of Malaysia's listing requirements
Published 2015“…More importantly, companies disclosed more quantitative environmental information in 2009 than in 2005. However, the average quality of ED was still low in 2009 compared to the overall potential score. …”
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The effects of nerolidol, allicin and berenil on the morphology of trypanosoma evansi in mice: a comparative study using light and electron microscopic approaches
Published 2011“…All mice in the negative group (untreated-infected) succumbed to infection with drastic increase of parasitaemia while all the infected and berenil-treated mice survived the infections for more than 100 days post-infection. These observations indicate that, to a certain extent, nerolidol and allicin showed convincing and promising anti-trypanosomatidal activity against the morphology of T. evansi in mice. …”
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Case study of rain attenuation At 26 GHz in tropical region (Malaysia) for terrestrial link
Published 2016“…In the near future, mm Wave products, systems, theories, and devices will come together to deliver mobile data rates thousands of times faster than today's existing cellular and WiFi networks for an example from the era of 3G towards 5G mobile communication near future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A prevalence of elevated ARR in rural Selangor
Published 2015“…Raised ARR is defined as aldosterone/renin ratio of more than 20. Results A total of 392 subjects (age 55 +/- 14.1) were enrolled. …”
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