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Development of a safety monitoring system in building construction
Published 2021“…Long term impact from sustaining back injury is expected. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A finer-grain analysis of the leakage (non) resilience of OCB
Published 2023“…In this paper, we put forward a fine-grain study of its security against side-channel attacks. …”
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Journal Article -
Tysnd1 deficiency in mice interferes with the peroxisomal localization of PTS2 enzymes, causing lipid metabolic abnormalities and male infertility
Published 2013“…Peroxisomes are subcellular organelles involved in lipid metabolic processes, including those of very-long-chain fatty acids and branched-chain fatty acids, among others. …”
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Journal Article -
Counterfactual explanations for machine learning models on heterogeneous data
Published 2023“…Consequently, counterfactual explanations have diverse applications in fields such as education, finance, marketing, and healthcare. The counterfactual explanation problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, where the goal is to minimize the cost between the input and counterfactual explanations subject to certain constraints. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Stock prediction using support vector regression
Published 2013“…Recent developments in the field of computational finance have led to the proposal of a novel technique called Support Vector Machine (SVM) put forth by Vapnik and his co-workers. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Infusing epistemic perspectives on scientific practices in science teacher education
Published 2023“…Nous décrivons un projet financé qui a intégré la BRH dans un programme de formation initiale des enseignants en sciences et qui a étudié l'impact de l'intervention sur les enseignants en sciences en formation initiale. …”
Journal article -
Exciton polariton interactions in Van der Waals superlattices at room temperature
Published 2023“…The vacuum Rabi splitting is enhanced from 36 meV for one monolayer up to 72 meV for the four-monolayer microcavity. …”
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Journal Article -
Deep learning-based microcirculation performance classification using multispectral photoacoustic technology
Published 2024“…We used pretrained Alexnet, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and a hybrid Alexnet-LSTM network for the prediction task. …”
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Article -
Foreign exchange prediction and trading using low-shot machine learning
Published 2020“…A comparison study has also been done using a built meta-learner Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) to forecast the same exchange rate. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of a VHF log-periodic dipole antenna
Published 2015“…In the lower frequency range, the length of the element can be humongous, up to 5m long for a half-wave dipole. Therefore, it is significant to look into reducing the size of the antenna. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Roughness-Controlled Self-Assembly of Mannitol/LB Agar Microparticles by Polymorphic Transformation for Pulmonary Drug Delivery
Published 2016“…Comparison of ACI results and image analysis of SEM images shows that an increase in the particle surface roughness can increase the fine particle fractions (FPFs) using the rod-covered mannitol microparticles as drug carriers. …”
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Journal Article -
Beat the beam: an applied research study on sunscreen usage habits amongst young adults in Singapore
Published 2023“…We first conducted two focus group discussions (n=15) to understand our target audience’s pre-existing practices and attitudes towards sunscreen usage and skin cancer as a whole. We recruited a total of 200 participants for our pilot campaign, which was a two week-long Instagram health campaign using a 2 (organisation versus influencer) x 2 (absence versus presence of photoaging AR filter) between-subject factorial design. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Learning battery model parameter dynamics from data with recursive Gaussian process regression
Published 2025“…As a result, existing techniques based on fitting equivalent circuit models may exhibit inaccuracy at extremes of performance and over long-term ageing, or instability of parameter estimates. …”
Journal article -
Functional food and autophagy.
Published 2013“…Autophagy is a catabolic process whereby long-lived proteins and organelles are delivered to the lysosome for degradation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Toward a neuroscientific understanding of play: a dimensional coding framework for analyzing infant–adult play patterns
Published 2018“…It is intended that this fine-grained coding of play behavior will be easily assimilated with, and inform, future analysis of neural data that is also collected during adult–infant play. …”
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Journal Article -
The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player : Becoming the Kind of Person Every Team Wants /
Published 2006“…In The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, Maxwell outlines the successes of team players who have been: Intentional – making every action count toward a long-term goalRelational – focused on othersSelfless – willing to take a subordinate role for the sake of the teamTenacious – hardworking and optimistic in the face of setbacks. …”
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software, multimedia -
NeuroTribes : The legacy of autism and how to think smarter about people who think differently /
Published 2015“…The narrative arc is roughly chronological, stretching across time and highlighting some of the Big Non-autistic Names in autism’s long, strange and often terrible trip: Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Bruno Bettelheim, Bernard Rimland, Ole Ivar Lovaas, Lorna Wing. …”
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software, multimedia -
Recent Developments in Machine and Human Intelligence /
Published 2023“…Establishing the means to improve performance in healthy, clinical, and military populations has long been a focus of study in the psychological and brain sciences. …”
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software, multimedia -
An immune-competent human gut microphysiological system enables inflammation-modulation by Faecalibacterium prausnitzii
Published 2024“…However, there is no existing system for a long-term co-culture of human innate immune cells with epithelium and oxygen-intolerant commensal microbes, hindering the understanding of microbe-immune interactions in a controlled manner. …”
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Article -
Metabolic modulation to improve MSC expansion and therapeutic potential for articular cartilage repair
Published 2024“…We further demonstrate that AA treatment reduced the proportion of senescent cells and cell heterogeneity also allowing for long-term expansion that led to a > 300-fold increase in yield of MSCs with enhanced chondrogenic potential compared to untreated cells. …”
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