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Suicidal ideation and mental disorder detection with attentive relation networks
Published 2022Get full text
Journal Article -
Polymeric carbon nitride with internal n-p homojunctions for efficient photocatalytic CO₂ reduction coupled with cyclohexene oxidation
Published 2022“…We present the creation of internal n-p homojunctions in polymeric carbon nitride (PCN) by inserting phenyl groups, which bridge the adjacent tri-s-triazine moieties, into the PCN matrix through copolymerization methods. The linkage by the benzene rings results in a large π-conjugated structure and controllable electron-localization, allowing for modulating the electronic structure, optical properties, and lipophilicity of the prepared sample (CDT-DCDA-490). …”
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Journal Article -
The Almajiri System and Insurgency in the Northern Nigeria: A Reconstruction of the Existing Narratives for Policy Direction
Published 2017“…While there is lack of empirical studies on the linkage between the Almajiri system and violence in Northern Nigeria, three conflicting narratives on the issue exists which instead of unrevealing the dilemma has further throw the policy makers into conundrum. …”
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Article -
Corporate governance in China : a study on S-chips
Published 2013“…It was discovered that the poor corporate governance culture was mainly due to: 1) The lack of enforcement by external (banks and government regulators) and internal (independent directors and the internal audit department) regulators; 2) Managerial mechanisms that lacked linkage between performance and compensation; 3) The concentrated ownership structure and 4) Inefficient stock markets. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Producing microscale Ge textures via titanium nitride- and nickel-assisted chemical etching with CMOS-compatibiliyty
Published 2022“…Schottky contact barrier of metal catalyst with Ge is also investigated indicating similar hole injection efficiency among TiN, Ni, and Ti/Ni with Ge junction due to strong Fermi level pinning effect. The TiN- and Ni-assisted chemical etching of Ge shed light on CMOS-compatible Ge-based photonic and optoelectronic applications.…”
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Journal Article -
Information pollution and the war in Gaza: implications for Singapore
Published 2024“…Besides demonstrating various disinformation types and tactics, there is also the increased resonance of certain disinformation narratives as they overlap and impact on societal sensitivities and identity-based fault lines. These are challenges for Singapore, as societal fault lines present vulnerabilities for disinformation penetration, ultimately affecting social cohesion.…”
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Commentary -
Development and control of an assistive robotic glove
Published 2020“…A single actuator mechanical linkage design was chosen and iterated until an acceptable performance and functionality was achieved. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection over two epidemic waves in Manaus, Brazil: A serological study of seven thousand blood donors
Published 2025“…The city of Manaus, Brazil, has a blood donation program which allows sample linkage, and was struck by two large COVID-19 epidemic waves between mid-2020 and early 2021. …”
Journal article -
Terrorism and Violent Extremism in North-Eastern Nigeria: Toward a Model of Radicalization of the Almajiri Cohort
Published 2017“…This paper intends to contribute to the heated debate on the linkage of the Almajiri system and insurgency in the North-eastern Nigeria. …”
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Article -
Tropical peat soil changes across successive oil palm generations in Sarawak, Malaysia
Published 2024“…The study also highlights the need for further research on the linkage between these changes and greenhouse gas emissions to enhance our understanding of the long-term biogeochemical cycle of oil palm on tropical peatlands.…”
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Article -
General circulation models simulate negative liquid water path–droplet number correlations, but anthropogenic aerosols still increase simulated liquid water path
Published 2024“…These results are a reminder that assessments of climate parameters based on multiple lines of evidence must carefully consider the complementary strengths of different lines when the lines disagree.…”
Journal article -
Characterization of artemisinin resistance in plasmodium falciparum
Published 2017“…Long term in vitro selection produced two parasite lines that displayed profound stage-specific resistance to artemisinin and its relative compounds. …”
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Thesis -
Enhanced charge transport properties of dye-sensitized solar cells using TiNxOy nanostructure composite photoanode
Published 2013“…The existence of the O–Ti–N linkage in TiNxOy was verified using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). …”
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Journal Article -
The role of toca-1-N-wasp complex in filopodia formation and endocytosis
Published 2010“…The coordinated filopodia formation and endocytosis may be crucial for diverse cellular and developmental processes, such as growth cone guidance and collapse, epithelial cell polarity and border cell migration of Drosophila. Therefore the linkage between filopodia formation and endocytosis may be essential for cellular response to the environmental cues or establishing cell polarity, thus providing a mechanism to coordinate cell signaling events and developmental processes.…”
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Thesis -
Are we really addressing the roadblocks to adoption of renewable and sustainable energy technologies? Total interpretive structural modeling approach
Published 2024“…The dependent roadblocks to renewable and sustainable energy technologies are defined as lack of coordination among authorities, lack of information, and competition with non-renewable technologies. Moreover, linkage roadblocks have high dependence and driving powers which are insufficient infrastructure, limited awareness and consumer interest, and lack of standardized technology. …”
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Article -
Assessing the financial performance of container shipping companies
Published 2009“…Over the past few decades, a phenomenon was observed where container shipping lines are adapting vertical integration strategies towards the ports and logistics market, which is outside of their core business. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Results of the first recorded evaluation of a national gestational diabetes mellitus register : challenges in screening, registration, and follow-up for diabetes risk
Published 2018“…Research design and methods: Observational study that used data linkage to merge: (1) pathology data from the Australian states of Victoria (VIC) and South Australia (SA); (2) birth records from the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity (CCOPMM, VIC) and the South Australian Perinatal Statistics Collection (SAPSC, SA); (3) GDM and type 2 diabetes register data from the National Gestational Diabetes Register (NGDR). …”
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Journal Article -
Developing a lightscape application (using a raspberry PI)
Published 2014“…The project aims to develop a web application, which will be hosted within the Raspberry Pi, for controlling the brightness of constant light source from the high power LED via the Raspberry Pi’s General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins and gather optimal settings for projecting images with the Light Blaster. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Additive friction stir processing
Published 2014“…The continuous dynamic recrystalisation during FSP also gave finer grains, which was further enhanced with the addition of CNTs through Zener pinning effect. The improvement in tensile strengths due to finer grains through the Hall-Petch mechanism was insufficient to compensate for the drop in Orowan strengthening. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Singapore boreholes results with numerical and analytical simulation
Published 2023“…To achieve this, the final year project outlined in this report will leverage advanced computer software to simulate various tunnel lining designs across different soil profiles specific to Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)