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Published 2008“…Imej seseorang terbina melalui kebolehannya bercakap dan berucap di khalayak ramai. Untuk berucap pula menuntut keberanian dan kekuatan mental yang bukan sedikit kerana bukan semua orang berbakat untuk berucap. …”
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Published 2021“…British akhirya akur terhadap desakan Tunku bersandarkan beliau begitu antikomunis. Chin Peng pula menyarankan pertemuan tersebut kerana dia menyedari bahawa dia tidak akan berjaya dalam peperangan bersenjata. …”
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Published 2023“…Para pemerintah kerajaan Kristian pula sentiasa menyerang kerajaan Islam demi mengambil semula tanah jajahan yang diduduki Islam dan seterusnya menghapuskan Islam. …”
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Published 2023“…Manakala di pihak tentera musuh pula, tiga orang yang terbunuh.…”
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Sajak-sajak Sejarah Melayu /
Published 2024“…Segala pelajaran ini disaring oleh watak dan kepercayaan penyair yang moden pula. Beliau telah mencantumkan yang baru dan yang lama dan dengan itu membenarkan karya-karyanya melampaui waktu dan makna bangsa. …”
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Self-knowledge : strengthening our privileged access and the inner sense mechanism
Published 2019“…In the discourse of self-knowledge, the concept of privileged access and the inner sense account seems to be taken for granted in that we are not cognizant of what else it can offer. I begin this essay with a close inspection of a few accounts of privileged access and the nature of the mental states that derive from it. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
It is not about AI, it is about humans. Responsibility gaps and medical AI
Published 2025“…In healthcare, whatever else AI will allow to do, it can prompt us to reflect more thoroughly on professional responsibility and professional obligations.…”
Journal article -
Data for the ‘Diagnosis London’ project
Published 2017“…The result will be a large, robust dataset that will enrich the history of London’s health and which will be of interest to social, local and family historians, epidemiologists, and anyone else with an interest in the topic. The project will be launched in 2017 and will be available via the project website at and on Zooniverse at Project data will be uploaded to this record upon project completion. …”
Dataset -
The antecedents and consequences of a layered architecture of mobile handsets
Published 2015“…The shift from monolithic to modular designs will be presented in detail leading to recent developments in the industry. Acer and Dell have showed interest in developing their own smartphones. …”
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Thesis -
Amil Dan Pentafsirannya Sebagai Asnaf Zakat Dalam Konteks Syariah Dan Realiti Semasa Di Malaysia
Published 2022“…Zakat diagihkan kepada lapan golongan asnaf termasuk amil. Manakala, amil pula ialah individu yang ditugaskan untuk mengutip dan mengagihkan zakat sesuai mengikut syarak. …”
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Article -
Adoption of cryptocurrencies as a means of exchange
Published 2024“…Employing a Likert scale, the study examined the relationship between financial literacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and willingness to adopt cryptocurrencies. …”
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Article -
Reading the transformation: the relationship between literature and territory in contemporary Veneto
Published 2015“…Through the analysis of La verità dell'Alligatore and Nordest by Carlotto and Il Milione and Bestiario Veneto – Parole mate by Paolini, the objective of this thesis is, on one side, to provide an insight into how the transformation of a territory can shape the formation of a collective identity, on the other side, to shed light on the means through the reflection on territory enters the literary space.…”
Thesis -
Not Function but Function Conquered: Against a Functionalist Theory of Directives
Published 2024“…Nonattitudinal theories of speech acts try to explain directives in terms of something else. This thesis is concerned with functionalism, a nonattitudinal theory of speech acts. …”
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Thesis -
Christianity’s role in colonial and revolutionary Haiti 1 (Article Commentary)
Published 2021“…In the lead up to her confirmation, while senators and the media focused heavily on her Catholic faith, some on social media drew attention to the two Haitian children she and her husband adopted following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.2 The connections between Coney-Barret’s Christianity and the Haitian earthquake recalled Pat Robertson’s controversial claim that the earthquake was caused by a Haitian “pact with the devil” during the Haitian Revolution.3 Whatever else one might say about Robertson’s comments, they show his ignorance of the important but little-known role Christianity and the Catholic clergy played in eighteenth-century colonial Haiti.…”
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Journal Article -
Narrative understanding
Published 2024“…Even if narrative is not the best means for providing us with causal information, it can provide us with information about something else of importance such as the events' “meanings” or others' experiences. …”
Journal article -
Music for plants? An investigation into the impact of exposure to acoustic stimulus in bok choy (brassica rapa) plants
Published 2024“…Three separate groups of bok choy plants were exposed to classical music, rock music, or else no music, during growth and development and the influence on yield was observed. …”
Journal article -
PERANG KHANDAQ : Dendam Tentera Ahzab /
Published 2011“…Sementara itu tentera Islam pula sudah berniat syahid. Lalu bagaimana akhirnya perang?.…”
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Published 2023“…Sedang dua benua bakal bergolak dengan bencana, Sula, Perdita, Hassid, nakhoda muda Jaivad dan anak kapal al-Buraq pula sedang belayar terus ke rahang malapetaka di Benua Timur Jauh.…”
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40 Nasihat : Membahagiakan Ibu Bapa /
Published 2024“…Buku Birr Al-Walidain pula menekankan akhlak dan etika sebagai seorang anak. …”
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Qana'ah : Obat Anti Stress /
Published 2003“…Ada yang dijadikan kaya dan ada pula yang dijadikan miskin. Allah memberi dan menghalangi karena suatu hikmah agung yang tidak diketahui selain oleh-Nya. …”